Beta Offer: fleete

Dec 13, 2012 16:58

(This post serves as a model for how to post.  Lookit how I answered all the questions and tagged it "offer:fic," "offer:podfic," and "offer:other"!  Once I've posted this, my name will go on the Master List of Betas!  Hooray!)

Name to call you by fleete
Best way to contact you: fleete.footed at gmail dot com or PM
Types of fanworks you are willing to ( Read more... )

offer:other, offer:podfic, offer:fic

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Comments 2

hi! I wish you could help me with my fic? caro24084u January 10 2014, 05:00:30 UTC
i'm new to this beta thing, it's my second teen wolf fic i write, and some really nice people had told me that i need a beta for it and I was wondering if you could help me?

my fic is a high school au, written in second person, parings Derek/Stiles centric, mention of Lydia/Jackson and Allison/Scott/Isaac but this last one is very vague, hurt stiles (emotionally and in a car crash, i didn't went in to details but i could), Derek is a jock plays basketball, uhm... I think that's it

if you are interested you could contact me at my email?



Re: hi! I wish you could help me with my fic? fleete January 10 2014, 07:16:01 UTC
Unfortunately I'm buried under real life work at the moment, so I can't beta for you. I hope you find someone, though. There's lots of great people here on the comm!


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