Beta Offer: fleete

Dec 13, 2012 16:58

(This post serves as a model for how to post.  Lookit how I answered all the questions and tagged it "offer:fic," "offer:podfic," and "offer:other"!  Once I've posted this, my name will go on the Master List of Betas!  Hooray!)

Name to call you by fleete
Best way to contact you: fleete.footed at gmail dot com or PM
Types of fanworks you are willing to beta fic, podfic, meta, alternative kinds of narratives like a picspam story, interactive website, and music/singing (although the advice I can give for that last one is limited).
Genres/styles you will beta: almost any.  In particular, I love AUs, gen, angst, crack, genderswap, kink of all kinds, and relationship negotiation!
Genres/styles you will NOT beta: fluff
Relationships you will beta: almost most of the them, see exceptions below.  I also beta gen!
Relationships you will NOT beta: post-fire!Peter/anyone
Content you will NOT beta: prolonged non-con, bloodplay. I also have difficulty with aggressive/violent Derek whose aggression/violence toward pack members is portrayed as sexy or positive.
Length of works you will beta: any
What you focus on when you beta: For fic, I'm strong on SPaG and a complete nut for characterization.  I'm also big on "show, don't tell."  I can Ameripick and chat about plot development, too!  For podfic, I'll can listen for clarity, pacing, and pronunciation.  I don't know a whole lot about audio tech, though.  For meta, I'll focus on logical consistency, and for alternative kinds of narratives, I'll focus on the flow of the story.
Sometimes we need a beta who won't hold any punches. Are you willing to be tough and break a work apart if asked, (yes/no) Yes, but only if I'm asked. I tend to use a pretty light touch with people I'm beta-ing with for the first time. You'll get the best results with me if you tell me beforehand what kind of beta you want and to what extent you'd be willing to revise the fic.  (Probably don't have enough knowledge to completely break apart a podfic, though.)
Other languages you'd be able to beta in Can give pronunciation advice about Spanish and can help translate basic sentences into Spanish for fics that are primarily in English.
How long a medium sized work typically takes you (about 5k words, a complex completed art piece, 3:45 min vid, 25 min recording 1-2 days, generally because I have to fit it into my schedule.  I'm not fast, but I'm thorough.
Any additional information: 'm happy to beta for newbie creators as well as more experienced ones.  I'm also happy to beta for non-native speakers.  I love cheerleading and audiencing, too, so feel free to hit me up for that.  I've got possibly useful knowledge about literature, literary theory, media theory, American universities, product design, some Southern Christian religions, marching bands, Texas, and Northern California.

offer:other, offer:podfic, offer:fic

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