How to Post

Dec 13, 2012 10:58

This community's purpose is to bring together creators and betas within Teen Wolf fandom.  We welcome writers, vidders, podficcers, artists, crafters, and any other fanwork creators!  FPF (fictional person fanworks), RPF (real person fanworks), and crossovers are welcome.  If Teen Wolf or its cast or crew are involved, you can look for a beta here.

There are two ways to connect with a beta in this comm.  You can post a request for a beta and wait for requests to roll in.  You can also look through the offers posted by betas and look for someone whose style and interests seem to suit your fic.  Posting a request is probably the best way to go if you're on a time crunch.

If you have an LJ account, join the community in order to post.  If you do not have an LJ account and do not wish to create one, email your offer or request to teenwolfbetas at gmail dot com, and I'll post it for you.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to comment on this post or PM fleete.

For Betas

Betas who wish to offer up their services should tag their post with as many types of beta as you can offer. The tags are offer:fic, offer:vid, offer:podfic, offer:art, offer:craft, offer:other. Use the following format in the body of your post.

Name to call you by:
Best way to contact you: (email, pm, comment, twitter, tumbr, deviantart, etc)
Types of fanworks you are willing to beta (fic, art, vid, podfic, craft, etc)
Genres/styles you will beta: (AUs, PWP, angst, omegaverse, etc)
Genres/styles you will NOT beta: (AUs, PWP, angst, omegaverse, etc)
Relationships you will beta: (Derek/Stiles, Lydia/Jackson, etc)
Relationships you will NOT beta: (Derek/Stiles, Lydia/Jackson, etc)
Content you will NOT beta: (character death, non-con, certain kinks, tropes, etc)
Length of works you will beta: (any, short, long, one-shots, sketchy, etc)
What you focus on when you beta: (grammar, characterization, consistency, readability, pronunciation, proportions, colors, textures, etc)
Sometimes we need a beta who won't hold any punches. Are you willing to be tough and break a work apart if asked, (yes/no):
Other languages you'd be able to beta in:
How long a medium sized work typically takes you (about 5k words, a complex completed art piece, 3:45 min vid, 25 min recording):
Any additional information: (availability, willing to cheerlead/audience as well, preference to beta earlier in the creation of a piece, special knowledge that might be useful)

Name to call you by:
Best way to contact you: (email, pm, comment, twitter, tumbr, deviantart, etc)
Types of fanworks you are willing to beta (fic, art, vid, podfic, craft, etc)
Genres/styles you will beta: (AUs, PWP, angst, omegaverse, etc)
Genres/styles you will NOT beta: (AUs, PWP, angst, omegaverse, etc)
Relationships you will beta: (Derek/Stiles, Lydia/Jackson, etc)
Relationships you will NOT beta: (Derek/Stiles, Lydia/Jackson, etc)
Content you will NOT beta: (character death, non-con, certain kinks, tropes, etc)
Length of works you will beta: (any, short, long, one-shots, sketchy, etc)
What you focus on when you beta: (grammar, characterization, consistency, readability, pronunciation, proportions, colors, textures, etc)
Sometimes we need a beta who won't hold any punches. Are you willing to be tough and break a work apart if asked, (yes/no):
Other languages you'd be able to beta in:
How long a medium sized work typically takes you (about 5k words, a complex completed art piece, 3:45 min vid, 25 min recording):
Any additional information: (availability, willing to cheerlead/audience as well, preference to beta earlier in the creation of a piece, special knowledge that might be useful)

Here's an example of a beta offer post.
Betas, please remember to edit your posts when appropriate, e.g. if you are unavailable for a time, or temporarily too busy to take on longer works.  Keep your info up-to-date!

For Creators

When asking for a beta reader, do so politely and provide as much information as possible.  When posting a request, please tag the post with the kind of type of fanwork(s) your work involves, like so: request:fic, request:vid, request:podfic, request:art, request:craft, request:other.  You may include a small preview image if you like.  Use the following format in the body of your post.  
Title or Description:
Genre: action, humor, drama, fluff, kink, PWP, etc
Length or word count:
Type of beta you'd like: (SPaG, plot, Ameripick, flow, anatomy, color scheme, rhythm, canon checking)
Language (if other than English):
Short summary, preview, or details:

Title or Description:
Genre: action, humor, drama, fluff, kink, PWP, etc
Length or word count:
Type of beta you'd like: (SPaG, plot, Ameripick, flow, anatomy, color scheme, rhythm, canon checking)
Language (if other than English):
Short summary, preview, or details:

Edit your post when you've found a beta reader (or two or three or as many you need).  But please edit your post when you're settled.  DO NOT post your entire work.  Once you've found a beta, decide between yourselves how you will communicate.

Beta readers are free to say no to any request.  Don't be offended; they may be super busy that week, or your fic might not be their cup of tea.

Our sister community is teenwolfwriters, the Teen Wolf Writer's Workshop.  Go there to get and give friendly, non-evaluative feedback on short pieces of fanfic.  It's a great place to develop your writing skills!


If you have a Teen Wolf community and would like to affiliate, please comment on this post.

This FAQ is based on the rules for merlin_betas.  Special thanks to yue_ix for helping to revise these rules!

request:craft, request:vid, request:other, offer:craft, request:podfic, !modpost, offer:art, offer:other, offer:podfic, request:art, offer:fic, offer:vid, request:fic

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