How to Post

Dec 13, 2012 10:58

This community's purpose is to bring together creators and betas within Teen Wolf fandom.  We welcome writers, vidders, podficcers, artists, crafters, and any other fanwork creators!  FPF (fictional person fanworks), RPF (real person fanworks), and crossovers are welcome.  If Teen Wolf or its cast or crew are involved, you can look for a beta here ( Read more... )

request:craft, request:vid, request:other, offer:craft, request:podfic, !modpost, offer:art, offer:other, offer:podfic, request:art, offer:fic, offer:vid, request:fic

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Comments 9

yue_ix January 3 2013, 17:44:38 UTC
Hi ( ... )


fleete January 3 2013, 17:52:04 UTC
Short answer: YES, let's do it.

I'd thought about this as I was setting it up, and I think it was mostly nerves that I would screw it up that made me back down, so I'm so very pleased that you've offered to look things over for me. Seriously, thanks!

Is there a good way to contact you, so that I can throw google docs/email attachments your way? :D


yue_ix January 3 2013, 18:47:00 UTC
:DDDD Awesome!

I know you like all fanworks so I was worried you had already thought this through and decided not to go with it. After mulling it for weeks I decided that better try and fail than not try, since this is an important issue to my circles. I'm so glad I did ask, and even happier of your answer!

Email works great: yue.ykx AT . If you are comfortable working with gDocs, it could be ideal for this kind of work, but anything will do. I'll follow your lead. ^__^


yenny2206 January 9 2013, 12:15:47 UTC

I was wondering if you would like to affiliate with fullmoon_ficlet ? Aand if its possible to allow us to promote.


fleete January 11 2013, 16:32:53 UTC
Hey! - Added you to the affiliates list. We don't do promotions on the comm, but I'll be sure to pimp it in my personal journal. <3


fmficlet_mod January 12 2013, 12:34:18 UTC
Thanks :)


sophia_clark January 21 2013, 13:05:50 UTC
Would you like to affiliate with tw_drabble?


fleete January 21 2013, 18:00:12 UTC
Sure thing! I'll add ya'll today!


sophia_clark January 21 2013, 18:05:07 UTC
Great! Thanks so much! :)


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