Crossover Fic: Lending a Hand (4/?), Firefly/Doctor Who

Feb 23, 2007 20:03

Small update, but an important one. *nods*

Title: Lending a hand
Authors: goldy_dollar and hjea
Characters/Pairings: Tenth Doctor, Rose, implied Ten/Rose, Firefly crew with Mal/Inara and other canon pairings.
Disclaimer: We don’t own DW and/or Firefly. But we do secretly think that RTD is the evil genius offspring of Joss Whedon.
Spoilers/Timeline: Doctor Who: Post-Fear Her, pre-AoG/Doomsday, Firefly: post-Serenity
Summary: Wherever they’d ended up, it was definitely not Sihnon.
Rating: PG-13
Words: 907

Chapter Four

After a strained explanation with lots of stammering and blushing (most of it from the Captain), Rose could safely say that, judging from this period’s definition of a companion, she was most certainly not it.

Rose ran into the Doctor on her way out of the galley, and continuing her train of thought said, “Doesn’t sound so hard, really. Just got to find myself the money for outfits Mum would never let me wear, and then let rich and successful men all compete for my attention.”

“Yes, precisely.” He turned to look at her. “What rich men?”

Rose waved a hand at him. “Oh, you know. The ones I’ll have after becoming a princess of some kind. How’s the engine going?”

“Fine, great,” the Doctor said, the look on his face telling her it was anything but.

“Doctor?” she prodded.

He sighed, and studied her. “How about you? Everything alright?”

“Yeah,” Rose said. “Why… why wouldn’t it be?”

“Oh, no reason,” the Doctor said. “Only statistically, I’d say this is about the right time for something to go horribly, horribly wrong.”

“Well, let’s not jinx it,” Rose said hastily.

There was something about him, something about the look on his face-something he wasn’t telling her.

“Doctor, what’s going on?”

He looked down at her, and then smiled reassuringly, pulling her into a tight hug.

She relaxed against him and smiled into his shoulder, feeling safe in the circle of his arms. Time passed, she wasn’t sure how much, and the thought occurred to her that they probably had things to do.

Rose fidgeted. “Uh, Doctor?”

He dropped his arms abruptly. “Right - back to business, eh, Rose Tyler?”

He smiled that smile for her and, like always, she felt her heart twist with happiness.

A loud crash sounded from the cargo bay, like something heavy had been dropped, followed quickly by a loud bellow of alarm.

The Doctor grabbed Rose’s hand and pulled her towards the noise.

“There you go,” He was grinning as they raced to face whatever new adventure it was. “Right on time.”


Jayne sat on the steps, nursing his foot, glaring at… whatever it was that Kaylee was circling like it was the tenth wonder of Londonium. Girl hadn’t said anything, hadn’t even seemed to breathe all that much since the door to that… thing had swung open and she had been nice enough to drop her entire box of tools and engine bits on his foot.

The box still lay there, shattered into firewood now; tools spread out across the cargo bay floor every which-a-way, but she hadn’t so much as glanced at the mess, just kept walking round and round that… box.

Jayne eased his boot flap away from his foot and swore; convinced it was already bruising a nice colour of purple.

“Gorramit, Kaylee. Next time you wanna drop a box make sure’s hell you do it on someone else’s foot.”

Jayne paused, noticing that she wasn’t listening.

“What is that thing anyway? Why, uh… why’s it look like that inside?”

Kaylee breathed out in a long rush of air, which Jayne supposed was a good sign.

“It… it don’t make no sense.”

She stared at it, transfixed.

“Thing like that just… can’t be that big inside.”

Jayne heard the sound of running behind him, and he resolutely shoved his foot back into the boot and stood up to face them. That Doctor and his pretty blonde girl reached him first, tailed close behind by Mal, Inara and Zoe. Every one of them suddenly skidded to a stop, jaws dropping as they stared at the sight in front of them.

The Doctor turned to Rose.

“You left the TARDIS open?”

Rose tore her eyes away from the sight and glared at him, affronted. “No! Of course I didn’t! Besides, you were the last one out the door!”

“Yeah, but I never leave her unlocked!”

Mal cleared his throat, “Sure as hell hate to interrupt folks, but what the hell is that?”

Simon jogged down the steps and peered down from the catwalk at the crowd below. “Hey what’s going - oh.” He paused. “That’s not possible.”

Jayne was explaining as best he could. “-helping to carry the box with Kaylee when that thing just opened and… well it’s gorram creepifying is what it is.”

Kaylee stepped a bit closer, not touching but eyes wide as she tried to understand what she was seeing.

“The physics of this… how they make it fit - that technology couldn’t - shouldn’t work.” She was muttering, not seeming to realize anyone else was there. “Musta cost a fortune to make it so, how it works…”

The Doctor threw his hands in the air, “-don’t even need to lock it! Just close the door behind you firmly and she’ll be right as-“

Rose was standing with her hands on her hips, looking increasingly like her mother on a rampage. “-don’t suppose it occurred to you, Doctor, that the TARDIS might have opened on its own and-“

The Doctor shook his head, “-of course not, the TARDIS would never just-“

The click of a gun right sounding right behind his head cut the Doctor off. Slowly, he raised his hands and turned around.

“Now Kaylee,” Mal stood calmly, his gun leveled evenly at the Doctor’s face. “Repeat that last bit real slowly. How much do you think this thing is worth?”

doctor who, firefly, crossover, mal/inara, doctor/rose

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