Title: The Most Beautiful Painting
Group/pairing: Arashi/ Ohmiya
Prompt: Portrait
Word Count: 1898 words
Rating: PG
Summary: Nino bugs Ohno in art class, and disaster strikes...
Disclaimer: So far I only own two photosets of Sho and a set of Arashi playing cards. I wish I'd own Arashi, but no. I don't. ._.
Author notes: Happy 2015! :D *looks at
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Comments 13
Kazu is too adorable trying to pull Ohchan's attention by nagging him in art class *hugs* I didn't think Ohchan would get angry at him though, it was an innocent mistake :') And poor Sho-kun getting dragged to their mess as well xD
This was really entertaining, thanks for sharing! I like reading you fics, they're always fluffy and warm. They just make my day ♡
Maaa if it was art I imagined Oh-chan would be quite focused, and also I know I would get mad if some kid ruined my painting XD
Hahahaha poor Sho indeed. He did nothing and somehow got roped into the paint fight XD
Awww I'm so glad to hear that. *blush blush*
Thanks for reading and commenting, dear! <3
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