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Comments 4

tahirire November 30 2011, 04:20:33 UTC
We had a great time, too - but no one on my team got anyone they asked for, so you can't actually make sure you sign up with anyone specific. It kind of sucked that none of my local friends could help each other, but on the other hand I met some awesome girls from around the world, so it was still fun. :)


teardrop_tattoo November 30 2011, 04:29:40 UTC
Really? I had...There were three sets of two who all signed up togeather, to be on the same team. Actually, maybe four. But the other two I'm thinking about didn't speak a lot of english.

Only one person that I knew of signed up to be with someone else but didn't get it. What team number were you? we were 207. :D


tahirire November 30 2011, 04:30:47 UTC
539, but I know a lot of people from other lower number teams that didn't get anyone they asked for, either. I think he gave up trying to pair people around team 300, lol.


teardrop_tattoo November 30 2011, 04:32:15 UTC
Whoooo. You were way down the list, weren't you?

Wanna know something awesome? My friend and I got the balloon thing done. It's AWESOME. *Nod* Never would've been able to finish it without her.


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