Nov 29, 2011 17:58

It's all over.


I'm sad but happy at the same time. Which is wierd. But probably expected.

Laura and I had plans to stay up and watch thw countdown hit zero, but I just couldn't do it. I went home and crashed, and slept until almost one. It was satisfying. Then I woke up and was like 'Know what's awesome? I don't have to do *ANYTHING* today.' And friends, it was awesome.

I'm so happy I took part in this. The balloons, the hooters waitress, the dog hair, all of it was so random and exciting that I just couldn't help be proud of all the hard work we did. And I met some fantastic people. Some I've seen hovering around the fandom before, some I've never had the pleasure of meeting, but all of them smart and funny people who made GISHWHES worthwhile and exciting from the get-go.

And of course, Laura, who made it all that much better. Note to everyone, sign up with a team member close by so you can meet and power through as much as possible. We had such a good time, but I really do look foreward to when we can hang out and do nothing for awhile. We'll go to Coffee Time and drink hot choclate and not try to find someone willing to tape us while we fly a christmas tree. It'll be wonderful. XD

Anyway, all of my GISHWHESian friends...Good luck. You're going to need it after our badass team starts rising through the ranks. See you all next year. XD

fandom!, end, *luff*, gishwhes, oh my god, holy hell, woah, friends, *dies*, ftw, misha, flist of win, squee, dead, whoot, fun, whoooo, supernatural, sometimes the world does rock

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