Dear Sam:
Honey, you own a mirror. Even without empathy, you don't have to pay for sex. I would happily trade empathy for the line of your hips.
Also, I'm pleased to see that even though you've spent a year non-stop hunting and being a bit rough around the edges, that you've taken the time to maintain the extreme manscaping.
Dear Person who Waxes Jared:
Seriously, who did you have to blow/blackmail/kill to get that job?
Dear Sam and Dean:
You're acting like normal brothers. Not very close normal brothers. Kind of like you were in WIANSB actually. Given your total lack of normal, that's so wrong. Please continue moving back toward creepily co-dependent.
Dear Castiel:
Dude! Welcome back! Sorry to hear about the civil war in heaven. Quite happy to hear about you having a more profound bond with Dean though -- even though I suspect you bent the internet.
Dear Balthazar:
It's douze. And a menage a douze (without accents because I'm back on XP which doesn't randomly pop me into French) sounds like an instruction to the corps de ballet. And hey, it could have been. I'm not judging. Those girls are skinny but they're strong. In your place... I dunno, I'd probably settle for waxing Jared; that's got to be a full time job. You might want to look into it.
Dear PTB:
Some fun lines, some nice skin, but mostly an "as you know Bob" episode. Still, way to play to the lowest common denominator as you told us some stuff we needed to know and got Sam back in the Impala. I, personally, very much appreciate it.
Dear Me:
Okay, remember, Pb&J on a bagel is a bad idea until at least twelve minutes in.