-So demons go braless and angels wear white lace? Win = demon
-Sam has sex with passion and desperate emotion. Dean makes love with classic rock and a Titanic omfg you did not just do that, that's so last millenium reference. Win = Sam
-Broad muscular strong clutchable shot of Sam's shoulders. Long lickable line of Dean's spine. Win = Dean
-On a chair in front of a roaring fire. In the back seat of the Impala. Win = Impala
Tie game. We need a tiebreaker. Oh, wait... 414...
It is interesting though that Dean is much more gentle a lover than Sam based on the two incidences we've seen of each. There's an edge of frantic "this may be my only chance" with Sam while Dean takes his time -- even when it may be Dean's only chance. Well, for a while.
What? The plot? Please. Anyone watching this show for the plot is in for a world of hurt. I've buckled in for the ride and I'm totally not noticing that the scenery beside the roller coaster is painted on.
However, that said, there is a fairly recent bit of folklore -- by folklore standards anyway -- the Aurora Borealis is the light of angels caught in the fall between Heaven and Hell. So there's folklorish precident for actual physical falling.
And I have this vision of the Leonids actually being a whole group of angels muttering, "Fuck this blind obedience thing. I'm heading to earth to do tequila shooters and get laid."
Also, I read a comic once -- might have been MAD but I don't think so -- illustrating the Immaculate Conception -- you know the one, where the "dove" gets up Mary's knickers -- and the post coital look on the dove's face just killed me. This episode made me remember that. Probably not what was intended...
The porn line was really funny... once.
The final scene. OMFG That's what they need to put in for Jensen's Emmy submission next year. Broke my heart. Might have been nice had it been a tad interactive however. Okay, given the content, I don't need them to show-not-tell and Jensen's certainly able to carry the emotional weight of the scene but, oh hell, it WAS tell-not-show that bothered me so I guess I do have to go there. Rats. I'm not seeing the reaction everyone else seems to have seen in Sam. Better watch it again...
Oh, but I loved Anna screaming over and over, "Close your eyes!" And the expression on Castiel's face when he DIDN'T close his eyes as well as when he watched Anna kiss Dean. Castiel "likes" Dean. Still not reading Dean/Castiel though.
Castiel is going to fall. Or trip at least.
I pretty much liked Anna. I wanted to feed her a cheeseburger and brush her hair but, still, overall, liked her. Liked she gave Dean a good night.
PAMELA'S BACK! And still herself. And herself kicks ass. Oh, I'm sorry, gropes ass.
I also have grown to really like Genevieve's Ruby. I'd love to have seen what KC did with this season but comparing them is an apples and oranges comparison and I'm enjoying Genevieve a lot. (on a purely visceral level, I find her much, much sexier) She's pretty much a fearless actress -- probably from all the stage work she's done -- and her Ruby is a lot more complex. In mythos, I'm willing to handwave that the last trip to hell changed her and that she really does love Sam and that will save her -- in RL, I just lust after like the actress more.
That said:
Dear PTB:
And no, I'm not saying if you strip down the women you should strip down the men, I'm saying stop it.