Target Practice

Jun 15, 2011 21:56

Although Viktor had had extensive practice with a variety of weapons, he was still relatively unfamiliar with the standard-issue firearms used by the US Military; that was why he now found himself at the shooting range, hefting a small selection of guns and their ammo, examining each one for weight, comfort, and the ease with which they could be ( Read more... )

victor creed, [plot] operation worldwipe, marie 'rogue' darkholme, wade wilson

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Comments 10

makesppldead June 16 2011, 04:42:02 UTC
Even though he was an undercover assassin in the current environment, there had been no need for Wade's mercenary-like skills. He was just itching to spar, get an adrenaline rush, shoot of some guns. Working out in the gym area only fixed the complex for so long. He didn't want to admit how much he relied on his job. How much it truly made him feel whole.

Deciding some good ole' target practice would be good for him, Wade made his way to the firing range. He decided on an SMG. A nice little pap gun, but the rapid fire made it harder to aim. Head shots were important.

He took a spot a respectful, and safe, distance away from Viktor and began to ready his gun. Hopefully the feral wouldn't mind.


watch_the_nails June 30 2011, 17:55:49 UTC
It wasn't so much that Viktor minded the younger man taking up a position a short distance away from him; no, he was merely curious. He'd seen the man around the base a few times and found him to be irritating, but not enough so that the feral found the need to shoot him in the head any time soon. Emptying his clip - and showing this fact with a small amount of frustration - the Russian began to walk towards Wade, although his swagger didn't indicate that he was currently any threat.

"You are aiming perhaps a little too high," he smirked.


makesppldead June 30 2011, 18:43:50 UTC
There wasn't a whole lot of experience to be had with ferals. Wade bumped into them here and there, it was a rarity, but he figured if he was a walking hair ball full of smells, instincts, and fuzz in places it wasn't meant to be--he'd probably be a little grumpy too.

"Perhaps." He replied, not at all put off by the approach or advice. Now guns were something that Wade was familiar with. Lowering the gun to turn to the other man, he gave a shrug, and a look of distaste towards the gun. "You might as well be shooting out ants with these things. It's so worried about firing out a thousand spitballs per second, it doesn't give a shit about aiming."

No, he wasn't blaming the gun, not really. But Wade would have an opinion. In all fairness he hadn't used an SMG in a long while. And now he remembered why.


watch_the_nails June 30 2011, 19:34:13 UTC
"No, no, I mean you keep aiming for their heads. Here."

He moved to shove Wade out of the way and take his place, reloading the gun which he had been using - the Beretta - and raising it to take aim at the human-shaped targets. With a vicious grin the feral emptied his clip once more, the shots centred not about the head, but the groin, thigh, and crotch of the target in front of him.

"You really want to cripple an enemy, that is how you do it."


marauding_miss June 20 2011, 18:57:45 UTC
Rogue didn't do shooting. Rogue didn't do firearms at all. But she'd stole a kiss from a dottery little soldier and knew how the strip a gun in less than twelve seconds, so she was having a little fun with that.

She understood firearms right then, so taking apart the 9mm and putting it together again was just some fun for now. After that got boring though, the only other thing to do was test out her aim.

She should be a shit shot -she'd never picked up a gun in her life, but every bullet fired hits the target with pretty good accuracy. Just another testament for Rogue that her power was pretty awesome. And then that grew boring.

Entertainment came to Rogue in odd ways, so, aiming the gun towards the other stalls for fire practice, Rogue shot off a bullet towards the bulking feral form of Viktor with a smirk, missing him by just a few inches.


watch_the_nails June 30 2011, 17:58:54 UTC
To his credit, the Russian barely even blinked as the bullet whistled past his face - but that didn't mean he was just going to stand there and take it. Growling, he glanced about to try and find the source of that shot, and caught Rogue's amused smile in his direction. His eyes narrowed as he threw down the gun he'd been using - thankfully, he'd just spent all of the ammunition - and he began to march towards her with a face like thunder.

"You little piece of goat-shit!" he growled, unsheathing his claws. "Tell me why I should not gut you and leave your bloody little titties out there for target practice!"


marauding_miss June 30 2011, 18:44:11 UTC
Her smile only grew wider -oh, he was just mad. "Don't go gettin' yer panties all up in a wad, Vik. Ah'm jus' givin' ya'll a lil' assistance, ain't Ah." Her amusement only grew. The closer he got, claws out or not, the closer she came to playing with his powers a little.

Viktor wasn't the ideal candidate for a play around -his memories were vast and his tastes a little on the vulgar side, but Rogue enjoyed the thrill a new power gave her too much not to indulge in a little unethical amusement to bother with something as tasteless as Viktor's off duty tastes.

"Yah know y'r welcome t' try anytime, sugah." Rogue twirled one finger in the air, still smirking. "Ain't like Ah've got nothing better t' do with mah time."


watch_the_nails June 30 2011, 19:30:31 UTC
Viktor hadn't really tangled with Rogue, not yet; certainly, she was pleasing enough to the eye, but her attitude caused him to be wary of her, and he could sense that she would be no easy conquest. Not that he was the type to back down from a challenge, but something about her made him think twice; his animal instincts were strong, strong enough for him to keep his distance - or at least, he had done up until now. Now, she'd pissed him off enough to make him want to confront her.

"If I need assistance with shooting a gun, then I will turn it in your direction and see just how well you can dance." His voice was angry, heavy with threat, and he worked on closing the remaining ground between the two of them. "Oh, I am trying now."


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