We're not outta this yet (ota)

May 19, 2011 13:48

For the most part, Rogue was not a social creature. By pure survival instinct, she closed herself off to a lot of things, and making friends was one of them. She had a few friends, just a few. A handful maybe. Of course, Spokane and then the illness, that shot all of that in the foot with a gallon of buck shot and a few sticks of TNT ( Read more... )

julio 'rictor' esteban richter, marie 'rogue' darkholme, wade wilson, [plot] can't touch this

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makesppldead May 20 2011, 22:44:59 UTC
Getting back into tip top shape was the first level of agenda on Wade's to-do list once his bout of the virus had left his system. When he was strong enough to lift his body from his bed he set to exercising, eventually working back into his usual training regime.

But he'd turned to working even harder than normal. He would have to, if he was going to keep up with the likes of having both Victor and Daken in the camp at once. Their presence never bothered him, where normally nothing did. After continuous conversation with Haylie about her endless issues with the younger feral trying to give her more hassle than an angry pimp, Wade had decided that maybe Daken...didn't need to be there anymore ( ... )


makesppldead May 24 2011, 05:04:24 UTC
"Jealous? Me? Naw. There's no challenge in healing like that, nothing to gain or overcome in any fight. Your powers? Maybe." He said with a light shrug as he answered her completely honestly. And why not? She was doing the same to him, far as he could tell.

Wade rose a brow to Rogue's questioning. He figured that wouldn't be a shocking surprise about Daken and his...tastes. "I need it Missy. I don't know when just yet, but I'm still trying to figure out the best time. Gotta do these things right ya know. Any ideas?"


marauding_miss May 24 2011, 17:30:24 UTC
Why the hell someone would be jealous of her powers, she had no idea. But then Wade's logic was difficult to follow at the best of times, so she could only frown at that comment and rub her hands together slightly.

"For getting in a good shot? Or for a full out brawl?" It took a little bit of digging, but she could find those memories, sort of piled under all Rictor's and his damned issues. Which wasn't what she was dealing with. "Jus' find him on a hunt Ah guess. Best t' work on it while the Captain ain't around. He's pro'ly less likely t' let it go than Miss Frost."

Other than that, why did anyone ever really need a reason to start a fight?


makesppldead May 25 2011, 16:33:25 UTC
Someone who liked causing his enemies pain, and enjoyed causing trouble period would be jealous of her powers. Someone like Wade. But he wouldn't lose sleep over it, it was only a fancy.

"I want him D.E.A.D.--dead. Whatever I have to do to make that happen." Find him on a hunt? He guessed that made the most sense. But the merc knew that no matter what, Mr. Excellent would smell or hear him coming, no matter how quiet or fast he could be. Bastard ( ... )


marauding_miss May 26 2011, 18:16:20 UTC
Sneaking wasn't exactly in her skill set; she was a power house, that was the point, she knocked down walls and blazed through. Then again, she could probably just keep a decent distance before flying in. She could probably manage that without drawing attention ( ... )


makesppldead May 30 2011, 05:34:43 UTC
To the merc's credit, he could be logical when it came to getting things dead. It was what he did best and despite his mouth Wade knew what he was doing. "As soon as possible. When are you free next?"

He couldn't help but chuckle. They were setting a date to kill the feral--of course maybe only he would find that 'funny'. "Wednesday is good for me, but I do have a luncheon that I've got to attend. And that other girlfriend I'm seeing. Never you mind about her though."

Wade knew very well she just wanted to be as prepared as possible. And he was glad for it.


marauding_miss May 30 2011, 22:08:23 UTC
"Only you would think that killin' a fella is a good first date. Ain't y' at least s'posed t' buy me dinner?" The light teasing, she could open up to. For now. Even if in her head she was working out just when she could viably be prepared for the onslaught of Daken in her mind again.

"Yeah, Ah should be ready by Wednesday." When she worked it out, with the hours she could put into it, she could definitely be prepared by then. Anything after that would just be a bonus.

Mentally, she had to be ready for the push in of that feral mind again, the addition onto the older template, the personality attributes that would gain a larger foothold, the potential for her taking on Daken's more physical mutations. She'd already had those claws itching under her skin once, she really didn't want them to fully form. "Y' better be damn fast when Ah do this, Wade. Ah ain't takin' another shot if y' miss it."


makesppldead May 31 2011, 20:48:48 UTC
"Missy, I'll buy you twenty dinners if this goes down how we want it to." And he would. Joking aside, Wade was all in dealing fair in fair for those who helped him. Even if he wasn't really a team player.

Wednesday was just the first day that popped into his head, and he was being totally sarcastic. But when he thought it over in his mind Wade decided that it ironically would be just enough time. He nodded in agreement.

Ready? Him? Of course he would be! This was only practically a suicide mission, his expertise. "Don't you worry about a thing. I'll go as fast as I can--just so you know, that's pretty damned fast. I'm not The Flash, but just about. Almost. Sort of."


marauding_miss June 1 2011, 00:02:19 UTC
"One'll do, sugah." Although she got the impression that it was his way of showing some level of appreciation. Which was nice, in a roundabout way.

Realistically, it was unlikely that they could really set a date for this -it all counted on Daken's habits and just when Wade got the opening to start the fight, not that Rogue didn't have every faith in his abilities to do that, but they would probably be flying by the seat of their pants for the whole thing. Which was okay, really.

"Maybe Ah should jus' drain you an' do it mahself." Although the thought of having Wade yabbering away along side Julio in her head made her pull a face. "Yeah, that idea sounded bad before Ah even said it." She shook her her shoulders in something resembling a mock shudder before cracking out her neck. "A'ight, if Ah'm gonna have feral all up in mah head, Ah need t' go shut up the Mexican an' this bitch."

Which might not make sense to most, but it did to her.


makesppldead June 1 2011, 01:10:40 UTC
He could be nice when he wanted, especially if he wanted something from someone. Even then, he payed his debts. Usually.

Wade's face tightened when she suggested draining him. Aha, yeah, no. The smirk still stayed on his face. "Oh Rogue, I didn't know that you cracked jokes too. That was so funny I forgot to laugh." No one was taking his abilities. No one was getting inside his head.

The bit about people in her head threw him off a little. "What about a Mexican bitch?"


marauding_miss June 1 2011, 12:13:11 UTC
"That why Ah don't crack jokes, darlin'. They tend t' be a little on the threatenin' side." Truthfully, if she could avoid it, Rogue wouldn't have another person near her to allow for her to drain them, and Wade was up there on her list of 'do not ever touch', which was actually a very long list. And there were a lot of reasons why.

"Mexican bitch? Julio? Rictor?" She didn't think it was too hard to follow. "A got a dose of him in Spokane, before everyone got sick. The little yap ain't shut up since an' Ah'm gettin' a headache bigger than a Tennessee whore house. An' Ah've seen Tennessee whore houses, that shit's just gonna grow." She was cranky from the headache and upset from the fall out, so she was overly willing to share and likely enough would be kicking herself later.


makesppldead June 1 2011, 16:27:59 UTC
It wasn't easy to threaten Wade. There wasn't much for him to fear, and he wasn't afraid of death. But there were a very select things that crossed the line for even him. Seeing as Rogue obviously wasn't intending on making her statement much more than an attempted joke, he let it run over his shoulders.

Ah yes, Rictor. Sorry Rogue. He's not the only Mexican bitch Wade has come across in his life...

"You not only get their abilities, but their voices?" His face contorted into a mix of disdain and just plain unpleasantness. The mercenary had enough of his own voices in his head. He couldn't imagine what it would be to have everyone he'd touched in his head too. "That's some shit."


marauding_miss June 1 2011, 17:22:09 UTC
Standing, Rogue gave Wade a look -one that was definitely from her Mama and absolutely meant she thought you were stupid. "Yeah, if all Ah got was their powers y' think Ah'd wrap up like a Jamaican in the Arctic?" If she only got powers, if there was no psyche absorption, if there were no personality traits, no memories, no backlash, if that was how her power worked she'd be pretty fucking content.

"It ain't no party. Which is why, when Ah touch Daken, Ah'm gonna have t' bail straight afterwards or Ah'm likely t' go f'r y'r throat." And it wasn't like she'd want to -no more than usual really, it would just be Daken and his annoying feral traits and Rogue having to battle with them.

"Ah've been hearing voices since mah first kiss. An' they mah voices." Which was why, thank you very much, there would never be a 'Wade' voice in her head. He was likely to bring a party with him.


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