Put your money where your mouth is; for movetheearth

Jan 18, 2011 18:41

Did Wade really give a shit if Rictor or anyone else didn't think he could kill without his swords? No. Did he care if they thought his 'ability' was lame in comparison to their demigod-like awesomeness? No. Did Wade Wilson really give a flying fuck what anyone thought or said at all, much less about him? No. The answer was no, and a thousand times ( Read more... )

julio 'rictor' esteban richter, marie 'rogue' darkholme, wade wilson

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Comments 28

movetheearth January 18 2011, 23:50:05 UTC
One of these days Ric's mouth was going to get him killed.

Hopefully today was not that day. What it probably would result in however was potentially an ass kicking and some very angry people when Ric eventually limped back to his room. Oh the Mexican was not a moron, he was well aware that when it came to a fight with the likes of Wade that he was well and truly fucked. But for some reason that didn't stop him from still opening his big ol' mouth and spouting out whatever crap came to mind.

On this occasion he had taken it just about a step to far and now Ric couldn't back away from the fight without losing all his dignity. At least if he tried to fight back he would have some semblance of self-worth. Though possibly minus a tooh or two ( ... )


makesppldead January 19 2011, 00:35:35 UTC
Wade actually chuckled, shaking his head slowly. But that smirk never left his face. "I wasn't aware you were so eager to die, Rictor. We should have done this much sooner."

According to all this hype and excitement, they should have. But now was time to fight. Time to 'work'. And the mercenary set himself to the task. He fell uncharacteristically silent, his eyes closing as he too a large inhale of air. Slowly, he let it exit his body and once it had, he took off into a sprint, his eyes reopening.

It wasn't his greatest speed, but definitely one far greater than an average human. Wade didn't announce or prepare for any attack just yet. He wanted to gouge what Rictor was going to do first.


movetheearth January 19 2011, 01:33:11 UTC
"Not eager to die at all." Ric cracks his knuckles and as Wade approaches he lets the vibrations in the ground pick up. It's nowhere near his full mutation being utilised, but it's enough to make the earth quiver and tremble so that keeping upright will be a tad more difficult for anyone nearby.

He keeps his body postioned where if he needs to Ric can duck down or swing up into a punch. He has no idea quite what Wade has planned and it would seem that Wade has a similar attitude towards what Ric has in mind. The tremors jolt violently as Ric runs to meet Wade mid-point, bringing his fist up and back to swing in with a strong right hook.

It's nowhere near the same level of strength as some but it's still stronger than most average punches.


makesppldead January 19 2011, 04:56:54 UTC
The tremors make Wade have to catch his step mid run, but it only makes him laugh in delight--oh yes, he's having fun--continuing forward. He was glad that Ric took the initiative to meet him mid point. He would give him credit for that, if anything.

But that right hook mid run wasn't going to cut it. Ducking, the mercenary dodged the hook and took advantage of the open area Ric left open with his attack. Wade dealt his own punch to Ric's ribs, following through with an uppercut aimed for his jaw.


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