Put your money where your mouth is; for movetheearth

Jan 18, 2011 18:41

Did Wade really give a shit if Rictor or anyone else didn't think he could kill without his swords? No. Did he care if they thought his 'ability' was lame in comparison to their demigod-like awesomeness? No. Did Wade Wilson really give a flying fuck what anyone thought or said at all, much less about him? No. The answer was no, and a thousand times ( Read more... )

julio 'rictor' esteban richter, marie 'rogue' darkholme, wade wilson

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movetheearth January 18 2011, 23:50:05 UTC
One of these days Ric's mouth was going to get him killed.

Hopefully today was not that day. What it probably would result in however was potentially an ass kicking and some very angry people when Ric eventually limped back to his room. Oh the Mexican was not a moron, he was well aware that when it came to a fight with the likes of Wade that he was well and truly fucked. But for some reason that didn't stop him from still opening his big ol' mouth and spouting out whatever crap came to mind.

On this occasion he had taken it just about a step to far and now Ric couldn't back away from the fight without losing all his dignity. At least if he tried to fight back he would have some semblance of self-worth. Though possibly minus a tooh or two ( ... )


makesppldead January 19 2011, 00:35:35 UTC
Wade actually chuckled, shaking his head slowly. But that smirk never left his face. "I wasn't aware you were so eager to die, Rictor. We should have done this much sooner."

According to all this hype and excitement, they should have. But now was time to fight. Time to 'work'. And the mercenary set himself to the task. He fell uncharacteristically silent, his eyes closing as he too a large inhale of air. Slowly, he let it exit his body and once it had, he took off into a sprint, his eyes reopening.

It wasn't his greatest speed, but definitely one far greater than an average human. Wade didn't announce or prepare for any attack just yet. He wanted to gouge what Rictor was going to do first.


movetheearth January 19 2011, 01:33:11 UTC
"Not eager to die at all." Ric cracks his knuckles and as Wade approaches he lets the vibrations in the ground pick up. It's nowhere near his full mutation being utilised, but it's enough to make the earth quiver and tremble so that keeping upright will be a tad more difficult for anyone nearby.

He keeps his body postioned where if he needs to Ric can duck down or swing up into a punch. He has no idea quite what Wade has planned and it would seem that Wade has a similar attitude towards what Ric has in mind. The tremors jolt violently as Ric runs to meet Wade mid-point, bringing his fist up and back to swing in with a strong right hook.

It's nowhere near the same level of strength as some but it's still stronger than most average punches.


makesppldead January 19 2011, 04:56:54 UTC
The tremors make Wade have to catch his step mid run, but it only makes him laugh in delight--oh yes, he's having fun--continuing forward. He was glad that Ric took the initiative to meet him mid point. He would give him credit for that, if anything.

But that right hook mid run wasn't going to cut it. Ducking, the mercenary dodged the hook and took advantage of the open area Ric left open with his attack. Wade dealt his own punch to Ric's ribs, following through with an uppercut aimed for his jaw.


movetheearth January 19 2011, 19:42:27 UTC
Typical Wade finding humour in anything and everything. It's not enough to distract Ric though who doesn't get chance to avoid the blow to his ribs, air rushing out of his lungs and winding him slightly. However it does give him a chance to anticipate the uppercut allowing Ric to roll his body to the side and instead just receiving a glancing blow to his cheek.

Using the movement to his advantage Ric shakes the earth violently beneath them, enough to make sure Wade will need to concentrate on his balance and give Ric time to get up and go in for a low blow, aiming at Wade's knees with his foot.


makesppldead January 20 2011, 21:01:29 UTC
It wasn't so much humor that Wade found in such things was that he actually enjoyed it. Some people may refer it to being cynical, others, masochistic. Whatever the hell it was. Wade lived and breathed the feeling.

"Woah." Was all the mercenary was able to sputter out as one of his feet moved out from under him. That much was to be expected of Rictor--he moved the earth--a duh. But hey, it caught him by surprise. It had given his opponent the moment he needed to land the blow to Wade's knees, knocking him backwards.

The earth collided with his back roughly, but he didn't wince. He didn't let himself stay down long enough for Ric to try and step on him either. Rolling back up to his feet Wade pushed himself up from the earth and back to the dirt mover. This time, he didn't hold back his speed, or his strength. He moved to attack with chop to his neck, back fist, and one-knuckle punch straight for Ric's face.


movetheearth January 21 2011, 11:23:37 UTC
The adrenaline was pumping through his veins, heart pounding in his chest and making it thrum in his ears. This was what Ric had been missing in his previous fights, the sense of thrill and fun; even though deep down he knew he was going to be screwed sideways because this was a poorly matched fight ( ... )


makesppldead January 21 2011, 21:43:41 UTC
Oh he'd watch his face alright. He'd make sure it got plenty of attention. It had been far too long since Wade actually had gotten into a one on one, much less a fist fight. He didn't question the irregular want, much less need, to have one. But this would do just fine. The fact that the odds were uneven didn't matter. They never did.

"Oooo." Wade mocked as the ground shook beneath them so Ric could catch his footing. "Nifty trick." But this time he wouldn't allow Ric to get the upper hand with this. While the earth mover plotted his next attack, Wade decided to put some distance between them. It would give Ric a chance to get himself together. And put forth an interesting attack--he hoped.


movetheearth January 22 2011, 00:18:56 UTC
Ignoring the comments Ric was curious as to why Wade was allowing this space between them. Ah well, it would still let Ric use his mutation to his advantage. The ground ripples and almost shunts Wade forward so that he can swing his fists in for a jab whilst bringing his left up and across in a left hook, before turning his body to throw his weight against Wade and shove his shoulder against his chest.

In theory that's how it should work but whether it does in execution is an entirely different matter. Whatever Ric does he knows that Wade will end up kicking his ass whether it's because Ric is too exhausted to fight back or because Wade gains the upper hand and doesn't let the Mexican get away with these moves again in a hurry.


makesppldead January 22 2011, 20:05:08 UTC
It wasn't that Rictor was weak, and his power couldn't be used to an advantage. It was he was too fucking stupid--in Wade's eyes of course. Wade was a hot mess of problems. But when it came to fighting, he was disciplined, and eye on the ball. The mocking, the laughter, it was a mask. And it always worked so well ( ... )


movetheearth January 24 2011, 11:43:12 UTC
Like Wade had predicted with his execution the knee brought Ric teetering forward and unable to block the fist to his jaw. The blow was enough to make his teeth clatter together and for Ric to see stars momentarily as he staggered. Now way was there that Ric could block the blow to his solar plexus which sent him careening backwards to hit the ground hard.

Winded and in pain Ric felt the beack of his head hit the earth; he went to roll away before Wade could get on him but having the breath knocked out of him simply meant the effort of a full three-sixty turn was too much. Instead the Mexican rolled onto his front and spat blood out as he tried to heave in a air to his lungs.

Scrabbling to his knees Ric coughed and spluttered for the moment too disorientated to pay attention to where and what WAde was doing.


makesppldead January 24 2011, 20:56:23 UTC
It had all happened in slow motion, seemingly, to the mercenary. He had to force himself not to go after his opponent in a continuous fit of attacks. Not yet.

But this had nothing to do with the fact that he was giving Rictor a chance to compose himself, or breathe. He wasn't done fighting yet. Things were much more fun if he was in some kind of danger--or at least he got a little dirty or bloody.

Crossing his arms, Wade rolled his eyes at the sputtering Ric before yelling at him. "C'mon Ric, that can't be all you've got. Throw a rock at me, hit me harder, something! Don't be afraid to kick my ass.

Pretend...this is a fight to the death. Winner gets to live. I know you don't want to die, Ric. So get your ass up and kill me!" Perhaps a bit much but this was Wade. If anyone thought he wasn't the least bit of a Sadist or a Masochist, they were severely mistaken.


movetheearth January 25 2011, 23:51:30 UTC
Thankful for the moment to catch his breath back, despite whether Wade was being kind enough to give it to him for more malicious reasons, Ric played on with the being kicked to the curb routine. He was trying to ignore the goading but it was hard, not when Wade was going on and on at him either.

Curling his fingers in the dirt, Ric positions his body so he can turn quickly flinging the handful of dirt and rocks into Wade's face on the tail end of his and kill me comment. In a similar move to before Ric swings his leg around in a low roundhouse kick, bringing his shin around to connect with the side of Wade's legs as he violently shakes the earth directly beneath their feet.

If Wade hits the ground then Ric will move in to try and pin him or at least land a few more punches. If not then Ric will try to tip Wade off of his feet and keep him off balance and get in a few moves then.


makesppldead January 26 2011, 01:32:53 UTC
Oh. Playing dirty--Wade liked that, even as he grit his teeth, instinctively pulling his hands to his eyes in pain. The kick to the legs was enough to push him and the shake to the earth had him on the ground.

But he wasn't going down that easy, Ric. He quickly rolled over blindly. When he could feel Ric trying to pin him, he took to keeping the Mexican off of him. The best way to do that was to push his hand up into Rictor's face--specifically his palm, and right for his nose, quite forcefully.

Wade followed the boshikin to Ric's nose with a punch to...wherever it could land. His eyes were still squinted shut from the dirt. But if the punch did land it was definitely near his face.


movetheearth January 26 2011, 13:24:15 UTC
It ws like trying to grab hold of a toddler, over-sized squirmy toddler or a greased pig. Especially when Wade rolled away before Ric could grab a hold of the guy, he did however manage to get close enough to lean across and... the blow to his nose bloody well hurt! Ric instinctively ducked his head, eyes watering and nose throbbing in protest. He won't be surprised if it starts to bleed shortly. "Cabrón!"

The punch though glances across Ric's cheek, because of his ducked head, it still hurts, despite not having the full power behind it and in response Ric swings his own fist down to connect with Wade's cheek and jaw.

Ric uses the momentum to bring his elbow down to meet with Wade's stomach, not caring that they are scrabbling in the grass and fighting just plain dirty.


makesppldead January 26 2011, 20:39:35 UTC
The punch to the cheek/jaw made Wade his, but he didn't stop putting up the front to get Ric the fuck off of him. Having an elbow in his stomach was pretty detrimental to that fact. The sudden loss of air in his lungs and pain to his stomach made him gasp. But it did allow the water in his eyes to run more freely, freeing up the dirt in his eyes.

Not waiting to catch his breath to come back to him the mercenary reached up to grab Ric's head and deal him a rough head butt to his head. It hurt, but it was worth it to possibly stun the Mexican. Following through he shoved his knee in between the two of them to kick off the pesky son of a bitch.


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