Survival Instinct - OTA

Nov 29, 2010 01:10

It is a truth universally acknowledged that a zombie in possession of brains must be in want of more brains. Never was the truth more plain than during the recent attacks at Netherfield Park, in which a household of eighteen was slaughted and consumed by the horde of the living dead.

"My dear Mr. Bennet," said his lady to him one day, "have you ( Read more... )

st john 'pyro' allerdyce, spencer 'voltage' trip, angelica 'firestar' jones, olivia hughes

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Comments 85

codenamepyro November 29 2010, 10:29:06 UTC

He wasn't exactly used to that kind of response. He'd seen her sitting there, engrossed, so he'd only wanted to see what the hell she was reading. The fact that she'd picked up P&P&Z was a little bit cool.

"I didn't even sneak." He hadn't, St John never really managed to quieten his footsteps, mostly because he didn't give a shit who heard him or not. Peering at the girl, who he didn't really know very well beyond her being 'Angel' and well, a girl, St John just stood there until he got a little anxious.

"Y' okay?"


angelica_jinx November 30 2010, 00:25:19 UTC
As soon as Angel realized he wasn't a flesh eating zombie she cracked up. Her hand covered her racing heart willing it to return to normal. "No! I mean, yes, I am. Oh geez, I'm sorry. I guess I'm just jumpy. This book!" She exclaimed, showing him the title and laughing again.

"Are you okay? I didn't mean to startle you."


codenamepyro November 30 2010, 16:12:39 UTC
He just nodded slightly, a small smile on his lips. "I'm fine." Which, surprisingly he was. He hadn't even reached for his lighter when she'd practically jumped out her skin.

"Why read it if it makes you jumpy?" Because he wasn't sure what the point was in scaring yourself for no reason. It didn't really make sense to him.


angelica_jinx November 30 2010, 21:41:42 UTC
"You know, I don't know." She giggled and sat back down on the couch. "I guess it's kind of fun. Your heart is pumping. Your skin feels tingly. The hair is standing up on the back of your neck. I mean I know it's less fun when it's real or all the time but when it's just a book or movie or like a haunted house, It's fun."


psychoempath November 29 2010, 15:01:55 UTC
"Holy shit!"

Liv had been wandering around rather aimlessly, toting around a large book on human genetics. She needed a place to sit down, some place that wasn't swarmed with people and allowed her to study. The smallest sound could and probably would distract her. So she couldn't possibly stay here, with somebody else around, reading. Turning pages. Breathing.

She had been on her way out again when she realized the book title. It was so ridiculous that it sounded interesting again.

With a lopsided grin she leaned against the backrest of the couch.

"Don't worry, I won't eat your brain. I might look like a zombie every god damn morning but I prefer a good steak. Cooked."


angelica_jinx November 30 2010, 00:31:56 UTC
Angel didn't recognize the girl so she just sat there with wide eyes for a moment until the other redhead spoke. Nervous giggling bubbled up and quickly turned into a gaffle before she could finally reply. "I'm sorry! I didn't think-- well, I mean I did think you were a zombie for like a split second but you don't look like you're dead or anything. You just startled me. I sort of got lost in this book. Have you read it?" She asked glancing that the book the other girl was carrying.

Great. Mystery girl was reading something like super smart while Angel was freaking out over a zombie novel. "I don't usually read stuff like this. Well, obviously I do sometimes, but I don't just read stuff like this. It just sort of caught my attention. I mean who mixes Jane Austin and zombies?"


psychoempath November 30 2010, 04:28:57 UTC
Liv chuckled. She wished she could lose herself in a book like that, but if she had been in her place... She would have punched her and that was rarely a reaction that made instant friends.

"I do look dead, I've seen enough of my reflection. It's all about the right amount of not sleeping, soldiers and comfy military vehicles."

Sparing a glare for the book she was carrying she sighed.

"Nope, haven't read that book. I did read Pride and Prejudice aeons ago and thought it could use some sprucing up. Definitely sounds a lot more interesting than genetics."


angelica_jinx November 30 2010, 21:54:24 UTC
"The beds aren't much better than the trucks I'm afraid." She could try and argue with the girl about her appearance but as someone else who didn't take compliments well, Angel knew when to quit.

"I actually really liked Pride and Prejudice." Angel said quietly. It was one of her favorite books actually. "If you don't like it, why are you reading it? Are you scientist or something?"


sparkedtoburst November 30 2010, 09:12:53 UTC
Her scream startled him completely, making a small spark on his hand before he pulled it back and he stood there, shocked out of his mind and a little bit scared.

Wow, she must've gotten into that book.

"Is this a drill?" He really couldn't be sure if she was playing it up or if she was just that jumpy. "I'm not really sure what I should do right now."


angelica_jinx November 30 2010, 09:18:43 UTC
As soon as she saw his spark, she created one of her own making her brown eyes fade to green and her whole body faintly glow. It wasn't personal, it was just a reaction like his but before the fireball was even fully formed, Angel closed her fist extinguishing the flame.

Slowly color crept into her cheeks.

" I'm sorry. I-- are you okay?" She asked embarrassed. She did NOT just almost shoot a freaking fireball at someone over a stupid zombie book!


sparkedtoburst November 30 2010, 09:23:28 UTC
"Ummm," he didn't really mean to, but he stared at her. He knew his spark was completely involuntary due to the shock -he did it when he sneezed too, but what she'd done with the fire, well, he was still busy staring at her hand a little.

"I think so."

So long as he wasn't about to become barbecued chicken. "Are you?"


angelica_jinx November 30 2010, 09:28:17 UTC
Angel blushed a little harder at his concern. "I'm fine. I'm just jumpy I guess. I was reading." She started to explain as she crouch down to retrieve the book she'd discarded. "Horror novels always did freak me out."

"So, um... I'm Angel. I don't recognize you. I don't think I would have gotten so trigger happy if I knew you. At least, I hope."


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