Working It Off - OTA (Warning: emo feral is emo... and sweaty)

Oct 31, 2010 14:06

Having left the cell block, Logan barely realized where he was going until he found himself at the gym. Yes.... That was good. He had to do something - anything to get his mind off this. Taking off his shirt, he tossed it aside - and kicked off his shoes, too, for good measure. The less getting in his way, the better. Piling on the weights until ( Read more... )

✝ remy 'gambit' lebeau, ✝ tabitha 'boom-boom' smith, ✝ theodore bradson, ✝ james logan, angelica 'firestar' jones

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handyouredealt October 31 2010, 15:07:46 UTC
In preparation for his mission, Remy decided to hit the gym. His skills weren't rusty at all, but there was no harm in making sure they were perfect. Maybe later he'd sneak around the base, break into a few things, just to make sure that those skills got a work out too.

He wasn't very surprised to see his roommate already in the gym. He didn't think the man needed to lift weights, but there was a look on Logan's face that even had Remy backing off. Usually he had no problems poking fun at Logan, but something in those eyes made him cautious.

Instead, he focused on his usual exercise routine. He tried to ignore the other man but eventually it was no use. He stopped, grabbed two bottles of water and dared to approach Logan.

"I know ya got real good healin' but even ya can probably dehydrate," he said, holding the water out in front of him just in case he needed room to maneuver. "Drink somethin' before ya need the doctor."


handyouredealt November 1 2010, 18:17:03 UTC
He smirked. "Charm, mon ami."

There was a pretty girl on the kitchen staff and he had no trouble getting her to like him and be willing to share a few secrets like codes and where the good things were stashed.


45825243_t78_a November 1 2010, 18:26:44 UTC
Logan's eyebrow moved up as he waited for an elaboration that never came. If this was one of those trade secrets, he was unimpressed. It was clear that he had to do this Remy's way, though. Or as much Remy's way as suited him.

"Fine. I'll distract the goddamn guards." But he wouldn't do it by playing friendly. He had some ideas of his own. Grabbing a fresh towel, he tossed it at Remy. "But you better bring me somethin' good."


handyouredealt November 1 2010, 18:30:23 UTC
He caught it and slung it over his shoulder. "Ain't gonna bring ya anythin'. Once I get the door open, I'll leave it propped. Ya finish ya chat with the guards and come on in yourself."

He was willing to help Logan break in, but he wasn't going to be a waiter or anything.


45825243_t78_a November 1 2010, 18:49:38 UTC
What, he had to magically make the guards look the other way when he was finished? Ah, forget it - he was done with this planning thing. Time to get out there and just get it done.

With his shoes finally back on, Logan got up, running a hand through his slightly sweaty hair to push it back. "OK, let's go."


handyouredealt November 1 2010, 18:54:13 UTC
"Another reason ya ain't a good thief, no patience." But Remy turned and started walking for the exit.

This was his business. He could do a simple little con job like this in his sleep. As long as Logan played his part it wouldn't be a problem.


45825243_t78_a November 1 2010, 20:10:10 UTC
Some guys always knew it better... Logan rolled his eyes and kept moving. Remy might be a skilled thief, but Logan had been around a while, and he'd developed his own way of handling things. Waiting had never gotten him anything, and neither had talking about doing something. If something needed to get done, you did it. And that was exactly what he was going to do - already forgetting, conveniently, that the method chosen had not been to his liking ( ... )


handyouredealt November 2 2010, 13:14:08 UTC
Remy just strolled in a few minutes after Logan, hands in his pockets and an air of confidence that wasn't faked at all. He had done this before, usually when it was late at night and he felt a little restless.

He had no trouble strolling right through the mess hall, to the door and keyed in the code. He strolled right through that door and slid a card between it and the lock so that it would stay open for Logan.

"Like butter," he said to himself and went straight for the freezer and the ice cream.


45825243_t78_a November 3 2010, 08:19:19 UTC
It wasn't long before Logan'd had it. The first couple of minutes, waiting for Remy to come in - those were easy enough. That was progress. After that, his patience rapidly began running out, his demeanor clouding over. When he stopped talking and playing nice, the guards soon drifted away, not so much offended as perhaps having their curiosity satisfied - and having had their fill of coffee.

Logan waited. He wanted Remy to come back, to take over guard duty, but he really should've known better. Vindictively, he briefly considered alerting the guards to the presence of someone in the kitchen (he was a feral; he heard these things), but in spite of everything, when it came down to it, Remy was still one of his teammates, and Logan did respect him a little, as much as he ever respected anyone - as much as you could respect someone who, in some ways, was almost a contender for being top dog (or at least refused to let Logan take that position without a fight ( ... )


handyouredealt November 3 2010, 12:11:24 UTC
Remy reached out and caught the card. He looked it over to see if any damage had been done and then put it back in his pocket when it passed inspection. He shrugged, unrepentent for making Logan wait.

"Ya seemed to be enjoyin' yourself," he said with a little smirk. "I didn't want to interrupt ya and your friends."

He gestured to the fridge, "Help yaself."


45825243_t78_a November 3 2010, 21:20:44 UTC
Giving Remy a look that said he wasn't amused, Logan made for the fridge. "Don't give up your night job," he mumbled as he inspected the contents, soon placated by what he saw. Sure, it was cold, but food was food.

Helping himself to some pie, just because it was easy to eat, he used his free hand to collect some food he had an eye for, putting it front and center in the fridge. He picked some meat out of a stew, which turned out to not taste as good as it smelled. Some chicken, which wasn't half bad. Then some cheese, because he was that hungry, and fat seemed really good just then. All of these were eaten alternating with mouthfuls of the pie, Logan's eyes still wandering over everything else that was on offer.


handyouredealt November 4 2010, 12:41:23 UTC
He laughed at Logan's comment. He didn't expect respect from the other man. He'd been stuck with him long enough to know that it didn't come easy, if ever. Remy would just continue to enjoy getting under his skin when he could.

"Ya know, homme dey gonna serve breakfast tomorrow," he said, watching Logan eat... everything. "Ya ain't gonna starve."


45825243_t78_a November 5 2010, 20:09:43 UTC
Remy'd be surprised. Respect was far too big a word - Logan didn't have a reason to respect Remy yet - but he wouldn't be doing this together if he didn't think Remy was worth something. The banter, the outright insults - for the most part, it was simply how Logan interacted with people. If Remy didn't have Logan's respect yet, at least he already rated higher than most others on the team in terms of hierarchy. But of course, that was a double-edged blade. Whatever good Remy did, Logan would feel was better; whatever bad he might do would piss Logan off twice as much.

"I'm hungry," Logan said by way of explanation, mouth still half full. All the same, he began to focus more, shoving most things back in the general direction where he'd found them. "We ain't all as scrawny as you." Not that Remy was that scrawny, really, but Logan was big enough to call most anyone that - and big enough to support a healthy appetite, which was the point he was trying to make.


handyouredealt November 6 2010, 22:03:53 UTC
"It's called bein' slim," Remy said with a laugh. He didn't have an insecurities about his looks. Logan could insult all he wanted and it wouldn't bother him in the slightest.

"We all can't be walkin' fur rugs."


45825243_t78_a November 7 2010, 15:03:55 UTC
"Hey, this kinda weather... little extra fur'd be good for everyone."

Finally finishing up with the food, Logan burped contently, but still looked around. The ice cream Remy had dug into was an option, but really, Logan was in the mood for something else. "Don't s'pose they got a secret beer stash 'round here somewhere?"


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