Working It Off - OTA (Warning: emo feral is emo... and sweaty)

Oct 31, 2010 14:06

Having left the cell block, Logan barely realized where he was going until he found himself at the gym. Yes.... That was good. He had to do something - anything to get his mind off this. Taking off his shirt, he tossed it aside - and kicked off his shoes, too, for good measure. The less getting in his way, the better. Piling on the weights until ( Read more... )

✝ remy 'gambit' lebeau, ✝ tabitha 'boom-boom' smith, ✝ theodore bradson, ✝ james logan, angelica 'firestar' jones

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Comments 99

handyouredealt October 31 2010, 15:07:46 UTC
In preparation for his mission, Remy decided to hit the gym. His skills weren't rusty at all, but there was no harm in making sure they were perfect. Maybe later he'd sneak around the base, break into a few things, just to make sure that those skills got a work out too.

He wasn't very surprised to see his roommate already in the gym. He didn't think the man needed to lift weights, but there was a look on Logan's face that even had Remy backing off. Usually he had no problems poking fun at Logan, but something in those eyes made him cautious.

Instead, he focused on his usual exercise routine. He tried to ignore the other man but eventually it was no use. He stopped, grabbed two bottles of water and dared to approach Logan.

"I know ya got real good healin' but even ya can probably dehydrate," he said, holding the water out in front of him just in case he needed room to maneuver. "Drink somethin' before ya need the doctor."


45825243_t78_a October 31 2010, 19:39:41 UTC
After their slightly bumpy start as roommates, Logan had been expecting something or other from Remy when he came in, and it was a damn good thing that nothing came. After a while of mutual ignoring, Logan calmed down a bit, getting used to Remy's company, secretly glad that someone was there, and feeling like an idiot for it at the same time. If this episode had taught him anything at all -... Well, he should know better. But he was getting tired, barely aware of what he was doing anymore except for feeling his muscles burning, and somehow that was a good thing to focus on. Better the physical pain than the mental. It was easier to deal with, and went away a hell of a lot quicker ( ... )


handyouredealt October 31 2010, 19:44:57 UTC
That little look of murder made Remy glad he had some space between him and Logan. That man had a lot of anger over something. He couldn't think of what might have done that to the man. It certainly wasn't him.

"Hey, no problem homme," he said with a shrug. "I didn't want to haul ya ass all the way to the infirmary."

He was definitely not going to ask what was wrong. A little teasing was harmless though. Hopefully.


45825243_t78_a October 31 2010, 19:59:21 UTC
"Y'ain't ever gonna see me in there," Logan said, but his tone of voice was easy. He was glad that this was the extent of their conversation. A little banter; familiar territory. If his heart wasn't really in it, well, at least he knew what to say.

Now that he'd stopped moving, Logan was cooling down quickly, and he stood up to grab a towel, wiping his face with it before throwing it around his neck. His stomach finally began to protest a little at being ignored, and he grumbled as if echoing it. "Guess feedin' time's over, huh?"


dirt_bloodsmile November 1 2010, 04:49:58 UTC
Teddy had let his workout routine slack in the recent move, and at his age it wasn't something he regularly let himself get away with, and as soon as he had settled and scoped out the base set for the Gym. He had seen it in passing and agreed with the nice and pristine layout of the room but could barely wait to test it out for himself.

He walked in with an easy spring to his step, and waved to Logan gently when he saw the man. "I ain't interrupting anything am I?"


45825243_t78_a November 1 2010, 09:37:01 UTC
Barely glancing at Teddy when he came in, Logan merely grunted in reply and kept on moving, shifting about as much weight as the machine could handle. He'd been at this for a while, now, and it wasn't long before even he needed a break, letting go of the handles and leaning forward, panting a little. A couple of seconds, and the burning feeling in his muscles was gone; a few more, and he'd have caught his breath and be ready for another round. But for now, he stalled, trying to postpone the inevitable. Waiting for the thoughts to resurface so he could fight them back again.


dirt_bloodsmile November 1 2010, 21:00:03 UTC
Watching Logan with a cautious eye, Teddy made a point to be quiet as he slipped off his jacket and swung his towel to lay on the bench beside him, watching the older man the whole time.

"You need to fight with somebody that can punch back Logan? Cause I doubt your gonna get too much relief from that equipment."


45825243_t78_a November 3 2010, 08:33:22 UTC
Logan wasn't sure he should fight, but it was tempting. Trying to wear out his body was a hopeless mission; sparring, at least, would let him tune out his thoughts, if he was challenged enough - and Teddy should be able to give him a decent fight.

Nodding slowly, Logan got up, stretching his back. "Let's do it."


We really did try and not be so stalker-like but it's sweaty Logan. angelica_jinx November 3 2010, 04:20:23 UTC
She'd be lying is she said she wasn't looking for him. Even the little gossip that she was, news of him having a son hadn't made it to her yet. She just wanted to see him.

The last time they spoke they admitted a mutual like. It wasn't all consuming romance like in the movies but it was sweet and so much more than she expected from Logan. Still, she didn't want to seem like a crazy stalker or puppy following him around so she gave him a little space while they all settled in to their new home. But now it had been a few days and as sappy as it was, she needed more than a passing head nod from her former team leader and she didn't see him at dinner.

Oh look. She found a use for those horrible clothes. She didn't have to explain away any inappropriate workout outfits because they often did PT in their cammies.

"Hi." She waved as she entered the gym.


Hehehe... And to think it was intended as a warning. 45825243_t78_a November 3 2010, 08:45:11 UTC
((I don't think anyone knows about Daken being his son yet - except him and Daken. Logan sure hasn't told anyone.))

Angel showing up distracted Logan in a way no man's presence would have done. Men just made him want to continue more, exercise harder, turn in on himself completely. With Angel, he was almost tempted to tell her what was going on - almost, but not quite. He needed to figure everything out for himself first, and that was going to take him some time.

All the same, it was good to have some sympathetic company, and he stopped exercising, mumbling something monosyllabic that was supposed to be a greeting. Looking around the gym, he considered what equipment to use next.


Oh it was a warning. Caution! Hottnes afoot! Angel don't drool. XD angelica_jinx November 3 2010, 15:55:13 UTC
She may have been a distraction in his head but outwardly he was barely giving her the time of day. Slowly, her smile faded and she felt a little foolish. Was she really the one giving him space? Maybe he'd been avoiding her. Maybe he changed his mind about liking her. Or maybe she read into it more than she should have. He said he liked her but the conversation turned very quickly into there was no reason they couldn't have sex. He never said he wanted to date her, did he? She couldn't remember now.

A little glimmer of hope kept her from completely retreating into her own head. Maybe he was just upset about something. Maybe it had nothing at all to do with her. She didn't wish that on him, of course but is she had to choose between the two, she was kind of hoping he was wrapped up in his own thing.

"How have you been?" She asked meekly as she made her way over to one of the weight benches and just sat. She wasn't really one for working out.


Heh. Now I'm picturing the sign that would go with that warning. 45825243_t78_a November 3 2010, 21:38:26 UTC
That was some question... Looking over at her, he took a second to consider it, trying to figure out what to say. Finally, he looked away and sighed, admitting defeat. "... Been better." It was a hell of a confession.

And one that he would immediately pretend had never happened.

Grabbing a towel lying nearby, he hung it around his neck so he wouldn't cool down too much, and oh-so-casually changed the subject. "What're you doin' here?" It wasn't meant to be rude; he just didn't expect her to work out. In the pool, maybe, but not here.


double_dynamite November 10 2010, 04:55:33 UTC
Tabitha knew she should just turn and walk off at the sight of Logan brutally beating up every weight and tool in the gym, and knew she should just keep her mouth shut after seeing so many people walking in and out to bug the older mutant- but the problem with Tabitha is that, what she knows and what she wants are two very different things.
Which is how she justified strutting into the gym with no qualms whatsoever, hands on her hips and popping a large piece of bubblegum into the mildly silent room.

"You know there are a lot less destructive and funner ways to vent anger yeah?"


45825243_t78_a November 10 2010, 08:28:12 UTC
The camp had seemed OK, but the more people disturbed him at times like this, and the more shit hit the fan, the more Logan felt trapped, and that wasn't a feeling he dealt with very well. It just made him feel more on edge, his frustration dangerously close to escalating.

"Mind yer own business." He appreciated the concern. He did. Just... not right now.


double_dynamite November 10 2010, 08:44:55 UTC
"Look Logan... neither of us do the feelings thing very well, but seriously? Just hitting and yelling at thin air ain't gonna do anybody good. So if you want I'll sit here, listen to you yell and rage and get some hot cocoa from the mess hall when all is said and done. Or you can let it be all 'I must bottle my frustration until I kill someone' and whither like a cranky old French dude."
She held her hands out, palms up in a helpless manner, wanting to help but still be persistent about it.
"I just figure one hopeless closed off mutie to the next right?"


45825243_t78_a November 10 2010, 08:53:52 UTC
He growled at her little speech, but had to admit she was right. About the killing someone part, if nothing else. He couldn't let that happen, no matter how upset he was - especially considering how upset he was. If he snapped now, he might never put himself back together again.

Slowly, he stopped exercising, leaning forward a little as he let go of the machine. "Don't wanna talk about it." And he didn't. But he appreciated the offer anyway, even if he'd probably never say as much.


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