Working It Off - OTA (Warning: emo feral is emo... and sweaty)

Oct 31, 2010 14:06

Having left the cell block, Logan barely realized where he was going until he found himself at the gym. Yes.... That was good. He had to do something - anything to get his mind off this. Taking off his shirt, he tossed it aside - and kicked off his shoes, too, for good measure. The less getting in his way, the better. Piling on the weights until ( Read more... )

✝ remy 'gambit' lebeau, ✝ tabitha 'boom-boom' smith, ✝ theodore bradson, ✝ james logan, angelica 'firestar' jones

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We really did try and not be so stalker-like but it's sweaty Logan. angelica_jinx November 3 2010, 04:20:23 UTC
She'd be lying is she said she wasn't looking for him. Even the little gossip that she was, news of him having a son hadn't made it to her yet. She just wanted to see him.

The last time they spoke they admitted a mutual like. It wasn't all consuming romance like in the movies but it was sweet and so much more than she expected from Logan. Still, she didn't want to seem like a crazy stalker or puppy following him around so she gave him a little space while they all settled in to their new home. But now it had been a few days and as sappy as it was, she needed more than a passing head nod from her former team leader and she didn't see him at dinner.

Oh look. She found a use for those horrible clothes. She didn't have to explain away any inappropriate workout outfits because they often did PT in their cammies.

"Hi." She waved as she entered the gym.


Hehehe... And to think it was intended as a warning. 45825243_t78_a November 3 2010, 08:45:11 UTC
((I don't think anyone knows about Daken being his son yet - except him and Daken. Logan sure hasn't told anyone.))

Angel showing up distracted Logan in a way no man's presence would have done. Men just made him want to continue more, exercise harder, turn in on himself completely. With Angel, he was almost tempted to tell her what was going on - almost, but not quite. He needed to figure everything out for himself first, and that was going to take him some time.

All the same, it was good to have some sympathetic company, and he stopped exercising, mumbling something monosyllabic that was supposed to be a greeting. Looking around the gym, he considered what equipment to use next.


Oh it was a warning. Caution! Hottnes afoot! Angel don't drool. XD angelica_jinx November 3 2010, 15:55:13 UTC
She may have been a distraction in his head but outwardly he was barely giving her the time of day. Slowly, her smile faded and she felt a little foolish. Was she really the one giving him space? Maybe he'd been avoiding her. Maybe he changed his mind about liking her. Or maybe she read into it more than she should have. He said he liked her but the conversation turned very quickly into there was no reason they couldn't have sex. He never said he wanted to date her, did he? She couldn't remember now.

A little glimmer of hope kept her from completely retreating into her own head. Maybe he was just upset about something. Maybe it had nothing at all to do with her. She didn't wish that on him, of course but is she had to choose between the two, she was kind of hoping he was wrapped up in his own thing.

"How have you been?" She asked meekly as she made her way over to one of the weight benches and just sat. She wasn't really one for working out.


Heh. Now I'm picturing the sign that would go with that warning. 45825243_t78_a November 3 2010, 21:38:26 UTC
That was some question... Looking over at her, he took a second to consider it, trying to figure out what to say. Finally, he looked away and sighed, admitting defeat. "... Been better." It was a hell of a confession.

And one that he would immediately pretend had never happened.

Grabbing a towel lying nearby, he hung it around his neck so he wouldn't cool down too much, and oh-so-casually changed the subject. "What're you doin' here?" It wasn't meant to be rude; he just didn't expect her to work out. In the pool, maybe, but not here.


angelica_jinx November 4 2010, 05:05:47 UTC
((I imagine it would have something like this.))

The return question caught her a little off-guard. "The same reason everyone does, I guess. Gonna build up a wicked burn." She couldn't have been more awkward if she tried. Not to mention he was pretty good at telling when people were lying even when they were good at it. "You weren't at dinner. I just wanted to see if you were okay. That and I smuggled you a roll." She reached into one of her pockets and pulled out the napkin wrapped roll.

"I just thought you might get hungry."


45825243_t78_a November 5 2010, 20:27:34 UTC
((Heh. Definitely.))

Had Logan been in a better mood, he might have actually chuckled at Angel's attempt to be.... whatever she was trying to be. As it was, his eyebrows moved up, slowly. And stayed there for a while.

Somehow, he hadn't expected her to notice he'd missed dinner. And he certainly hadn't expected her to come and bring him food - even if it was just a roll. Honestly, he had a hard time trying to figure out how to deal with such a sign of affection. Did this mean she expected something back? Because whatever she might expect, he wasn't sure he could give it; not because he didn't want to, but because the being thoughtful and what not - that just wasn't him.

If her side of it was unclear to him, at least he knew the only logical thing for him to do. Getting up, he walked over to where Angel was sitting, accepting the roll and raising it briefly before taking a bite. "... Thank you."


angelica_jinx November 6 2010, 06:34:06 UTC
Maybe she wasn't savvy enough in the subtle art of female manipulation because it never even occurred to her to want anything in return. He missed dinner. He would be hungry. She didn't want him to starve so she smuggled him a roll. It was just natural for her to want to take care of people. Logan chiefly among them.

"Don't mention it." replied with a smile as she pulled one knee up to her chest. She so wanted to ask him what was bothering him but if he didn't want to offer it up, she didn't want to pry. So she changed the subject.

"I heard you saved Ric. He was lucky you were there."


45825243_t78_a November 6 2010, 10:22:43 UTC
Finding the nearest flat surface, Logan sat down and began eating his roll. He didn't think he was all that hungry until he started to eat, waking up the bottomless pit that was his stomach. Well, damn... He sure appreciated Angel bringing him something. Kindness wasn't something he was used to, but he valued it the more because of it. He just didn't know how to respond to it.

"Rogue did as much as me," he said, eating slowly. Looking back, it only made sense, what he'd done - not just because it was what he would've done anyway, but also because Daken, as it turned out, was his responsibility, much like Victor. Everything Daken was, Logan was to blame for. It was a hell of a thing to have to live with.


angelica_jinx November 6 2010, 17:37:47 UTC
"Yeah, she was really great. You both were." She replied then nibbled her lip a little bit.

"You know I talked to him. Daken. I don't know what I was expecting but what I found was kind of sad. Though I'm pretty sure he'd shoot me for saying that. He seems really lonely to me. And not just because he thinks he snowballed me with that wounded orphan routine. I've seen better acting on The OC. But even when he was trying to pull one over on me, there was still something there. Most of us have had hard lives but I don't think many carry it like he does. I think his need to shut it all out has made him something of a sociopath. I don't think you'd do that to yourself if you weren't incredibly deep feeling in the first place. I guess that's why I want to help him. Think I'm crazy?"


45825243_t78_a November 6 2010, 18:17:36 UTC
At the mention of her visit to Daken, Logan's eyes shot up to look at Angel. Whatever he was afraid of, he didn't find it, listening intently to her story. What she said made a lot of sense, but there was something important that she was leaving out.

"You're not crazy. But just 'cause he's had a hard life doesn't mean he's not gonna kill you." Logan hadn't spent much time with Daken, but he felt he had a pretty good idea of what the kid was like. After all, it was just the worst of Logan himself, concentrated. "Understandin' an' sympathy don't mean shit."


angelica_jinx November 6 2010, 18:49:22 UTC
"Especially after I told him that what happened in Japan was mostly my fault." She chuckled like it was a joke only she wasn't kidding. She really did confess to Daken the part she played in everything. If even a portion of his reasoning for trying to kill Ric was personal, she was probably on Daken's radar now. It definitely wasn't the smartest thing she'd ever done in regards to self preservation but the guilt was killing her. If she took some of the attention off Rictor, even slightly, it was worth the risk. The Mexican hadn't created this mess alone. It wasn't fair that he should bear the full brunt of it.

"I don't believe that. Not for a minute. People are never as simple as black and white, good and evil. Some of the most evil men in history started out with good intentions while there are Biblical saints that started out as monsters. I'm not saying that I can save him but I can give him the opportunities to save himself."


45825243_t78_a November 7 2010, 14:45:50 UTC
"You told him that?" As far as Logan was concerned, it wasn't true - but more than that, it was a really fucking stupid thing to tell a guy like Daken. There was no telling what he would do. If he wanted to make up for his failure, another target was just the thing he needed - and, from what Logan had seen, Daken might just like the excuse to kill someone else.

"It ain't upto you to rescue him." And really, the idea of her trying made a shiver run down his spine. It was just too dangerous - and it was Logan's job. Not that he could very well explain that to her. "You wanna play nice, go ahead. But keep a safe distance."


angelica_jinx November 10 2010, 03:53:49 UTC
All Angel had to do was glance at the expression on Logan's face for her to know how monumentally stupid he thought her actions were. He didn't even have to say it. "Believe me, I know what a risk it was. Just because I want to help Daken doesn't me I don't know how dangerous the guy is. I just couldn't let Ric take the blame for all this. He didn't start it. He didn't even escalate it. He was just trying to help and he had a mental breakdown. It wasn't his fault. He shouldn't have even been in the line of fire. I was the one that told him to take out that building. I was the first person to shed blood. If anyone should be the target it should be me."

"It ain't up to you to protect me." She teased lightly as she pulled her other knee up to her chest. "People make a habit of underestimating me but I'm more dangerous than I look. Maybe the most dangerous person on this base so I'd appreciate a little more confidence. Thank you."


45825243_t78_a November 10 2010, 08:13:09 UTC
"You wanna go to confession, find a church. Not a -..." Deranged killer? He growled, unwilling to accept what Daken was. There was hope - there had to be. For all of them.

"Never said I underestimated you." And he didn't, really, though the thought of her being all that dangerous still wasn't sinking in. He knew she could protect herself. But he also knew she wasn't immortal. Shit happened, and Logan refused to be responsible for her death, no matter how indirectly. "But just 'cause you're so dangerous doesn't mean you gotta take chances like this."


angelica_jinx November 10 2010, 15:01:29 UTC
"I wish I could go to church." She said a little wistfully. She wasn't the most avid churchgoer in New York but it was nice knowing it was always there when she needed it. She felt very disconnected now. Absolution might be exactly what she needed.

"You didn't have to say it like that. Dangerous practically had air quotes." She pouted a bit as she grew more annoyed and stood up. "I can take care of myself."


45825243_t78_a November 10 2010, 21:29:35 UTC
He got up when she did, not sure what was going on exactly, but well aware that something was wrong. "I know you can. But you shouldn't have to."

Was that so hard to understand? Sure, part of it was the fact that Daken was Logan's son, and that wasn't exactly common knowledge, but even aside from that... he wanted to take care of her. It wasn't even romantic, not really. Just affection, the best way he knew to give it.


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