Working It Off - OTA (Warning: emo feral is emo... and sweaty)

Oct 31, 2010 14:06

Having left the cell block, Logan barely realized where he was going until he found himself at the gym. Yes.... That was good. He had to do something - anything to get his mind off this. Taking off his shirt, he tossed it aside - and kicked off his shoes, too, for good measure. The less getting in his way, the better. Piling on the weights until ( Read more... )

✝ remy 'gambit' lebeau, ✝ tabitha 'boom-boom' smith, ✝ theodore bradson, ✝ james logan, angelica 'firestar' jones

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45825243_t78_a October 31 2010, 19:39:41 UTC
After their slightly bumpy start as roommates, Logan had been expecting something or other from Remy when he came in, and it was a damn good thing that nothing came. After a while of mutual ignoring, Logan calmed down a bit, getting used to Remy's company, secretly glad that someone was there, and feeling like an idiot for it at the same time. If this episode had taught him anything at all -... Well, he should know better. But he was getting tired, barely aware of what he was doing anymore except for feeling his muscles burning, and somehow that was a good thing to focus on. Better the physical pain than the mental. It was easier to deal with, and went away a hell of a lot quicker.

When Remy offered him a bottle of water, Logan's eyes flickered with something between suspicion and murderous rage, but it was gone again in a flash. The man had a point. And Logan was too tired, emotionally if not physically, to summon anger that would have really been just for show. Finally, Logan stopped exercising, reaching out for the bottle. After all the weights he'd been lifting and pulling, it felt strangely light in his hand.

He took a long drink before he looked at Remy again, nodding his thanks, a little awkward. Logan didn't do nice, and he didn't expect people to act nice to him - especially ones that he normally didn't get along with. Much like a kicked dog, he wasn't sure whether to prepare for all hell breaking loose any moment now, or to just be grateful. For now, he settled tentatively on the latter.


handyouredealt October 31 2010, 19:44:57 UTC
That little look of murder made Remy glad he had some space between him and Logan. That man had a lot of anger over something. He couldn't think of what might have done that to the man. It certainly wasn't him.

"Hey, no problem homme," he said with a shrug. "I didn't want to haul ya ass all the way to the infirmary."

He was definitely not going to ask what was wrong. A little teasing was harmless though. Hopefully.


45825243_t78_a October 31 2010, 19:59:21 UTC
"Y'ain't ever gonna see me in there," Logan said, but his tone of voice was easy. He was glad that this was the extent of their conversation. A little banter; familiar territory. If his heart wasn't really in it, well, at least he knew what to say.

Now that he'd stopped moving, Logan was cooling down quickly, and he stood up to grab a towel, wiping his face with it before throwing it around his neck. His stomach finally began to protest a little at being ignored, and he grumbled as if echoing it. "Guess feedin' time's over, huh?"


handyouredealt October 31 2010, 21:17:12 UTC
"Might, never know. Fight could break out there." Around here fights seemed like a constant possibility.

He paused to take a drink from his own water bottle, then smirked. "Only if ya follow the rules."


45825243_t78_a November 1 2010, 09:26:34 UTC
Logan gave a little grunt, acknowledging Remy's point without having to go back on what he said. For better or worse, fighting and Logan would always be connected. He didn't mind that, not really. What he had to find out was how much fighting he could do without going overboard. Without being -... Well, a bad example, he supposed. For Victor, for his son. For himself. Everything he felt was pleasantly numbed from the exercise, but that was one thing he could be sure of. It was a strange glimmer of hope in a sea of dark. Something he had to hold on to.

Rolling his shoulders, more to keep warm than anything, Logan stopped at Remy's second comment, tilting his head a little. He'd been prepared to go to bed hungry - he'd been hungry often enough in the past - but that... That was an interesting suggestion. A very interesting suggestion. "What did ya have in mind?"


handyouredealt November 1 2010, 14:11:19 UTC
He gave Logan a look, "I am a thief, no? If someone tells me I am not allowed, it's more a suggestion dan a rule. There's always somethin' in dat fridge."

Remy had broken in a few things around camp more than once just to try it out. The garage had been the trickiest, the kitchen the easiest. He still hadn't figured out why any of the military expected them to follow the rules. Most of them, himself included, didn't even want to be here.


45825243_t78_a November 1 2010, 15:12:53 UTC
Yeah, those rules... Logan was pretty damn tired of them himself. He shouldn't tempt fate, but dammit, he needed a distraction. And he was hungry.

Without even thinking about showering, just wiping off the worst of his sweat with the towel, Logan put on his shirt again, then went looking for his shoes. "Let's do it."


handyouredealt November 1 2010, 15:19:29 UTC
"Now, hold on, homme," Remy said, a little surprised Logan was so eager to go breaking and entering. "Ya know anythin' about stealin'? No offense but you ain't the most stealthy of folks."

He actually thought Logan was a furry wrecking ball. He didn't think the man had the skills needed to be a thief.


45825243_t78_a November 1 2010, 15:27:40 UTC
"I can be plenty stealthy, pal." Logan was a bit offended at the suggestion that he wasn't, actually. He was a damn good hunter, and you didn't get that way with brute strength alone. Of course, in terms of the urban jungle, he didn't have nearly as much experience as Remy. But that didn't mean he was just going to take no for an answer. The idea was in his head now, and good luck getting it out again.

"So, you're the thief. Tell me how you wanna go about it."


handyouredealt November 1 2010, 15:34:45 UTC
Remy's skeptical eyebrow raise said all he needed to say on how stealthy he thought Logan could be. He was willing to give the big guy a shot. People could always surprise you.

"No one pays much mind to the mess since dey always survin' coffee and cookies, so we can just stroll on in. De kitchens are "off limits" to anyone but staff so dey got an access code, but dey don't change it. Type it in and ya got free access to everythin'. De trick is not gettin' noticed when ya headin' to the kitchen."


45825243_t78_a November 1 2010, 15:47:21 UTC
"You want a distraction." Logan was very matter-of-fact; if he wasn't quite a wrecking ball, at least he was as simple as one. Note problem, get rid of problem, move on. "No staff in the kitchen between meals?"


handyouredealt November 1 2010, 15:56:37 UTC
"Maybe a little one." Remy held up two fingers with a little space between them. "Just, uh, have a chat with the guards if any are around."

He shook his head. "Dey go home at night."


45825243_t78_a November 1 2010, 16:16:16 UTC
Immediately, Logan's eyes narrowed. "Y'ain't stickin' me with that. If you're goin' into that kitchen, so'm I." Of course, that left him with a distinct problem of what the distraction had to be. Something told him Remy wasn't going to give him the code and sit this one out himself.

"Make some noise, lure 'em outside?"


handyouredealt November 1 2010, 16:22:02 UTC
He rolled his eyes. "Ya make a noise round here and it's gonna bring more of 'em not less."

Obviously, his roommate had no experience in stealing. He was going to have to work on that.

"The key to thievin' is not to be noticed. Ya either gotta not be seen or look like ya belong."


45825243_t78_a November 1 2010, 16:51:15 UTC
"Jesus - I wasn't talkin' 'bout blowin' the place up..." Just 'cause Logan liked the hands-on approach didn't mean that he didn't know when to hold back - within reason. He wasn't as stupid and clumsy as Remy seemed to think, but not everyone had grown up with their hands in other people's pockets.

"You got in there by yourself before. No distraction. How'd you do it?"


handyouredealt November 1 2010, 18:17:03 UTC
He smirked. "Charm, mon ami."

There was a pretty girl on the kitchen staff and he had no trouble getting her to like him and be willing to share a few secrets like codes and where the good things were stashed.


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