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Comments 11

watch_the_nails July 7 2010, 18:05:48 UTC
Victor always could smell Betsy before he saw her. He'd been close enough to catch her scent, and more than once, now; he was curious as to what kind of trouble she seemed to be getting herself into this time. Moving slowly and carefully he trailed her, trying to keep out of her sight as he investigated what she was doing, even though he knew - as a telepath - that she'd easily be able to sense his presence if she so chose.


proper_twinkie July 8 2010, 04:06:31 UTC
She was in hypersensitive stealth mode. Of course she knew he was there but she also knew he wouldn't rat her out. Besides, there really wasn't a whole lot she could do about it. She couldn't sneak up on him any more than he could sneak up on her. The best she could do was attempt to mentally nudge him into going somewhere else but he was trained well enough to know when someone was in his head. Emma taught him well.

Instead she continued to poke around until she found a vehicle that struck her fancy. "Hello pretty." She mumbled to herself as she slipped into the driver's seat.


watch_the_nails July 8 2010, 04:44:22 UTC
He watched from a short distance away as Betsy climbed into the vehicle, curious as to what she was planning to do. He didn't exactly have any desire to stop her; he couldn't have cared less what she did to piss Stryker off. But he knew that, if she was planning on having some fun in raising hell, he wanted to make sure he was a part of it.


proper_twinkie July 8 2010, 04:59:23 UTC
The controls didn't look so difficult and if the dials were right it could go pretty fast. Oooh and she was dying to know what that button did.

Her violet eye glanced around the interior to no avail before she called out to Victor. "You wouldn't happen to know where they keep the key to this, would you Pet?"


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proper_twinkie July 8 2010, 04:10:34 UTC
"No you may not." Betsy replied haughtily as she continued to poke around eventually coming to a weapon Betsy had never seen before. It might have been a prototype by the look of it but it was impressive. So of course, she wanted to "play" with it.


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proper_twinkie July 8 2010, 15:10:43 UTC
Betsy's head turned slowly and gave the other woman a look that could only be described as "oh no you didn't!".

"Funny you should mention consequences because if you don't take your hand off me you'd better hope your ability includes growing back a new one."


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