Dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge - OTA

May 16, 2010 03:30

Unlike Zero, John hadn't set out further rules as to the behaviour he hoped (and possibly expected) for from his assigned team. Not to mention he was pretty sure that Jack would keep things organised around camp, seeing as he was well known for his dislike of mutants and the methods he employed to ensure he got his point across ( Read more... )

✝ john 'kestrel' wraith, ✝ mortimer 'toad' toynbee, ✝ james logan, wade wilson

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Comments 76

double_dynamite May 16 2010, 05:42:03 UTC
She stopped from her march back outside to look around, when she saw the briefest flicker out of the corner of her eyes as she passed the gym. Slowly walking backwards, Tabitha watches with wide eyes as the teleporter practices a routine, appreciating his apparent skill with an open amount of enjoyment.
She picks up a hand and taps her red and black nail polished fingers in a clapping motion, and smiles.


hunt_the_devil May 16 2010, 09:20:03 UTC
John doesn't stop teleporting but instead of simply walking outside he teleports, he's enjoying himself and he guess that the young lady must be a new recruit that Stryker had failed to give them a heads up.

He materialises a few steps away from the young woman, a gentle smile on his face. "Hello, an' who might you be?"


double_dynamite May 16 2010, 09:24:54 UTC
Tabby grins bouncing on the balls of her feet in slight surprise as he teleports a little bit away from her. "Tabitha Smith, you?"


hunt_the_devil May 16 2010, 09:41:13 UTC
"John Wraith, pleasure to meet you Tabitha. I'm guessing you only arrived her lately. You find somewhere to sleep alright?" John chuckled softly at the way she seemed to barely contain her excitement and energy.


Logan says no wonder John likes Dodge, bein' a cowboy. 45825243_t78_a May 16 2010, 13:04:05 UTC
As far as Logan was concerned, nothing had changed when Stryker left. He continued to work his team half to death, but he liked to think he was getting results, though it was going agonizingly slowly. Supervising his team, however, meant that he was getting little exercise in - at least, little that did anything for him. It wasn't like he could let go when half his team were completely green. He wasn't keen on coming too close to letting go anyway. Not after what he'd done to Martini ( ... )


:P hunt_the_devil May 16 2010, 13:47:04 UTC
"I swear his voice is ingrained into my every though now." John teleported across the room landing one last punch into the bag before he appeared on the opposite side of the doorway, leaning against the frame and matching Logan's pose. "Just thought I'd try to get some peace an' quiet. What about you?"

Out of everyone in camp, despite not always approving of his actions, John had always had a lot of respect for Logan. He was mostly level headed, though occasionally he could lose his temper which was probably the key reason why Wade wasn't allocated to his team. Not that John begruded the man for having actually quite a nice team it seemed.


F'n jacked because he can! makesppldead May 16 2010, 19:32:53 UTC
"That's really sweet you guys speak just as highly of me behind my back as you do to my face." The mercenary said as emerged from behind them. Yeah, he was a ninja. Though his business there was far from trying to be sneaky. For the moment.

Wade was however, looking for Logan and John. Or someone from the original team with a head on their shoulders that actually worked...which was, John or Logan. And how convenient they were both located in the same spot. But if one thing was to be noticed about the merc that was out of the average, was the side of his face, or possibly a large portion of the right side of his body was burned and/or scratched. He seemed to take no notice himself.

"Thought I smelled a tea party."


Welcome to the party! hunt_the_devil May 16 2010, 19:52:35 UTC
"Oh Wade you know we only say what.... Holy Mother Above what the hell happened to you?!" John started off in his usual calm and meoldic tones but as he turned to look at Wade he noted the burns and scratches. Well of course he was going to respond with shock at the sight of his team mate looking like that.

He stared at the injuries, taking a step closer to Wade and forgetting the fact that the loud mouthed ninja had snuck up on his as per usual.


slimy_droog May 17 2010, 23:11:19 UTC
Mort had to admit he liked Wraith's ability. Wraith himself was still up for debate, but the way he disappeared and reappeared was absolutely smashing. Crouched near the doorway like some kind of bridge troll, he observed the way the man practiced for several minutes before speaking up.

"Nimble prat ain't ya?" he addressed Wraith. Despite the language, Toad was actually impressed.


hunt_the_devil May 18 2010, 06:04:26 UTC
Thankfully Wraith didn't get startled by Mort suddenly speaking, well he did actually but he managed to hide it well using the surprise that caught him off guard and forced him to teleport a little quicker across the room.

He appeared infront of Mort a moment later, a soft of half smile half look of resigned acceptance on his face. "Thank you... I think. You alright Mort?"


slimy_droog May 18 2010, 22:28:47 UTC
Toad shrugged. "Eh. And you?"

He tried to ignore what Wraith had called him. Toad preferred Toad, and only really allowed two people to call him by any form of his first name. Eric and Freddy.

"Gettin' some practicin' in?" he asked casually. "Like to see how the two of us would suit in a little one-on-one.

Personally Toad would have liked a one-on-one of a different sort with Richter, but he would not admit that freely.


hunt_the_devil May 18 2010, 22:53:21 UTC
"Not too bad." Stretching John glanced around the gym and shrugged. "Yeah I was practicin' but some one on one combat would be good too. Reckon you could keep me on my toes with some of your moves... I mean the way Fred sings your praises. He don;t often talk to highly of people."

John actually meant the compliment, if perhaps a little fleshed out but despite Toad being slimy (in more ways than one) John actually though the guy had a real dedication to being the best at what he was good at.

Had John known what Mort was thinking about the Mexican though he'd have pulled a face.


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