Field Trip [for Alyssa, but ota]

Apr 28, 2010 02:30

Enough was enough. Wade had been cooked up for way too long with the same people, doing the same thing every god damn day. And now they weren't in Africa, and they weren't in Russia, but Japan. Merely miles away from Okinawa to be exact. This was his home field. This was where he'd gone to train to become a mercenary. And god dammit, he had to get ( Read more... )

wade wilson, ✝ alyssa ryan

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kinshou_kitsune May 13 2010, 05:04:58 UTC
Kyoto. There was just something about the city that made Alyssa relax more than being in her home town. For all purposes this was her home more so than being back in the States and, for that, she was grateful. As soon as the two mercenaries had stepped off the tram there was a more calm demeanor about the woman. She wasn't as fidgety or perky like she was on the trip away from Okinawa. Taking one deep breath, Lys could already smell the faint aroma of the cherry blossoms in the city ( ... )


kinshou_kitsune May 14 2010, 21:00:20 UTC
Alyssa had frozen, eyes instantly locked to the ceiling above them. It wasn't a sound to a weight she was familiar with. Without blinking her eyes swirled to their odd shades of red/gold as she moved to remove the sunglasses from her head. A heartbeat passed and the green flames were dancing off her fingers. One glance to Wade was hopefully enough to let the man know she didn't know the noise above them.

Turning to move for the door was interrupted by the sounds of glass shattering throughout the residence. Without hesitating the woman was moving making a beeline for one of the swords lining the wall that had been so preciously set up on the shelving unit. Without her own she was going to need something.


makesppldead May 15 2010, 01:35:51 UTC
Wade had only hesitated until Alyssa glanced at him, and then he began to make a move to where he thought would lead to the noise. Hearing the glass shatter he didn't bother in trying to keep quiet about it and ran in the direction where he heard the glass, and thought he could feel the presence of the other being.


kinshou_kitsune May 15 2010, 02:32:45 UTC
It wasn't just one window. It was all of them around the first floor- things flying in or people following after. Lyssa snatched the sword up quickly turning just in time to watch the sliding doors to the training room burst inward as people dressed in black, their faces covered, burst through in to a once peaceful home. "Kappa!" the other mercenary called out allowing the green flames to rush across the steel of the blade. Wade would know what she was saying, calling out his team name hopefully, instead of anything for the people to associate with his identity ( ... )


makesppldead May 15 2010, 03:22:00 UTC
Skidding to a hault before he could go any further, Wade stopped and watched as the building became infiltrated. Hearing Alyssa yell his team name caused him to turn around and search for her only to see her going head to head with the strangers. He wouldn't have left her on her own if he'd known that there were more than one. "This is horrible timing fellas. You see, we're supposed to be on vacation ( ... )


kinshou_kitsune May 16 2010, 01:47:19 UTC
Lyssa bent backwards barely avoiding the edge of a sword that was meant to take her head off. She felt the cool breeze of the movement as the blade barely kissed her cheek drawing a thin razor line of a cut to quickly start forming under the heat of the moment. Dropping backwards for a handspring the woman used her heightened agility to push herself up quickly landing only a step closer to Wade. There were still a good few people between them.

"Apparently," the woman said reaching out a hand to brush fire covered fingers against a man's arm sending him in to a screaming blaze, "they understand the concept."

Twirling her blade around behind her the mutant caught an assailant trying to catch her from behind straight in his gut while reaching out her hand to place a burning palm against another man's chest. "Got any ideas? Straight out will takes us close to the Shrine grounds and more hidden spots."


makesppldead May 16 2010, 20:07:24 UTC
"Yeah, I think they know that." Wade grunted as he ducked a kick, grabbing the mans leg and using his body to throw him into a few other men. And while getting outside was obviously a priority, getting through all of these men was making it quite difficult, even with the two of them. Not that these guys were hard targets, there were just so many.

Wade finally was able to clear a path to get to Alyssa's side, cutting one man straight down the middle, taking another's limb off, and finally flipping over the other group. "Who the hell are these fuckheads? They're multiplying faster than goddamn jack rabbits."

Taking a quick jab to the face, he grabbed the man's head and dragged it to his knee, tossing him aside and pulling up the commandeered sword to defend himself. But he froze when he heard an odd beeping noise, his head tilting to the side. The other men had frozen as well near a man a fair distance away. Holding what looked like a very large explosive device and a timer, set for five seconds.


kinshou_kitsune May 18 2010, 04:08:10 UTC
Stepping back she felt herself bump in to the familiar figure of the other mercenary. It was a good weird feeling having someone else there just as skilled to get the fuckers out of the way so they could get out of the house. Her blade swirled sending green arcs of light in to the air as well as shadows off the masked villains that were so intent on taking them out. Some went down by the blade, others by the fire, but they were coming in less than they had been ( ... )


makesppldead May 18 2010, 04:30:09 UTC
Whoever these guys were, they weren't far from kamikazes. As he watched the clock tick time seemed to freeze briefly. Wade didn't know why, but his first instinct was to drop his sword and turn to pull Alyssa to him and try and shield her as much as possible.

Because he didn't have enough time to get a good grip on her, the force of the blast pushed them apart, tossing everything outside. When he opened his eyes again all he could concentrate on was the severe burn down the right side of his body and face. Ugh. He grunted, letting his eyes close and his head sink back down to the dirt. So much for a vacation.


kinshou_kitsune May 18 2010, 15:12:04 UTC
And just like that they were gone. Everything except for their dead, bodies with nothing to identify themselves with, were left scattered about like rag dolls as the once strong structure burned to the ground. Wade was in their minds neutralized while Alyssa was nowhere to be seen. As far as they were concerned their job was done ( ... )


makesppldead May 18 2010, 15:24:33 UTC
Even when he heard the sirens blaring the mercenary remained still. He was in that dull haze the mind graciously put you in to dull the pain. The pain of being blown through a building and burned within an inch of your life. He was more than happy to let himself get lost in that daze, until of course he heard Alyssa's panic. Not until he felt her fingers on the side of his face did he force himself to open his eyes. Only a little though.

She seemed to be ok. She was alright enough to be panicking, that counted, right? He whined lightly, almost coming out as a whimper as he reached up weakly to touch her, his hand landing first on her forehead, then her cheek, then dropping lazily back down on the ground beside him. "Sshh..shh...stop yelling." He grunted. "Just five more minutes...five."

He knew they had to leave. But at the moment, as he lay still, his body was numb. And he knew it would remain that way. So long as he was still. Wade knew how much it would hurt to get up and run all the way back to base, and he was dreading it.


kinshou_kitsune May 18 2010, 16:46:21 UTC
Seeing him actually open his eyes and talk, albeit weakly, made Alyssa choke out a little laugh. One of those that was more out of relief than finding the situation actually funny. She smiled wide causing the cuts about her face to burn as air finally made their way in to them. Blood ran down her brow tracing around her right eye before sliding down her cheek. The woman didn't care though. Wade was at least able to respond and that was all that mattered ( ... )


makesppldead May 18 2010, 17:36:46 UTC
"Nnn. Yeah...really romantic." He nearly whispered before letting his eyes fall shut. For now he concentrated on breathing and getting himself back in tune with his senses and the environment. He hadn't been this hurt in a very long time, and getting your ass kicked took some getting used to. But he would be fine. He was a fast healer, despite not having a healing factor ( ... )


kinshou_kitsune May 18 2010, 18:11:12 UTC
"Guess I'll have to find a way to make it up to you."

Hesitation resounded in her words as she glanced back to where the sirens were getting closer. "Do you want them to find us? Get you looked at by the local doctors?" If not she'd help him up and they could hurry away. With the amount of injuries the two had together it was going to take them longer to get back to the island than when it had leaving it. His burns were bad... If she had to, Lys could put together a decent story good enough to cover them until they could leave.

When Wade started to move to sit the woman was right there with him. Sure he was a big boy and could do it himself, but considering what they had just gone through? Yeah. No way was he doing it alone or even trying to stand without using her as a hopeful post. "We could hide at the temple until the scene clears out if you don't want to be treated here. I know some of the people there. They'd help us."


makesppldead May 18 2010, 19:35:28 UTC
"No." He said simply, beginning to stand on his feet, only slightly wobbly. He accepted Alyssa's help but only because the severity of his injuries hit him. Everything ached. Everything burned. Wade wanted to cry out but he wouldn't. He ignored the pain and focused on their situation.

"We have to get back to the base ASAP. Getting treated here only complicates things, and it's not needed, we have a med bay. Most importantly we don't know if those fuck heads are coming back." He began to move away from the area, each step more painful than the last, but he didn't let it show.


kinshou_kitsune May 18 2010, 20:50:00 UTC
"Steal a couple of cars it is then." Helping Wade up she bit back her own curses as weight was put on her leg. What injuries she had could wait- Wilson was worse off than she and needed medical attention as fast as he could get it. Refusing to go to the hospital, though, was going to damper that idea. Gently she wrapped an arm about his waist trying to keep from touching his burned side. Once he was in their transport for the ride back he'd have a moment of rest ( ... )


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