Field Trip [for Alyssa, but ota]

Apr 28, 2010 02:30

Enough was enough. Wade had been cooked up for way too long with the same people, doing the same thing every god damn day. And now they weren't in Africa, and they weren't in Russia, but Japan. Merely miles away from Okinawa to be exact. This was his home field. This was where he'd gone to train to become a mercenary. And god dammit, he had to get ( Read more... )

wade wilson, ✝ alyssa ryan

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kinshou_kitsune May 18 2010, 16:46:21 UTC
Seeing him actually open his eyes and talk, albeit weakly, made Alyssa choke out a little laugh. One of those that was more out of relief than finding the situation actually funny. She smiled wide causing the cuts about her face to burn as air finally made their way in to them. Blood ran down her brow tracing around her right eye before sliding down her cheek. The woman didn't care though. Wade was at least able to respond and that was all that mattered.

"You son of a... I could kiss you right now." For his ears sake she fell silent, her hand that had touched his cheek moved to take up the hand that had fallen back to the ground. Aly could allow him three- four if they were wanting to push getting out of there being seen. She knew the time it would take for them to get up to the house. They'd be stuck at the front longer than it would take them to get out of view unless they wanted to be dragged to the hospital and bring the civilian units even more involved. For Wade's sake it might be better. Give them both the chance to get medical attention before sneaking out and back to Okinawa. Then Stryker would probably kill them for it. Any of it.

Giving Wade the time he needed she took count of her own injuries. No wonder it had been hard for her to get out of the pond. Looking down at her lower right leg she saw a piece of wood impaled at an angle through it. Fucking a... There was no way she was going to be able to move Wade with that there. So, taking a deep hurried breaths, Alyssa grabbed on and pulled. She tried not to scream as the jagged piece came free only managing a strangled cry then a rush of breath being exhaled. The bleeding would slow soon with another hour or two before it had stopped all together. "Wade.. Wade we gotta go. They'll be here in a couple of minutes. We can't wait any longer."


makesppldead May 18 2010, 17:36:46 UTC
"Nnn. Yeah...really romantic." He nearly whispered before letting his eyes fall shut. For now he concentrated on breathing and getting himself back in tune with his senses and the environment. He hadn't been this hurt in a very long time, and getting your ass kicked took some getting used to. But he would be fine. He was a fast healer, despite not having a healing factor.

He took to pinpoint his situation falling into a small mediation to calm his body and try to dull the pain. Slowly he assessed the situation. They were in the backyard, about thirteen feet from where the house used to be. The ambulances. They would be there in eight Maybe three. Alyssa was more than responsive. He could feel her hand take his own and allowed her to. Her arm was broken, her leg mildly injured, and she shared the same group of cuts and bruises that he did. Maybe a little more waterlogged...she'd fallen into the pond.

Wade's own body wasn't so quick to respond. The right side of his face, forearm, and his back had been burned. First, possibly second degree, he guessed. And god. His back hurt so bad. Did he get blasted through the wall? Whatever happened to windows? He would be able to put his body into a calm state long enough for them to get to the base, and then he would collapse. He only needed rest. He could ignore the pain.

Hearing Alyssa beckon him once more, he took a deep breath before exhaling slowly. Using his free hand he slowly sat up and opened his eyes fully. "Alright. Let's go."


kinshou_kitsune May 18 2010, 18:11:12 UTC
"Guess I'll have to find a way to make it up to you."

Hesitation resounded in her words as she glanced back to where the sirens were getting closer. "Do you want them to find us? Get you looked at by the local doctors?" If not she'd help him up and they could hurry away. With the amount of injuries the two had together it was going to take them longer to get back to the island than when it had leaving it. His burns were bad... If she had to, Lys could put together a decent story good enough to cover them until they could leave.

When Wade started to move to sit the woman was right there with him. Sure he was a big boy and could do it himself, but considering what they had just gone through? Yeah. No way was he doing it alone or even trying to stand without using her as a hopeful post. "We could hide at the temple until the scene clears out if you don't want to be treated here. I know some of the people there. They'd help us."


makesppldead May 18 2010, 19:35:28 UTC
"No." He said simply, beginning to stand on his feet, only slightly wobbly. He accepted Alyssa's help but only because the severity of his injuries hit him. Everything ached. Everything burned. Wade wanted to cry out but he wouldn't. He ignored the pain and focused on their situation.

"We have to get back to the base ASAP. Getting treated here only complicates things, and it's not needed, we have a med bay. Most importantly we don't know if those fuck heads are coming back." He began to move away from the area, each step more painful than the last, but he didn't let it show.


kinshou_kitsune May 18 2010, 20:50:00 UTC
"Steal a couple of cars it is then." Helping Wade up she bit back her own curses as weight was put on her leg. What injuries she had could wait- Wilson was worse off than she and needed medical attention as fast as he could get it. Refusing to go to the hospital, though, was going to damper that idea. Gently she wrapped an arm about his waist trying to keep from touching his burned side. Once he was in their transport for the ride back he'd have a moment of rest.

Carefully guiding them out the back way as the sirens got louder, Alyssa tried her best to keep them moving even if knowing they both just wanted to stop. Smoke blackened the sky more than the evening would have causing a decent enough cover for the two. People would gather at the front of the homes entrance to look and gawk leaving them extra places to slide in at while the woman looked for a ride. And there it was- parked on the street where most of the lights were already off. Either people were at work or already off to see what the commotion was. Just as careful as before she tried to help Wade lean against the car long enough for her to pop the locks and get the thing going. "Don't mind if I take the wheel do you?"


makesppldead May 18 2010, 21:02:10 UTC
Normally Wade would fight any sort of help. In truth he didn't need it, in his eyes anyways. He could walk just fine. It was the pain his body was in that was the problem, it numbed every bit of his senses and feeling. Walking felt like spinning. But if he argued with her about it that would waste time, and they could move faster if she helped him.

He didn't even remember sneaking through the crowd of people. He was beginning to fade a little and came to when he felt himself leaning against the cool metal. It felt so good. But his injuries were worse than he thought. Wade grunted in response to Alyssa's question, all but letting himself fall into the passenger's seat and leaning the seat back.

As much as he normally would have wanted to drive, he wasn't going to be able to keep his eyes open another second. "I'm going to be one of those mean parents that makes their kids drive them everywhere. Sorry cupcake, Daddy needs to have a coma."


kinshou_kitsune May 18 2010, 21:22:47 UTC
"Sleep," Lyssa spoke once she'd managed to get the car started, not even double checking to see if anyone had spotted them. "I'll wake you when we need to change about."

There was only a few times during the first half of the trip that Lyssa actually stopped. Most of those times were to chance the license plats to keep a trail from being followed in case the owners reported their cars stolen quickly. It wasn't that she left them in bad condition. Just generally almost out of gas and... okay a little bloody at first.

She tried to wake Wade as little as possibly only long enough to make sure he was fine and that wasn't going in to shock. Not that she thought he would... but it was a fear that had settled in the pit of her stomach at the extent of everything that had happened. Where they could they boarded on to ships that could ferry cars across the islands, ditching them soon after all for the trail. The major problem was going to be when they got back to Okinawa.


makesppldead May 18 2010, 21:35:47 UTC
She didn't have to tell him twice. Wade's eyes were already closed and he let his body take him into the darkness it wanted to hide in from the pain. He didn't open them again, not even when they had to switch transportation or she checked on him. He left everything to Alyssa, trusting her to get them where they needed to go. Even if he didn't trust her he didn't have any other option.

He could sense her fear and uneasiness even in his weakened state but he knew if they kept going as they were, they would be fine. They reached Okinawa in what seemed to Wade such a short time. But everything was just blurred together and he couldn't really keep track. But he had conserved his energy enough to be able to walk the trail back to the base. They were almost there.

It was more of a chore to keep his eyes open then it was to move his legs. But he'd had enough of the silence. They were in the home stretch, and he was sure the young woman needed something else to think about. "So. Next time we go out, we're bringing the bazooka."


kinshou_kitsune May 18 2010, 22:13:11 UTC
Lyssa's laugh was weak as they took the home stretch back towards the base. The sun was just now starting to raise barely lighting the path for the wayward mutants. At least Wade was getting his sense of humor back. "Lets just bring the entire base... flatten a couple of buildings in the process."

Ahead of them the gates were in sight as the woman had to pause. Her leg was throbbing, toes having gone numbish sometime after the walk back to camp had started. Of course she hadn't said a word until then quite literally having to stop and rub the feeling back in her leg. "Maybe some explosives too."


makesppldead May 18 2010, 22:24:30 UTC
"If we wanted to bring the kids that kind of defeats the vacation, but then again, so did everything else." Wade all but sung as he saw the main gate. Finally. He could go and collapse somewhere...for a short bit. And then he would have to go warn his team.

He watched Alyssa to stop and rub her leg, pausing and waiting for her patiently. "Let's just be a little more prepared."


kinshou_kitsune May 18 2010, 22:34:19 UTC
"Next time we aren't going to a place where people can sneak up on us. Period. No questions asked." All the woman wanted was a quiet beach somewhere, a cold drink in her hand, and towel to stretch out on. The tricks she knew weren't working any more- the last bit of a walk was going to be interesting. Straightening up Lyssa could already feel the muscles in her body complaining about having no rest not to mention being quite misused. "Maybe see if the Old Man will gives a pass back to the Keys or something."

Moving with a limp was the easy part. Making her foot not turn under on its self was the harder. "After this... I want a hot shower. A large ass bowl of ice cream, and an entire bottle of chocolate syrup on it. I don't care if Hope says no. I'm getting it."


makesppldead May 18 2010, 22:45:10 UTC
Wade rolled his eyes. "I'll never understand you women and the beach." He watched her struggle with her leg a little more before turning his attention back to the glorious finish line in front of them. He would offer to give her a piggyback ride or something. But the back said no.

"I want bed. That's it. Just bed. And I'm most definitely going to get it, or make a bed out of wherever I fall first."


kinshou_kitsune May 18 2010, 22:50:26 UTC
Don't ask just exactly how Alyssa manged to keep from snorting another laugh. It was just barely that she did though the idea of sleeping... no that was something she was going to put off. When she closed her eyes she saw her mentor in that pond and... Swallowing hard she fought back the urge to be sick again just having even let her mind drift for that second. "I don't think I'll be sleeping for a while. Unless Doc just knocks me out."

"Found out why I couldn't find my master when we got to the house." Rubbing a hand across her brow, Lys stumbled to a stop just shy of the gate. The guard was already drawing attention to them. What did it matter if they took just a couple more seconds. Course Wade could go on and leave her behind. She'd understand.


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