Field Trip [for Alyssa, but ota]

Apr 28, 2010 02:30

Enough was enough. Wade had been cooked up for way too long with the same people, doing the same thing every god damn day. And now they weren't in Africa, and they weren't in Russia, but Japan. Merely miles away from Okinawa to be exact. This was his home field. This was where he'd gone to train to become a mercenary. And god dammit, he had to get ( Read more... )

wade wilson, ✝ alyssa ryan

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Comments 117

kinshou_kitsune April 28 2010, 23:03:37 UTC
Sleep. Precious, precious sleep! It wasn't like some of her bunkmates were exactly the type to go to sleep early and were generally louder than expected. Some even snored! So when Lyssa was finally able to get some shut eye not two hours earlier the feeling of someone poking at her cheek was not what she was expecting or looking forward to. The problem with being a light sleeper generally revolved her world around the whims of others. Upon hearing the other mercenary's voice the sleeping woman groaned a little before rolling over to give him a weary, sleepy eyed glare. Decent hours were a key thing for a woman on little sleep!

But, of course, Alyssa knew that Wade was not a patient man and would not wait on her if she asked for ten more minutes of sleep. "Only if you promise this field trip involves cotton candy and a trip to the zoo." A joke of course as she stretched out her arms and legs before forcing herself to sit up.


makesppldead April 28 2010, 23:09:42 UTC
Time had seen to the fact that Wade was used to little or no sleep. He only needed a few hours and he was good to go. As soon as he was sure his female companion was up enough to not go back to bed, he began to back out of the room, still trying to keep quiet.

"You know that you'll find neither where we're going. I'll be outside, you got five minutes Shrimp."

And with that he took his leave to give her the five minutes to compose herself and get ready. If it wouldn't cost them their trip he would be bouncing around, possibly yelling in excitement, but he would save that for later.


kinshou_kitsune April 28 2010, 23:32:16 UTC
Five minutes? Please. The woman was going out that didn't involve weapons, to a degree, or army regulation underwear. Alyssa was going to make herself presentable to the general public. Even if it was a mad dash to get ready the woman was ready in just a few seconds under the five minute marker hoping that Wade wouldn't come storming back in demanding her to be ready then and there.

Brushing fingers back through her hair, Lyssa stepped out in to the hall trying her best not to wake any of the rest of the team that was sound asleep. Wade was given a wry little smile as she slung her bag over her shoulder before hooking her thumbs off her back jeans pockets. "All right... all right. This presentable enough or do you want me to go back and change?"


makesppldead April 28 2010, 23:39:41 UTC
The mercenary was leaning against the hall, all but tapping his foot as he waited. He sprung to when he saw her come through the hall and returned her smile.

"Aww, it's like casual day at work where everyone gets to see their coworkers in regular clothes. Alien, isn't it? Let's move so we can slip past before the shift change."

He ignored her own snark and turned on his heel to lead the exit out of the building. Instead of walking across the courtyard they would have to walk along the buildings. If they were going to make it past the guards they would have to make it fast, quiet, and sneaky...obviously.


kinshou_kitsune May 13 2010, 05:04:58 UTC
Kyoto. There was just something about the city that made Alyssa relax more than being in her home town. For all purposes this was her home more so than being back in the States and, for that, she was grateful. As soon as the two mercenaries had stepped off the tram there was a more calm demeanor about the woman. She wasn't as fidgety or perky like she was on the trip away from Okinawa. Taking one deep breath, Lys could already smell the faint aroma of the cherry blossoms in the city ( ... )


makesppldead May 13 2010, 05:16:42 UTC
During his short stay in Japan Wade had only been to Kyoto once or twice and never really got a chance to go off and explore. A rare time in his life when he would be quiet and listen to what Alyssa told him about and showed him, taking it all in and enjoying it for what it was.

As they neared the building he could sense a change in her demeanor and watched her carefully, frowning. "And why would we do that?"


kinshou_kitsune May 13 2010, 05:22:53 UTC
"Scenic route?" Not that the path they had been taking was anything but the scenic route. Short and to the point, yes, but also in sections that most tourists didn't take the time to enjoy. "Trust me, Wade... there's nothing to really be interesting down there."

Just places where she'd burned stone and scorch marks that were never going to be able to be removed.

"Come on... we can stop and grab some take out before we go there if you want?" It was a ploy. Get him distracted with food long enough to get the idea of taking a slightly longer route out of his mind.


makesppldead May 13 2010, 05:31:16 UTC
Wade raised a brow as she spoke, his eyes glancing up to study the path that she was so obviously trying to avoid. There was definitely something different about it. He could sense it, and the fact that she wanted to avoid it only intrigued him to want to see it more.

While food was tempting Wade was much more interested in what she was trying to hide. He stopped in his tracks, pulling his hands from his pockets and folding them. "What are you trying to hide?"


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