Field Trip [for Alyssa, but ota]

Apr 28, 2010 02:30

Enough was enough. Wade had been cooked up for way too long with the same people, doing the same thing every god damn day. And now they weren't in Africa, and they weren't in Russia, but Japan. Merely miles away from Okinawa to be exact. This was his home field. This was where he'd gone to train to become a mercenary. And god dammit, he had to get ( Read more... )

wade wilson, ✝ alyssa ryan

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kinshou_kitsune May 13 2010, 05:04:58 UTC
Kyoto. There was just something about the city that made Alyssa relax more than being in her home town. For all purposes this was her home more so than being back in the States and, for that, she was grateful. As soon as the two mercenaries had stepped off the tram there was a more calm demeanor about the woman. She wasn't as fidgety or perky like she was on the trip away from Okinawa. Taking one deep breath, Lys could already smell the faint aroma of the cherry blossoms in the city ( ... )


makesppldead May 13 2010, 05:16:42 UTC
During his short stay in Japan Wade had only been to Kyoto once or twice and never really got a chance to go off and explore. A rare time in his life when he would be quiet and listen to what Alyssa told him about and showed him, taking it all in and enjoying it for what it was.

As they neared the building he could sense a change in her demeanor and watched her carefully, frowning. "And why would we do that?"


kinshou_kitsune May 13 2010, 05:22:53 UTC
"Scenic route?" Not that the path they had been taking was anything but the scenic route. Short and to the point, yes, but also in sections that most tourists didn't take the time to enjoy. "Trust me, Wade... there's nothing to really be interesting down there."

Just places where she'd burned stone and scorch marks that were never going to be able to be removed.

"Come on... we can stop and grab some take out before we go there if you want?" It was a ploy. Get him distracted with food long enough to get the idea of taking a slightly longer route out of his mind.


makesppldead May 13 2010, 05:31:16 UTC
Wade raised a brow as she spoke, his eyes glancing up to study the path that she was so obviously trying to avoid. There was definitely something different about it. He could sense it, and the fact that she wanted to avoid it only intrigued him to want to see it more.

While food was tempting Wade was much more interested in what she was trying to hide. He stopped in his tracks, pulling his hands from his pockets and folding them. "What are you trying to hide?"


kinshou_kitsune May 13 2010, 05:39:32 UTC
It was an ominous path even in the day time. Lyssa swallowed hard, giving Wade one hard look before stepping past him in to the tighter side street. Her eyes swirled from the usual blue-green finding the shades of red and gold that was her tell tale sign of doing anything unhumanly possible. The path unsettled her and even years later it still did. Not even having another mutant like herself there could ever change that. "First place you ever killed someone? Still bring back memories for you ( ... )


makesppldead May 13 2010, 05:56:14 UTC
Now this was something he'd not been expecting. His facial expression fell from almost teasing to blank and..almost serious. His lips formed into a hard line before he answered her. "No. I don't even remember." It was a lie, he did remember, but there wasn't much to it. Wade killed the man, and that was it, no strings attached.

Wade watched her unusual behavior, following her slowly, taking in the odd environment. The mood had severely changed. If not in Alyssa's aura, the entire place. He could feel what she was talking about as she described it. What she was telling him was deep and meaningful but unfortunately he was inexperienced in how to respond. So for what seemed like the longest time he was silent. "...We can get that take out now if you want."


kinshou_kitsune May 14 2010, 03:40:47 UTC
The alley way was perfect to get jumped at. The buildings were tall with trees looming over casting shadows on to the ground allowing little light to shine through during the day let alone at night. Lys crossed her arms, gripping her arms with tight fingers. Out of all of Japan this was the one place she'd avoid like the plague. "We're halfway there now. Unless you're just hungry then..." No. No the idea had been a ploy to get them to not come down this way though now they had there was really no turning back. She knew the steps by heart from there. The woman could have travel it in her mind even as she slept.

"The building is close to the entrance to Fushimi Inari shrine. Just up the road a couple of blocks." Quietly the woman started to move away from where they were standing. She just couldn't look at it any more. Reaching up, Alyssa lowered her sunglasses back over her eyes that had been perched on her head. "There's a little place just close by I used to go to when I couldn't sleep. If you're interested."


makesppldead May 14 2010, 04:19:02 UTC
Seeing her withdrawn demeanor actually made Wade feel sorry for the young woman. He wasn't experienced in the kind of emotions she was feeling, or the reasons for them to be exact, but he could pick up on the feelings in the air and understood. He didn't hesitate in following behind her and giving her some space.

"Wherever you want. Lead the way."


kinshou_kitsune May 14 2010, 15:12:58 UTC
For a while Lyssa was quiet simply leading them towards the house that she had spent most of her time in Kyoto. She was quiet, unnaturally so, racking thoughts through her mind trying to figure out whatever it was that was going on inside her head. When she finally spoke again it was with a sigh. "It was the first time I had ever lost control of myself like that. I lost my control and it went wild- I didn't feel anything but anger and the need to just destroy the people who had done it." Turning her head to look up at Wade she offered a small little smile, sad as it was, "You gotta promise me, Wade, if you ever see me get like that again to knock me out or kill me one. Only way to stop it."

Rounding a corner the woman lead him up a small hill towards an old style house not very far up. Quaint, and overlooking the entrance to the Shrine, it looked just like every other classical styled house in Kyoto except a smidge larger. "That's it. Home sweet home."


makesppldead May 14 2010, 15:26:44 UTC
As mean as it sounds, Wade wished that it wasn't so quiet. He couldn't stand the silence but he wouldn't be so brash as to try and speak just for the sake of it when obviously she needed the peace. When she sighed he looked up to listen to her speak again, his face contorting in an odd look at her request. He didn't make promises. Especially on things like that. "I'm not promising anything. You're a big girl."

Cruel as it sounded Wade just didn't like her requesting that out of him. He hadn't known her long, not that it mattered, but it was most likely due to the fact that for some reason he didn't like it. Rousing from his thoughts ont he subject he looked up to observe the shrine. "Not bad."


kinshou_kitsune May 14 2010, 15:42:42 UTC
"It was always quiet. Peaceful- which my mentor was a big believer in meditation before destroying things." Alyssa could understand his not promising to it. Honestly she wouldn't have been asking if she didn't know the extent of what her abilities could do. Sure it would wipe her out for weeks or months depending on the level she used it to, but within a short amount of time? Yeah. It could be bad. Her step picked up a little as the two neared the building. Seeing the place again was great giving her a warm/fuzzy feeling where dread had been there before.

"You just have to promise me you won't climb any of the trees in the backyard. I did that once before and he took a switch to me." Of course she had done it just to get the old man's goat so...


makesppldead May 14 2010, 17:00:49 UTC
Wade offered her a small smile. "Damn, that was first on my list." Truth be told it was very tempting, but since she asked he would refrain. Maybe.

"So is your master here?" Wade was interested in meeting the one who trained her. Maybe they could tell him what happened to his own sensei.


kinshou_kitsune May 14 2010, 17:32:42 UTC
Leave it to Wilson to get her to snorting a little laugh again. Ducking her head the shorter woman shrugged her shoulders. "Hey it's your ass that might not be able to sit for a week if you do." Not that she thought her old instructor would do that. To her, maybe. Not to Wade ( ... )


makesppldead May 14 2010, 18:16:10 UTC
"I dare him to try." The other merc said with a roll of his eyes. Discapline and him never got along, but he somehow managed his training. If even he wasn't the best of students. He would still try and be on his best behavior if not for Alyssa's sake.

He waited as she searched about, slipping his shoes off beside hers and then scooting inside. Now this was quite a place, and he immediately took to exploring it. "Think he'll mind?" Not that he cared of course, but again, for her sake.


kinshou_kitsune May 14 2010, 19:31:53 UTC
"Don't go in to the room at the top left of the stairs." The old man probably wouldn't like anyone going in to his room. Not even Lyssa when she had lived there had ever been inside it. The layout was quite simple to navigate and explore. Out of the few rooms on the first level the training room was by far the largest. It was sleek and clean, the wooden floors polished to perfection. Two sets of sliding doors lined the long wall where scrolls or weapons didn't hang mounted. Other items hung about the room- punching bag, various relics form times past, and in the center of it all a set of shelves with her instructors own swords. Kenji's own set was similar in appearance to what Lyssa carried though his were older and more used.

It was way to quiet. To peaceful.

Somewhere above wherever Wade was at the floor squeaked. One of someone trying to be quiet and possibly had blown their cover.


makesppldead May 14 2010, 20:31:44 UTC
Upon her telling him not to do something, again, he pouted. Maybe he was too much like a child but he really wanted to see what was in that room now. He'd leave it be. He continued to survey the area until his eyes cast approvingly over the set of swords.

Immediately he became still when he heard the floor above his head squeak. Wade frowned, closing his eyes for a moment before looking up at the ceiling, and then at Alyssa. Reaching up and behind the hem of his jacket and fluidly pulled out his tanto, twirling the blade along his fingers and into his hand. Wade was never unarmed. But he did wonder who was there and he had every intention of finding out.


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