ATTN Team Tanuki!

Apr 14, 2010 19:22

It felt so good, putting foot on solid ground again. The relief, coupled with the overload of new sensations, made the experience not unlike a dream for Logan. The ocean. Been a while since he'd seen that. The warmer air, thick with scents of plants and trees. Those little touches of nature were already beginning to make the place feel more like ( Read more... )

✝ asher banks, ✝ james logan, ✝ katie thompson, angelica 'firestar' jones

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Comments 14

accretion_disk April 14 2010, 23:14:08 UTC
Asher turned his head listening to the man. He didn't have any problems training but he wasn't sure it would change the years he'd already spent honing his skills. He picked a bed tossing his bag onto it before opening it up. Time to make sure everything survived the trip.


angelica_jinx April 16 2010, 02:51:01 UTC
"I do." Angel replied from her bunk by one of the windows. It hadn't taken her long to turn her standard issue cot into something more cozy with a colorful throw and a few extra pillows. "Actually, I have a couple if that's okay. I know you said 6am but I was wondering how exactly you planned to train us. I mean are we just going to spar and run drills or does this complex have some sort of simulator?"

Glancing around, she made her way closer to Logan to ask the next question privately. "Also, in light of recent... nocturnal incidents on my part, I was wondering who I would need to speak with for more flame resistant bedding and mattress. I know you lead the team. Should I go through you?"


45825243_t78_a April 16 2010, 19:49:13 UTC
"No simulator. We're gonna run drills, spar without powers, train powers, spar with powers... end up with a couple hours in the gym." That was how he was picturing it now, anyway. He'd be willing to listen to suggestions, even if his behavior seemed to indicate otherwise. The main thing was to get everyone trained, both physically and with their powers.

Logan made a bit of a face at her second question. What, she burnt shit on a regular basis? Great. The one person on the team he knew had the kind of experience that was needed, and she could end up torching the place.

He considered her question for a moment. Stryker hadn't been all that clear yet on what his job as team leader entailed, but Logan really didn't want to run and kiss the major's ass anytime one of his team needed anything - or thought they did.

"You talk to Stryker. If he gives you trouble, come to me." He doubted he could convince Stryker if she couldn't, but he could try. And if it didn't work, well... there might be more creative solutions to the problem.


angelica_jinx April 16 2010, 20:20:36 UTC
It wasn't that she did it on a regular basis. It had been ages since she'd lost control of her power but the nightmares were getting worse and it was better safe than sorry.

Didn't mean it wasn't embarrassing though.

His expressing made her cheeks burn all the harder but she forced a smile anyway as she nods. "I can do that. Thank you."

"Oh," She added on her way back to her bed. "Training might go a little faster if we are specifically paired up according to weaknesses rather than strengths. I think if we have people on the team that don't have combat experience it might be good to strengthen defense so they at least don't die while they bulk up the other stuff, you know?"


45825243_t78_a April 16 2010, 21:17:01 UTC
He nodded when she thanked him. Maybe this team leader thing wouldn't be so bad. It was going all right so far. No protests; no need for force. It probably wouldn't last, but it was a good start.

At her new suggestion, he shrugged his head a little. Though he didn't realize it, part of the reason why he was feeling increasingly OK about his promotion was that Angel seemed to know what she was doing. That meant one less person to worry about.

"Everyone's gonna need to practice both offense and defense. An' I wanna mix things up from time to time. No set pairs - not lastin', anyway." There was no telling how they'd end up going on a mission, after all. They might not all go. People left. People died.

But still, she did have a point. "We can pair up for sparrin' with powers, switch pairs every two weeks." It was a suggestion, even if it wasn't phrased as one.


123_kaboom April 17 2010, 01:07:11 UTC
Katie was seated on the floor, kneeling over a large crate with labels in Russian and Japanese plastered all over it. The top had already been levered off, and she was pawing through it, carefully checking innocent-looking slender metal canisters retrieved from its depths.

When she heard Logan start talking, she jerked up in surprise at the gruff tone, her expression turning carefully blank as he ran through his schedule. With an explosive in each hand, she shook her head mutely at him, deciding it would be best for everyone involved if she had as little contact as possible with him and got on with her own life.


45825243_t78_a April 17 2010, 18:04:22 UTC
There was this smell... Just a trace of it - but then, that's all there would be. Any more, and they'd all have been dead already. It took Logan a second to find the source, even though it should've been glaringly obvious. His Japanese wasn't all that, but he knew enough Russian to recognize warnings when he saw them.

"What the hell is that?" he demanded, turning to Katie.


123_kaboom April 17 2010, 19:29:21 UTC
Katie leaned back slightly in surprise from his sudden turn on her, frowning slightly at his accusatory tone.

"Undiluted botulinum toxin," she said with a sniff, folding her arms defensively. She had built the bombs using the raw, lethal form of Botox on the base in Russia, and decided to check them personally after the unforgiving flight to Japan rather than risk leaving the weapons to someone who didn't know how to handle them. The toxin had been hard to come by, and she didn't want any of her precious creations ruined.


45825243_t78_a April 18 2010, 12:54:24 UTC
His frown deepened. Sure, biological bombs. In the living quarters. "Get 'em outta here. Now." For fuck's sake - was she trying to get everyone killed?


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