ATTN Team Tanuki!

Apr 14, 2010 19:22

It felt so good, putting foot on solid ground again. The relief, coupled with the overload of new sensations, made the experience not unlike a dream for Logan. The ocean. Been a while since he'd seen that. The warmer air, thick with scents of plants and trees. Those little touches of nature were already beginning to make the place feel more like some sort of home than Russia ever had.

Grabbing his duffel, Logan headed to his team's room. With the flight behind him, and the new impressions slowly sinking in, the more practical sides of the move to Japan began to resurface. He was leader of a team. A team of which at least half the members had no combat experience. If they had to go on a mission now, they were screwed; they'd get themselves killed, and it'd be his responsibility. He wasn't going to let that happen.

Tossing his duffel on the bed nearest the door - guarding the entrance, both for people coming in and people going out, was instinctive - he waited until the rest of his team had got themselves settled.

"Listen up," he said loudly but without shouting, demanding attention. "If we're goin' into action, we gotta be prepared. That means knowin' how to fight, an knowin' how to fight as a team. Some of you ain't ever done that before." He looked around the team. Mostly women, too. His jaw set with stubborn determination. "Well, you're gonna learn. Trainin' starts at 0600 every morning, outside. Half an hour for breakfast 'round eight. You work hard, we'll be done 'round noon. At 1500 hours, I want you back here to talk powers, talents, whatever you got. Come up with a problem we could face, see how we can use 'em."

There, that about settled it. Logan was feeling much better about things now, his customary scowl relaxing a little. This would get them as prepared as they were going to be. "Any questions?"

((If anyone has OOC objections to this, just say so and we can tweak. I figured this is kinda like the curfew is/was, though. It doesn't have to get in the way of any plotting. It's just that Logan takes his leadership very seriously. XD But again, any problems, just say so! Also, feel free to try to tone him down a little IC. Might work.... possibly. Maybe.))

✝ asher banks, ✝ james logan, ✝ katie thompson, angelica 'firestar' jones

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