It's that time again [ota]

Feb 22, 2010 16:12

The constant flux of night patrol shifts were beginning to take their toll on Agent Zero. Before he honestly didn't mind them, maybe even enjoyed them, but now that they were only split between he and Jack it made things more difficult. Having a patrol job at night didn't excuse you from your day time duties. He couldn't remember when he'd slept ( Read more... )

✝ kale hopkins, victor creed, ✝ fred 'blob' dukes, ✝ david 'agent zero' north, ✝ alyssa ryan

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Comments 38

un_move_able February 22 2010, 21:19:54 UTC
Once again Fred found himself unable to sleep. But this was not exclusively due to bad dreams. Giving a heavy sigh, he got up. Maybe a late night meal would lull him back to sleep.

The mess hall was not empty when he arrived, having made a sandwich for himself. Zero was making coffee.



donthink_shoot February 22 2010, 21:27:04 UTC
Zero continued to stare at the pot when he heard Fred come in. It was only Fred after all, and he wasn't going to do anything. Honestly anyone could have come in at that moment save for Wade and he wouldn't have cared. He was too tired and out of it.

When the pot was made he poured a cup and moved to sit at the counter, giving Fred a nod. "Afternoon, Fred. What's keeping you up?"


un_move_able February 22 2010, 21:33:38 UTC
Fred rubbed at his face, tired but not sleepy.

"A few things."

Like friends gone...

He shoved the sandwich into his mouth, a sure indication that he was not in the best of moods. Normally when eating, he would savor every flavor, but Fred tended to shovel in his food when he was upset about something.

"I miss Rogue," he finally admitted, sighing.


donthink_shoot February 22 2010, 21:41:45 UTC
Zero studied his behavior quietly, taking in the changes before nodding. He took a sip from his coffee and thought a moment before speaking. "I see."

He was quiet again as he took in some more coffee and tried to get his wits about him. "Why do you think so many left?"


morph_boy February 23 2010, 02:54:03 UTC
He'd taken a small run around the base. Small wasn't exactly the word for it since he'd went around three times. Kale hurried into the mess hall, brushing past another person. "'Scuse me," he mumbled. Water was the goal and by damn, he was intent on getting some.


donthink_shoot February 23 2010, 03:37:43 UTC
Zero frowned when someone brushed past him. In his current state it nearly knocked him over and he pushed away from the counter. "What are you doing up?"


morph_boy February 23 2010, 04:02:45 UTC
After grabbing a bottle of water, Kale froze. To him it sounded like a voice of authority. "Uh...went for a run." He could've lied, but this answer seemed like the better one.


donthink_shoot February 23 2010, 04:14:41 UTC
Unfortunately for Kale, it was a voice of authority...a tired, cranky one at that. Zero frowned. He didn't have any patience to lose. "You're past curfew."


watch_the_nails February 23 2010, 19:09:58 UTC
As luck would have it - or a profound lack of luck - Victor was nursing a late-night cup of crappy coffee in the Mess Hall whilst trying to read an old paper that had been left lying around. Thankfully it was in English, otherwise he wouldn't have bothered. He flicked the faded and tattered pages over with his claws inbetween sips of his lukewarm drink, glancing up as he heard the approach of Zero's footsteps as the marksman entered the room.


donthink_shoot February 23 2010, 19:48:51 UTC
Victor was honestly the last person Zero expected to see. With coffee and a paper no doubt. But then again, he wouldn't expect himself to be in here either. Walking past him to the counter he silently made himself a cup, paying the feral no mind.


watch_the_nails February 23 2010, 20:19:09 UTC
Victor watched Zero as the man set about making his own cup of coffee, not exactly wary of the man - since Victor arrogantly assumed that he could take him on, should it ever come down to it again - but curious nonetheless. He hadn't seen much of the marksman since his incarceration, and that meant he hadn'd had a chance to taunt him, either.

"What's the matter, Hot Shot?" he sneered, pushing the paper aside as he stared at the man. Suddenly, talking seemed like a much more interesting prospect than reading an outdated paper. "Nightmares keepin' you up again?"


donthink_shoot February 23 2010, 22:49:08 UTC
Taking jabs from Victor was something Zero had gotten used to a long time ago. That, and ones from Wade. It usually was only Logan that seemed to get under his skin. Despite that, and the fact that he was tired and cold, he didn't take it to heart.

Turning around and leaning on the counter he merely sipped from his mug. "I'm afraid that as of now only you are the one being kept up by nightmares. I, however, am working."


kinshou_kitsune February 23 2010, 23:50:41 UTC
The forms were etched in to her mind. Step here, trail with the blade there, guard right then cut left- each movement the woman did with the sword in her hand was done with such an accurate note one would have expected an instructor there watching. Not that Lyssa expected anyone to come in to the gym at that time. Even in spite of the hour, and the curfew, the gym was quite popular during the day. It was quieter at night and more relaxed with less want to impress and intimidate.

Adding a second blade her pace picked up. Blue-green eyes remained closed as she counted out the steps and each change in pitch as blades wooshed past her. Easy enough to miss someone possibly coming in side and possibly informing that she was violating the curfew she, ah, knew she was violating.


donthink_shoot February 24 2010, 03:16:56 UTC
Seeing as the young woman was practicing swords, with fire no doubt, it was probably unwise for Zero to be half asleep. And nearly colliding into her blade. Only a few moments away from being decapitated did he notice, quickly using his reflexes to dodge out of the way.

Instinctively he pulled his guns. How was he to know someone was 'practicing' this late? It was after all after curfew. Could have been an attack. Could have been his lack of sleep.

"Put the swords down."


kinshou_kitsune February 24 2010, 03:28:58 UTC
He shouldn't have been sleep walking to get that close to one of her blades. Alyssa paused, not lowering the blades at first as the green fire cast eerie shadows on to the walls and those close enough to be in their area. When she opened her eyes they swirled between golds and reds locked on to Zero's face. "I didn't think," the younger woman replied with a wry lit, "that it was illegal to workout in the gym."

So she didn't exactly lower the blades per the order, but she did cross them on her shoulders with the blades pointed away and closer to their scabbards. This was like playing with fire but not so much in the proverbial sense of the phrase.


donthink_shoot February 24 2010, 03:42:33 UTC
"It's past curfew. You shouldn't even be in the gym." He slowly began to lower his guns back to their holisters, but his grip on them stayed firm. Though he could see she obviously meant no harm this was Agent Zero. Uptight was his middle name.


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