Tournament: Round One

Nov 08, 2009 11:49

It was Zero's job to clear out the weapons hanger for the tournament. While it seemed like the most improper place for such a thing, where they were, it actually was perfect. The building was larger than any room in the dormitories and it had the most wide open space. All that needed to be done was to move the shelves containing weapons on the ( Read more... )

✝ david 'agent zero' north, ✝ katherine 'fade' pryde, ✝ jessica 'siren' davies, mark 'martini' martinez, ✝ asher banks, ✝ allison 'magma' crestmere, jack hendley, ✝ gloria 'risque' munoz, ✝ julian 'scion' keller, victor creed, ✝ neena 'domino' thurman, ✝ john 'kestrel' wraith, julio 'rictor' esteban richter, ✝ rahne 'wolfsbane' sinclair, ✝ james logan

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Comments 117

movetheearth November 15 2009, 23:52:47 UTC
Ric stood at the edge of the ring, pacing back and forth as he cracked his knuckles. He was mildly peeved he had been paired off with a kid, but it wasn't just any old kid. Oh no! It was bloody Victor's son and heir of all things cranky and sharp and pointy!

Sure he reckoned there was a chance he could kick the lads ass from here to kingdom-come but that wasn't the point! Despite taking on a child Ric had still been sensible to stretch, wrap his knuckles and wrists and take the time to warm up.

What he really wanted was for this to be over and done with pronto but no doubt things wouldn't go his way.


createdevidence November 16 2009, 06:24:15 UTC
Nicky hadn't cared that he was paired up with an adult or that it was Ric. He stretched a little having stripped off most of his layers earlier. He was just in the uniform pants and a wife beater. He knew the extra layers would just get in the way of his movements.

He looked over at Ric ready to go.


movetheearth November 16 2009, 07:16:18 UTC
Ric stepped forward having noted that Nicky was now ready, he gently bounced on the balls of his feet getting a sense of his centre of gravity and waiting to see what Nicky did.

He wasn't sure if it was easier to attack first or defend first with the kid so after a moment Ric inched forwards, closer to the centre of the ring but not too close incase the kid got any sudden bright ideas.

"Come on then kid."


createdevidence November 16 2009, 07:19:44 UTC
Nicky watched his every move almost like he was prey. It was taking some effort for him not to go at him full force but he knew he couldn't use his claws. He started to move toward him when Ric moved stopping short of the center. He knew he was quick and he hoped it was quick enough. Nicky snapped forward lashing out with his fist toward Ric's face.


arisquebusiness November 16 2009, 06:51:04 UTC
Gloria paced back and forth waiting for the hunter. She knew he was old but he also had plenty of experience hunting down mutants with various powers. She had her hands taped up and her hair pulled back tightly in a braid. Gloria wasn't giving him any chance to get a good grip on her hair to use against her.

She shifted on his feet waiting eagerly for the fight to get ready to start. She was prepared for just about anything the hunter could throw at her in this fight.


hunteroffreaks November 16 2009, 06:59:46 UTC
Jack walked into the ring, his poker face on. He was doing his best to conceal the pain he was still feeling from his injuries. When he had signed up for this tournament, Jack hadn't known he was going to be roasted by a pyromaniac mutant. But rather than back out, he let his pride rule his head, and insisted on fighting anyway.

His left hand was still bandaged up, and he knew it'd be practically useless in the fight against Risque. He sized up his opponent, as he stood there in a T-shirt and a pair of well-worn jeans. She looked like a no-nonsense type of fighter, more used to throwing punches then that frilly martial arts crap some of the others used.

The key would be to take her down hard and fast, and leave her no room to retaliate. If this got drawn out, Jack knew he'd be in trouble. He swung out with a hard right, hoping to catch her in the stomach.


arisquebusiness November 16 2009, 07:13:39 UTC
Risque almost missed that he was moving the blow catching her right side her as she tried to throw herself back away from him. She got her balance resisting the urge to puke before lashing out at him with her right foot aiming for the back of his knee. She hoped she could destabilize him enough to do some real damage.

She kept her hands up, she wasn't going to give him easy access to her head and face. She didn't want this man taking her down.


hunteroffreaks November 16 2009, 07:37:39 UTC
Jack sidestepped the kick, but not nearly fast enough. It hurt like a bitch, but he could take it. He circled slowly, looking for an opening. He wondered if he could get inside Risque's head, find something that would anger her, and therefore make her less cautious.

"Not bad, girly. Not bad. Where'd you learn how to fight, Girl Scouts?"

He tried a few quick jabs, hoping to score a hit in between her blocking.


hunt_the_devil November 21 2009, 00:58:20 UTC
John was a little uneasy about fighting a woman but at least it was Dom and she was a feisty and well rounded individual who he knew would hopefully be eager to obey the rules... much like John intended to do.

He had already stretched, the hat placed safely to one side near Zero. They'd shared a quick, quiet coversation before John entered the ring. The sound of his knuckles cracking and shoes scuffing agains the floor were the only sounds from him as John waited for Dom.


alwaysthelucky1 November 22 2009, 16:12:28 UTC
Domino was stretched and ready long before the fight, but what had kept her was Logan. Deciding she couldn't/shouldn't run after him she sighed and pulled herself into the ring. She might as well enjoy her fight. This was John after all, and he was a great sport.

She smirked, putting up her fists in a fighting stance and bouncing on each toe. "Ready for some fun, John?"


hunt_the_devil November 22 2009, 23:53:51 UTC
"As always, just you make sure you play nice now. Don't trust a little lady like yourself not to try some dirty moves." It was all said playfully, no spite or harm meant in the words. Instead they were perhaps said to get some response out of Dom and perhaps ruffle her feathers a little.

John matched Dom's stance, his fists brought up in a defensive position but he wasn't a fool. He knew Dom was going to give as good as she got... and John dabbled in boxing for a hobby.

He approached quickly, jabbing his right fist in towards Dom's right hand side.


alwaysthelucky1 November 23 2009, 00:04:27 UTC
"Lets just fight, cowboy." Domino took the words as playfully as John had said them. It took quite a bit of something to rile her up. Though in good spirits and lighthearted, she was very aware of her surroundings.

As soon as John moved to jab, she dodge out of the way, turning at an angle to plant herself for a kick, aimed at his side. There was no reason to hold anything back. This was, for fun after all.


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