
Nov 02, 2009 17:13

Back so soon? Scion was used to keeping to himself, he enjoyed the time alone. His Halloween was spent far from the others, as per usual, in his quarters, reading. Scion was becoming more used to hiding himself from his other team members. He would occasional see Jane, or Martini, men X-13 saw as more tolerable than the rest of the X-team but there ( Read more... )

✝ talia moretti, ✝ julian 'scion' keller, ✝ jason 'j-143' stryker, mark 'martini' martinez, julio 'rictor' esteban richter, sarah 'ophelia' mayspring

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Comments 63

movetheearth November 2 2009, 22:48:49 UTC
Ric wasn't so much as lurking but full on stalking Scion with a silent interest from afar. He actually hadn't properly met the mutant who was currently making pieces of metal sheeting fly through the air with an impressive grace, but now he had a reason to want to meet him.

Call it jealousy or whatever you liked, Ric just saw it as making polite and friendly conversation with a team mate and if anyone questioned it further he was merely being polite to someone who had shown kindness to his boyf... his lo... his Martini ( ... )


hellion_king November 2 2009, 23:03:36 UTC
How long had Scion know Rictor was there, watching him? The fact of the matter was that X-13 had telepathy and used it when he needed to. He was a solider that specialized in stealth missions of course he always kept an eye on the environment around him. So he knew when Rictor showed up, he knew that he had been watching Scion and was hesitating to whether or not he should approach the man he found to be a threat.

A threat physically , of course. Not a threat for sexual reasons. No, not at all. Cause... well look at who your talking about, people. It's Scion. This man didn't think about sex, not even a little. Wasn't programmed to do so, D'uh ( ... )


movetheearth November 2 2009, 23:30:34 UTC
Ric barely concealed his surprise at the use of his name. He hadn't even introduced himself but then seeing as Scion currently was using telekinesis to demolish the aircraft, Ric got the feeling that the guy had a few more tricks up his sleeves. Well metaphorical sleeves. Whatever ( ... )


hellion_king November 2 2009, 23:41:43 UTC
"Not much point in my introducing myself then huh? Though you know you can call me Ric instead of Julio, but you probably knew that already right?"

"No." Scion replied as he turned back to the machine, tearing off another sheet of metal with ease. He threw it to the ground, his hand holding to the metal skeleton of the ship as he lowered himself down on the ship more. "And Yes, I knew."

He let Rictor run his eyes over Scions body, judging him, taking him in and weighing the pros and cons of the telekinetics threat. Scion kept silent, his hand reaching in to the ship and began to unscrew a large knut , turning his arm over and over again with the tool in his hand.

Awkward. What a human concept.

"I was ordered to constantly be on my guard, Julio." Scion replied, twisting the last bit of the nut off the ship as he snapped it off, pulling his arm back and looked at the large screw in his hand. "Awareness of ones surroundings come with the territory of my missions."


bitter_sweet_t November 2 2009, 23:40:23 UTC
*Talia walked alone humming to herself when she heard the clink of metal against concrete. Talia cocked her head at the sound and decided to investigate the noise.

When Talia got the ware house she found where the sound was coming from. She also found the scattered remains of what looked to be an air ship on the ground. Talia looked up to see who or better yet what was destroying the air ship in question.

Talia's eyes locked on to the man that she had first met when she arrived at the camp. Well not exactly met as he knew her name and she didn't know his. Talia looked him up and down as she noticed that he was only in a wife beater and the cargo pants issued.

Talia then saw the man tear off metal with his bare hands. Talia was half impressed by the exertion she just witnessed, and then she saw the mans fingers and how raw they were.* You really should see about that. *Talia pointed to the man's fingers, so he knew what she was talking about.*


hellion_king November 3 2009, 01:05:59 UTC
"They are fine." Scion replied, not looking at Talia upon her arrival as he continued to tear through the metal, just as he was ordered to. HE made quick work of it, getting the mess out of the way the best he could as fast as he could because he was a good little solider. "I will have them treated once I am finished, Talia."


bitter_sweet_t November 3 2009, 02:00:38 UTC
*Talia stood at the entrance to the ware house, not moving a muscle as to not disturb what the man was doing. Talia couldn't help but be a little irritated that the man knew her name and she still didn't know his.*

The polite thing to do would be to actually introduce yourself. *Talia cocked her head to the side. Wondering if he would really care about being courteous.* Seeing as you know my name and I don't know yours.


hellion_king November 3 2009, 02:16:25 UTC
She was annoyed. He sighed pushing off the wall as he turned, stopping his work to look at her. Scion tilted his head, staring down at the women as his eyebrow rose slowly.

".....X-13." He replied dully turning back to the job at hand and began to tear off more sheets of metal. "I know your name because I have studied your case file."


toywithyourmind November 3 2009, 01:22:22 UTC
Jason had followed the sounds of metal clanging to where Scion was. He stood in the open door and watched him working. He didn't talk or move to interrupt him, he just stood there staring. It was interesting to him to talk with Scion knowing that if his father had his way this would be what Nicky was more like.


hellion_king November 3 2009, 01:48:07 UTC
He felt Jason arrive at the door, Scion tossed the scrap metal over his shoulder it landed in the pile with a clang. He paused, turning over and his eyes met Jasons bi-colored one.

"...Hello, Jason." The weapon replied, tilting his head as he watched the younger boy.


toywithyourmind November 3 2009, 01:55:41 UTC
"Hello,"his own head was tilted as he looked over the weapon. He honestly hadn't meant to interrupt him Jason was just bored and looking for something to keep him entertained. He didn't like being bored at all and knew his father would never give him anything interesting to do.


hellion_king November 3 2009, 02:22:33 UTC
So they had said their hello's, Scion was not good at this type of thing. He looked back and forth, feeling odd before he turned back to the wall and began to tear off the sheet metal again, not sure of what to say. Well, at least he had a job to do so at the very least he could use that to distract himself.


mad_asahatter November 3 2009, 14:11:50 UTC
The 'happy' took Ophelia's interest, wandering through the place and picking up on a distinct traces of contentment. It was odd to feel it around here, she rarely found any these days.

But it amused her, and she sought out the source, smiling as he worked and sitting quietly on the ground, watching him and soaking it up happily. Gertrude would be pleased to hear that Scion was making new friends.


hellion_king November 4 2009, 02:01:45 UTC
Ophelia. It was odd because as strange as she might have been... Scion found himself more toward her than some of the other more normal members of the team. He seemed to have a gift for that, didn't he? Surrounding himself with the oddities such as Martini and Ophelia, just like himself. When she arrived to watch him , X-13 stopped his work, turning as blue eyes settled on the girl. He dusted off his bloody hands , watching her from his spot on the top of the plane before he jumped down to greet her.

"Ophelia." He spoke clearly, walking toward her. "... you are well."


mad_asahatter November 4 2009, 09:08:11 UTC
Ophelia smiled, wide and crazed but welcoming all the same. "Well indeed, as can be. Not to interrupt, just to see. She came along and found out your hobby. To be saying, you're not doing too shoddy."

The craft wasn't exactly something Ophelia had much interest in or knowledge of, but it looked like he'd been working for a while, from the state of the room, the flyer and his hands, he'd been doing it for a while.

"Fun to be had, it holds an interest? Come join Ophelia and have a wee rest?"


hellion_king November 4 2009, 21:50:01 UTC
It was strange, how X-13 was beginning to understand his team mate more and more. "Thank you." He replied, his voice steady and gentler than normal. He watched the girl, her quirks and mannerisms made her so unique, it was quite amazing. Like watching an odd bird, something you were not used to seeing.

Scion nodded, his eyes lifting up to the windows as he searched the room. "Would you like to stay here or would you rather leave?"


time_schizo November 4 2009, 01:38:40 UTC
It had taken forever and a day, but Martini had finally found a copy of The Iliad amidst Atticus' many books. He didn't bother asking permission, after all it was only borrowing. Just like a public library, he'd return it eventually.

He just wandered around the base, seeking out Scion, until he heard some clanging noises coming from one of the warehouses. Going in, he could see Scion dismantling a what appeared to have once been plane. Martini shook his head, a smile on his lips. X-13 had far too much time on his hands. He stood there for a few minutes, just watching, before letting out a loud whistle to get the telekinetic's attention.


hellion_king November 4 2009, 01:59:31 UTC
Scion was in his own happy little world. He was glad to be by himself, glad that Rictor was gone. Now he had his mind shut off, figuring that it was safe enough in the warehouse to keep to himself. Sure, his fingers were bloody but he was happy. He was alone (not that his face could show it.) Scion did keep busy, tearing through the metal.

Now because he was so in to his own job when Martini whistled it caught his attention. He stood up from his spot, blinking when he looked over to where Martini was.

X-13's eyes brightened just a bit his face showing acknowledgment of Martini as he immediately stopped what he was doing, hopping down from spot to spot before he landed softly on the ground. X stood up from landing point, walking over to where Martini was as he tilted his head in curiosity , his hands cleaning the blood off themselves on his pants legs.



time_schizo November 4 2009, 02:58:12 UTC
Martini watched as Scion descended with a cat-like agility with just a touch of envy. He was far too uncoordinated to ever hope to have such grace. "Got something for ya." He held out the book, a triumphant air about him. "Took a while to find it, but-"

His eyes widened a little. He had noticed the bloody fingers for the first time. "That looks eerily familiar." Whether he was referring to his own self-inflicted injuries or the coat of blood he had already seen on X-13's hands was left ambiguous.


hellion_king November 4 2009, 03:06:16 UTC
...Martini had gotten Scion something? .... but why? The telekinetic would have asked, his eyes drifting from the book to Martini who was now staring at Scions finger tips. Blue eyes followed his X's hands. The man blinked, shoving his hands in to his pockets and out of sight. For some reason the way Martini had said that... made him want to hide his hands.

"I am fine." Scion replied in a dead pan voice, stepping forward as he turned his body to Martini's, tiling his head to look at the book. "I do not understand, is this something for a mission? Did Major Styker send you down here to deliver this?" A book? What did Scion have to learn for a mission today ?


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