
Nov 02, 2009 17:13

Back so soon? Scion was used to keeping to himself, he enjoyed the time alone. His Halloween was spent far from the others, as per usual, in his quarters, reading. Scion was becoming more used to hiding himself from his other team members. He would occasional see Jane, or Martini, men X-13 saw as more tolerable than the rest of the X-team but there ( Read more... )

✝ talia moretti, ✝ julian 'scion' keller, ✝ jason 'j-143' stryker, mark 'martini' martinez, julio 'rictor' esteban richter, sarah 'ophelia' mayspring

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movetheearth November 2 2009, 22:48:49 UTC
Ric wasn't so much as lurking but full on stalking Scion with a silent interest from afar. He actually hadn't properly met the mutant who was currently making pieces of metal sheeting fly through the air with an impressive grace, but now he had a reason to want to meet him.

Call it jealousy or whatever you liked, Ric just saw it as making polite and friendly conversation with a team mate and if anyone questioned it further he was merely being polite to someone who had shown kindness to his boyf... his lo... his Martini ( ... )


hellion_king November 2 2009, 23:03:36 UTC
How long had Scion know Rictor was there, watching him? The fact of the matter was that X-13 had telepathy and used it when he needed to. He was a solider that specialized in stealth missions of course he always kept an eye on the environment around him. So he knew when Rictor showed up, he knew that he had been watching Scion and was hesitating to whether or not he should approach the man he found to be a threat.

A threat physically , of course. Not a threat for sexual reasons. No, not at all. Cause... well look at who your talking about, people. It's Scion. This man didn't think about sex, not even a little. Wasn't programmed to do so, D'uh ( ... )


movetheearth November 2 2009, 23:30:34 UTC
Ric barely concealed his surprise at the use of his name. He hadn't even introduced himself but then seeing as Scion currently was using telekinesis to demolish the aircraft, Ric got the feeling that the guy had a few more tricks up his sleeves. Well metaphorical sleeves. Whatever ( ... )


hellion_king November 2 2009, 23:41:43 UTC
"Not much point in my introducing myself then huh? Though you know you can call me Ric instead of Julio, but you probably knew that already right?"

"No." Scion replied as he turned back to the machine, tearing off another sheet of metal with ease. He threw it to the ground, his hand holding to the metal skeleton of the ship as he lowered himself down on the ship more. "And Yes, I knew."

He let Rictor run his eyes over Scions body, judging him, taking him in and weighing the pros and cons of the telekinetics threat. Scion kept silent, his hand reaching in to the ship and began to unscrew a large knut , turning his arm over and over again with the tool in his hand.

Awkward. What a human concept.

"I was ordered to constantly be on my guard, Julio." Scion replied, twisting the last bit of the nut off the ship as he snapped it off, pulling his arm back and looked at the large screw in his hand. "Awareness of ones surroundings come with the territory of my missions."


movetheearth November 2 2009, 23:54:24 UTC
Ric was starting to feel more than a little bit awkward, normally he could work people out. Most mutants or humans would fall for his charming smile, wise crack jokes and award winning smile but apparently not Scion. Bollocks.

Rubbing at the back of his neck Ric felt plain stupid. Clearly this guy wasn't any semblance of a threat, well not to his relationship with Martini. He was however a threat in every other single sense of the word and it put Ric on edge. At least with Victor you knew where you stood, alive or dead. But with this guy? Sheesh! You could cut air with a knife as it was so thick with tension.

And oh boy was Martini going to flip when he found out Ric had gone in search of Scion. Sighing as he scuffed a boot along the ground Ric decided it was time to change tact and play his cards, honestly this time.

"Yeah, look I came to say thanks. I know you've probably already worked out there was more to this but," Ric sighed and took a step towards Scion. "Thanks for helping Martini out."


hellion_king November 3 2009, 01:04:30 UTC
It looked as if Rictor was extending the Oliver Branch, now the question was would Scion accept it? When Rictor spoke, blue eyes fell on him, the weapon tossing the nut over his shoulder and it hit the pile of scrap metal with a clang. He tilted his head , eyes seeming to bore in to the fellow mutant as he spoke.

"...No, you did not."

Scion replied quite loudly as he jumped down from his much higher stand, landing softly like a cat before he stood up, straight and tall in front of Rictor.

"You came to see if I was a threat."

Yes, X-13 could see right through him. He watched Rictor for a moment before turning away, his back to the other man as he began to return to the ship he had been tearing apart, his eyes looking back to Rictor as he raised an eyebrow. "And what was your conclusion on that subject, Julio?"


movetheearth November 3 2009, 07:19:57 UTC
Ric stood his ground as Scion landed in front of him and for a moment Ric had wondered if he was about to find out exactly what the taller, stronger and more intimidating mutant could do.

As Scion turned away Ric released the breath he hadn't even realised he had been holding. He felt like such an idiot coming here and trying to see if Scion was a threat or not. Yeah he had come to a conclusion alright.

"You're a threat, I can see exactly why Stryker brought you on the team. But you're not a threat to me in the way I had originally thought you were going to be." Ric was already backing out the door, stood at the threshold of the hanger. A distinct air of defeat and humiliation about him.

"I'm going to let you get on. Like I said before though, seriously thanks for keeping an eye on Martini." The last part Ric had meant, well this time with sincerity.

Turning on his boot heel Ric walked away, cursing himself for his stupidity and resigning himself to the fact that he wasn't going to mention this to Martini.


hellion_king November 3 2009, 11:07:52 UTC
Funny, Scion thought to himself as he tore another piece of sheet metal off the plane. If what Rictor believed to be true, if X-13 was seriously not a threat then why did he feel the need to investigate? The little weapon said nothing to this, however as he tore down yet another piece of plane wall, throwing it in to the pile.

The man paused, only to watch Rictor leave the room. Scion let out a breath of annoyance when Rictor did, the weapon tilting his head for a moment, watching the door way in which Rictor left before he shook his head and turned back to his work. Foolish. How utterly foolish.


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