Restless *for Logan, OTA*

Sep 29, 2009 15:03

*Remy sat poking the camp fire, late at night. He had packed all his things ready for the big move, and he hated just waiting. He wanted to move already.

He caught a movement behind him and saw the mutant everyone called Logan heading for the fire. They hadn't had much of a chance to speak, and Remy had often wondered what the older man was like*

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✝ remy 'gambit' lebeau, ✝ edie daine/tammy daine, ✝ james logan, ✝ elizabeth 'el' gamble

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Comments 35

silverhypnosis September 29 2009, 14:30:47 UTC
((OOC: Can I say this is set after Logan has been around? Lol. (= ))

*After a few pain pills, food and a decent sleep, El was feeling better. She still had a nasty cough, but her chest and ribs weren't hurting as much. Her head wasn't great but she was to blame for that, for not wearing her sunglasses in the light. Now with those firmly in place she wandered into camp, spotting someone by the fire. She approached him carefully so as not to risk startling a mutant who may or may not be dangerous.*



cajun_trickster September 29 2009, 14:41:22 UTC
*Logan had been gone for some time, and Remy was glad to have some company, and to see a new face*



silverhypnosis September 29 2009, 14:50:03 UTC
*Adjusting the gun strapped to her thigh, El made sure the light of the flames wouldn't meet her eyes when she removed her sunglasses.*

Mind if I sit?


cajun_trickster September 29 2009, 15:34:49 UTC
*Remy patted the log a polite distance from where he himself sat*

Help y'self, cher.

Y'r up late.


45825243_t78_a September 29 2009, 17:15:56 UTC
*Most people had enough sense not to start random conversations with Logan. That was why he didn't think much of Remy's presence at the fire, seeing it as so much background noise. But of course the Cajun wasn't that smart.

When Remy held out a flask, Logan briefly frowned at him. He hadn't talked much to Remy, didn't know him all that well, and someone he barely knew casually offering him contraband was bound to make him a little suspicious. At the same time, he'd be damned if he let Stryker control him more than he was doing already - and hell, he could sure use a drink. (Not as much as he could use a cigar, but he'd take what he could get.) He accepted the flask in silence, took a swig, and gave it back.*

Take it you managed to avoid inspection?


cajun_trickster September 29 2009, 19:15:23 UTC
*Remy screwed the lid back on the small silver flask*

Ah got some good hidin' places.

Got smokes, too, if y'all want 'em.


45825243_t78_a September 29 2009, 19:33:46 UTC
*Shit - someone was looking to get on his good side...*

Not unless you got cigars.

*It wasn't about the nicotine - not with his healing factor. It was the smell of cigars that Logan was after. It reminded him of home - back when he had a home. Cigarettes, he could take or leave; he definitely didn't care enough about them to take them from someone's limited personal stash.*

What've I done to deserve this? You piss off Victor?


cajun_trickster September 30 2009, 09:13:27 UTC
Southern gentlemen only smoke cigars.

*he offered one, perfectly wrapped, untouched*

Ah stay away fr'm Victor as much as possible.

Ah jus' thought, seein' as so much seems t' be contraband aroun' here, we should share what we got.


blazing_touch September 29 2009, 17:17:34 UTC
((OOC: Once again after Logan and El. Lol))

*Edie had no idea why she was acting the way she was, but with everything that had happened recently, she was in a very bubbly mood. Spotting Remy, she practically danced over, flopping down in front of him, one hand resting rather close to the fire.*

Heya Remy. How are ya? You're up late.

*She giggle.*

Sorry, I'm a bit hypo.


cajun_trickster September 29 2009, 19:11:27 UTC
*Remy couldn't help smiling at Edie's cheerfulness*

Y'all seem it. Too much coffee?


blazing_touch September 29 2009, 19:15:59 UTC
Waaayyy too much! I feel a little bad though, I finished all of someone's coffee. I offered him whatever was left of mine, which I'm not sure why I didn't use, but he said he could only drink his.

*She smiled.*

You didn't answer my questions.


cajun_trickster September 30 2009, 09:26:32 UTC
*Remy continued to enjoy Edie's hyperactiveness*

Ah'm fine. Lookin' forward t' movin' on.


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