Restless *for Logan, OTA*

Sep 29, 2009 15:03

*Remy sat poking the camp fire, late at night. He had packed all his things ready for the big move, and he hated just waiting. He wanted to move already.

He caught a movement behind him and saw the mutant everyone called Logan heading for the fire. They hadn't had much of a chance to speak, and Remy had often wondered what the older man was like*

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✝ remy 'gambit' lebeau, ✝ edie daine/tammy daine, ✝ james logan, ✝ elizabeth 'el' gamble

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45825243_t78_a September 29 2009, 17:15:56 UTC
*Most people had enough sense not to start random conversations with Logan. That was why he didn't think much of Remy's presence at the fire, seeing it as so much background noise. But of course the Cajun wasn't that smart.

When Remy held out a flask, Logan briefly frowned at him. He hadn't talked much to Remy, didn't know him all that well, and someone he barely knew casually offering him contraband was bound to make him a little suspicious. At the same time, he'd be damned if he let Stryker control him more than he was doing already - and hell, he could sure use a drink. (Not as much as he could use a cigar, but he'd take what he could get.) He accepted the flask in silence, took a swig, and gave it back.*

Take it you managed to avoid inspection?


cajun_trickster September 29 2009, 19:15:23 UTC
*Remy screwed the lid back on the small silver flask*

Ah got some good hidin' places.

Got smokes, too, if y'all want 'em.


45825243_t78_a September 29 2009, 19:33:46 UTC
*Shit - someone was looking to get on his good side...*

Not unless you got cigars.

*It wasn't about the nicotine - not with his healing factor. It was the smell of cigars that Logan was after. It reminded him of home - back when he had a home. Cigarettes, he could take or leave; he definitely didn't care enough about them to take them from someone's limited personal stash.*

What've I done to deserve this? You piss off Victor?


cajun_trickster September 30 2009, 09:13:27 UTC
Southern gentlemen only smoke cigars.

*he offered one, perfectly wrapped, untouched*

Ah stay away fr'm Victor as much as possible.

Ah jus' thought, seein' as so much seems t' be contraband aroun' here, we should share what we got.


45825243_t78_a September 30 2009, 10:49:55 UTC
*To say Logan was surprised would have been an understatement; this was Christmas come early. He accepted the cigar, rolled it in his fingers a bit as he tried to figure out what this was about. Finally, he decided to give up wondering.*


*And anyone who knew Logan at all knew that the word meant more coming from him than from most. He unwrapped the cigar, bit off one end, then held it to the fire to light it. Fuck Stryker and his rules. If he had a cigar, he was sure as hell going to smoke it.*

Wouldn't have figured you for a gentleman.

*It was just a friendly joke; not like anyone here could claim to have great manners. Taking a drag of his cigar, Logan stared at Remy through the smoke. He hadn't figured the Cajun out yet, but if Remy wanted to get on his good side, he was certainly off to a good start.*


cajun_trickster September 30 2009, 11:32:18 UTC
*Remy studied Logan for a long moment, while slowly preparing his own cigar*

Gentlemen come in many guises, wouldn't y' say?


45825243_t78_a September 30 2009, 19:02:13 UTC
Fair enough.

*Logan took another drag of his cigar, enjoying the slight tingle of irritation the smoke caused in his nose. The silly things you didn't miss until they were gone... and he'd definitely missed them. He sat down, actually relaxing a little.*

So how'd a gentleman like you end up in a place like this?


cajun_trickster October 2 2009, 08:40:59 UTC
*Remy considered his answer carefully, then just decided to tell the truth. It was easier all around, that way*

Ah upset some o' Stryker's higher ups. He offered m' a choice: this here place, or jail.


45825243_t78_a October 2 2009, 19:57:34 UTC
Lotta that going around... What'd you do - blow something up?

*Logan remembered when Tristan had Remy's powers. That pink glowy stuff could do some damage even when you weren't trying.*


cajun_trickster October 5 2009, 08:45:49 UTC
'Fraid not, m'friend.

*Remy smiled wryly*

Ah simply play a better hand o' poker'n them.


45825243_t78_a October 5 2009, 13:04:27 UTC
*Logan raised his eyebrows. That was all Remy had done?*

Shitty losers.


cajun_trickster October 5 2009, 14:01:26 UTC
Ah'll say. They lost, an' figured it must be because Ah'm a cheat, an' couldn't possibly be because they're, as y' say, shitty losers.


45825243_t78_a October 5 2009, 16:44:50 UTC

*The corners of his mouth twitched in the beginnings of a smile. Subtle.*

Well, I'm sorry you're stuck here, kid.


cajun_trickster October 5 2009, 21:02:55 UTC
So am Ah, m'friend. But, this here place seems t' beat jail.

*Remy's eyes lingered on the horizon for a moment*

Mind if Ah ask what y'r fine self is doin' here?


45825243_t78_a October 5 2009, 21:14:51 UTC
*Logan grunted at that. Yeah, he guessed this was better than jail. At least, when jail meant being locked up for... well, possibly forever. Apart from anything else, the food just wasn't that good.*

Got put in front of a firing squad. Didn't die like I was supposed to.

*Thinking, Logan took another drag of his cigar. His words were half-joking, but his tone was serious. If only Victor hadn't done what he'd done... their lives might have been very different right now.*


cajun_trickster October 7 2009, 12:59:47 UTC
*Remy whistled*

Ah figure once y've faced a firin' squad, not much can scare y'?


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