Title: Starlight, Star Bright Author: christn7 Rating: G Characters/Pairing: Rose Spoilers: Post-Doomsday Author's note: A drabble for wendymr. She knows why. ;)
Of course I do - should I point you towards some crack? ;) I don't actually know what's happened to my happy endings though. :/ I'm listening to a lot of sad songs?
And aww, I didn't meant to make you cry! :( I should delete this and try again, eh?
It's the most curious thing; I was just, this very last night, thinking about how UNBELIEVABLY SAD it is that Rose can't look at the stars anymore and think, the Doctor and I have been there. And then you go and write this! And make me want to cry! In a completely wonderful way!
Comments 27
Of course this is gorgeous. Do you ever write anything that's not? But it's SAD! Where are your happy endings these days? :(
you can’t point at these because you’ve never seen them that close.
You never will, the two of you.
*goes searching for tissues* Beautiful, but sad.
And aww, I didn't meant to make you cry! :( I should delete this and try again, eh?
Find some happy songs! I'm sure I could point you towards some...
It's the most curious thing; I was just, this very last night, thinking about how UNBELIEVABLY SAD it is that Rose can't look at the stars anymore and think, the Doctor and I have been there.
And then you go and write this!
And make me want to cry!
In a completely wonderful way!
I'm glad you liked this, though. Thanks for reading. :)
True, too true.
(Love that icon, btw. :))
Ouch. *sniff*
Beautiful writing, though. Poor Rose.
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