Title: Building Bridges Author: dave7 Rating: PG Characters/Pairings: Ten, Jack, Rose Spoilers: Post-Doomsday Author’s notes: For wendymr and mynxii who won me on the Support Stacie Author Auction. I apologise profusely for the delay and I hope this meets your expectations. Like, really hope. *g* I also need to thank dark_aegis for BRing, and the brilliant wendymr for BRing her co-
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Title: Ageing Gracefully Author: dave7 Rating: G Characters/Pairing: Nine, Jack, Rose Spoilers: None Author's Notes: A tripple-drabble (300 words exactly) for wiggiemomsi, who outbid the dynamic duo. Hope you enjoy it, dear. :) With thanks to wendymr for BRing.
Title: in nothingness Author: christn7 Rating: G Characters/Pairings: Rose, Ten/Rose Spoilers: PiC/The Poison Sky, but set pre-s4. Author's notes: A wee bit of an angsty drabble for wendymr.
Summary: It’s just her, the echo of her own voice, waiting to be heard.
Title: Starlight, Star Bright Author: christn7 Rating: G Characters/Pairing: Rose Spoilers: Post-Doomsday Author's note: A drabble for wendymr. She knows why. ;)
Title: The This And The That Author: christn7 Rating: PG Characters/Pairing: Ten/Rose Spoilers: None Author's notes: 'Shag or Die' for dwchallenges's Fandom Cliché Challenge. Enormous thanks are owed to wendymr for BRing, prodding and a brilliant piece of dialogue. :)
Summary: “It’ll just be sex - prayer. It’s how they pray. Just say ‘Oh God’ a lot - won’t be all that
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