Little and White, Ten, G

Dec 29, 2007 01:45

Title: Little and White
Author: christn7
Rating: G
Characters: Ten
Author's Notes: Quick and dirty Voyage of the Damned drabble. Please excuse any mistakes as it's near 2am. Not cross-posted. :)


Little and White


It gets a little easier every time he hears the words, wrapped, tight and neat, in his own voice.

“I'm a Time Lord.”

It almost rolls off his tongue. Gallifrey. Kasterborous. And it’s that much easier, every time.

His voice is authoritative and his face is hard, and that helps, he thinks. It makes him seem distant and a little unapproachable, and that’s important. He’s a Time Lord. The very last of his kind, now.

“I'm the man who’s going to save your lives.” It’s a little easier, each time.

He thinks it's because he still wants to believe it.

ETA: At this point, I'll be surprised if you get this, but if you do, I'll... uh, write you a fic? ;)

drabble, doctor who, gift for my flist, fic, ten

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