Comfortable, Ten/Rose, R

Dec 27, 2007 16:44

Title: Comfortable
Author: christn7
Rating: R
Characters/Pairings: Ten/Rose
Author's notes: A quick, comfortable drabble for wendymr. :)




There’s nothing new about the way he moves and there’s nothing new about the sounds she makes.

They’ve done it just this way over a hundred- one hundred and seventy three -times. She kisses his shoulder and he breathes into her neck and it’s familiar and it’s comfortable and it’s oh so lazy. Comfortably lazy, that’s them.

He’s cool against her warmth and they melt into each other for the hundredth- hundred and seventy fourth -time.

He breathes her name and she moans his and it’s nothing new, not at all, but it’s still so much better than anything else.

drabble, doctor who, fic, ten/rose

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