Wishlist 2012

Nov 01, 2012 10:52

Wishlist 2012, Prompt Post

What is the Wishlist?

The Wishlist is a multi-fandom Christmas fanfiction fest. It is something that started very small and simple three years ago. The premise was simply to write twenty-four ficlets in response to twenty-four prompts, posted between 1 Dec and 24 Dec. Fandom gifts, if you will. Since then it's grown and changed a bit.

The community and the rules in detail can be found here.

I have signed up to be a writer and if you want to give me a prompt, please leave a comment on this entry.


- I accept the first 24 prompts I am given, regardless of who you are or if I know you.

- You give me characters/pairing, a fandom and a prompt.

- If I don't know the fandom you're requesting, your prompt doesn't count. The fandoms I will write in are: Harry Potter, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel the Series, Fringe, Stargate (SG-1 and Atlantis), Warehouse 13, the Dark is Rising, Eureka, Firefly, Tamora Pierce (Circle of Magic, Wild Magic, Alonna), His Dark Materials Series, Firekeeper Series (Jane Lindskold), Alien 9, Swamp Thing (comics), Hack/Slash, and various fairy tales. Feel free to ask for something I haven't written - there are plenty more I'm familiar with - the worst that can happen is that I'll ask for you to write a different promopt; :)

I adore crossovers and background characters (Willow (Btvs), Kendra (BtvS) Fred (AtS), Luna (HP), and Astrid (Fringe) being among my favorites - I'm "smolder" over at TTH if that helps anyone.)

- If I find your prompt in any way offensive, I will disregard it, too. Fair warning.

- Your prompts should somewhat match what I usually write/draw. It can be a quote, an idea, a specific situation, but the more you give me, the more I have to work with. Throwing Character X/Character Y, whatever at me is going to get you whatever.

- If you don't have an lj account, leave an anonymous comment, but make sure to sign it with a name (possibly your TtH name, if you're coming from that end.)

- I answer the prompts in the order I like best and post them here and/or in the Wishlist_fic community, one a day, starting 1 Dec 2012.

Again, I need fandom, characters or pairings, prompt, and your name
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