The entire idea of this post is to have a place where beta readers and writers can come together with ease.
When offering to beta...
Give the necessary information to writers so they know what kind of beta service you will provide. Please use the following format.
Genre I will beta: action, humour, drama, crossover, fluff, kink, slash, het,
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Comments 37
Genre I will beta: Anything!
Pairings I will beta: All of them!
Trigger(s) I will not beta: I won't touch chan, sorry. Non-con also makes me a bit uncomfortable sometimes--if it's part of a longer fic I'll do it, but if it's the focus of a pwp I'd rather not. Otherwise, hit me with your best shot!
Type of beta I am: Usually I'll correct/point out grammar and spelling problems, then I'll comment on parts of the story I thought really worked and parts I thought didn't work so well
Pairings I will beta: My preference would be Blake/Bane because I am fresh here from the Inception fandom where I am a hardcore Arthur/Eames shipper, but I am perfectly happy to give any pairing a shot. I personally can't see Talia/Catwoman, but I am not even ruling that out because hey, you might surprise me.
EDIT: Het is not usually my thing (I don't mind it; it's just not my first choice), but I could really get behind Bane/Talia origin stories.
Trigger(s) I will not beta: Rape/non-con/dub-con are my biggest cringers, but it depends on how much focus is given on the abuse. Of course it's something that would define the character(s) and become a fundamental plot point, and that I can be okay with, but if it's a highly detailed scene, or, as myxomycota mentioned, part of a pwp, I'm not sure I'll be able to handle it.
Type ( ... )
I am struggling with the ending a bit here, so help would be very welcome.
I am super interested in the John Blake character and want to write an epic back-story, link it to canon and beyond that...if I can convince someone to beta for me. (I mean I will write it anyway, it just won't see the light of day)
I am the argue/discuss/ask kind of writer, so drafts go back and forth with additions and questions and notes.
let me know if you are interested.
I've been having writer's block from hell, but this sort of thing is right up my ally, so I thought I'd try to crack it with this. Problem is that everything is feeling really unwieldy and clunky. I'm probably just narrating too much or something, but a second opinion would be much appreciated. I don't have that much written out yet, so it'll be a few days before I'll be ready to send the first chunk over if you decide to take it.
Anyways, let me know if you're interested! :)
Pairings I will beta: Uh, pretty much anything you can think of. I mean, if it's Alfred/Lucius smut, I'm probably going to pass it up, but most other things! ;) My favorites are Bane/Talia and Bane/Blake.
Trigger(s) I will not beta: Not so into underage, hardcore humiliation ends up making ME super embarrassed, and scat is a no thank you. Everything else, I think I'm good with.
Type of beta I am: Grammar and characterization are my main things. I tend to be easily amused, so I'm not always that helpful with plot, but I can tell you if your narration gets clunky in places or there's too much internal monologue or what have you.
They're both depressing though...
Genre I will beta: Anything, really.
Pairings I will beta: ALL OF THEM. I'm more of a Bane/Blake and Bruce/Selina shipper, but I don't mind being a beta for any pairing.
Trigger(s) I will not beta: Detailed accounts of rape and non-con (I can still deal with vague descriptions or mentions of it, but no 30k hardcore fic about that, please). Also not really one for watersports, but I can deal with that if I have to. Uhm, I refuse to deal with detailed underage as well.
Type of beta I am: Grammar and spelling, mainly, though I will be able to point out bits that don't read well or don't make contextual sense.
Genre I will beta: I'm good with every genre
Pairings I will beta: I may like Barsad/Bane, But I will beta anything
Trigger(s) I will not beta: again, I'm good with anything, not the biggest fan of underage, but whatever
Type of beta I am: I'd be a better beta for spelling and grammar, but I can definitely try to help with Plot and Canon
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