RP Log: Yay Dessert!

Nov 24, 2008 16:58

Who: Allenby, Duo, Jon, Lockon, Omi, Tsuzuki [Ongoing]
When: a week after Lockon arrives
Where: the cafe
Rating: G?
Warnings: none at the moment
Notes: none
Summary: The cafe is busy and everyone wants dessert.

It was another day at the cafe. The contest the previous week had gone well, no 'real' winner but plenty of pleased people all going hope to work off sugar highs from doing their best to try at least one serving of every thing.

A bell jangled to announce Omi walking in. "Hello?" he called out, looking around.

Sweets craving not quite appeased, Tsuzuki was already back. He waved to the young man coming in. "Hello."

"Hi!" Omi answered. "We didn't get properly introduced, but I think I saw you last week?"

"You were at the contest, right?" he asked. "Tsuzuki Asato."

Duo grinned and headed inside. "Hey, Omi," he said, recognizing the assassin. He also sort of recognized the other man already in there. He nodded to him, remembering he'd been at the contest last week.

Jon's ears perked when the bell chimed and he came out of the kitchen in time to listen to Omi and Tsuzki meet and then Duo to come in.

Tsuzuki looked up at the newcomer, eyes widening. He'd noticed the braid at the contest, just not the eyes.

"Hey Duo," Omi acknowledged, then turned back to Tsuzuki. "I'm Tsukiyono Omi. Are you Japanese too?"

Lockon was heading back to the cafe. He was actually somewhat craving something sweet so he was heading back there with Haro. The orange robot flapped happily. A moment later, Lockon stepped into the cafe. "Wow...big crowd."

Tsuzuki nodded, still staring at Duo.

Chuckleing as he heard and agreed with Lockon's comment Jon moved to the counter, watching everyone.

Omi's stomach growled. To his relief, the owner had walked in. "Hello!" he called out cheerfully. "I kind of found myself craving cake."

Duo looked back over his shoulder. He blinked. "A robotic basketball?" he asked.

Haro flapped. "Haro! Haro!" Lockon chuckled. "Not a basketball...just a robot the same size and color."

"Craving cake mmm?" Jon smiled and nodded. "You would be in the right place."

"Alright! What do you have today?" Omi approached the counter. "Do you mind if I sit here?" he asked Tsuzuki.

"Go ahead," he said, tearing his eyes away.

Duo laughed as Haro spoke. "Nice," he said. "What's it do?" He waved for Lockon to come over to the counter with him.

Jon gave Omi a quick run down of the sweets he had on hand, most of them freshly baked.

Omi drooled slightly. "Um...that pumpkin cake sounds fantastic."

Lockon walked over and sat down at the counter. "Haro helps me repair my Gundam and pilot when I need to aim." Haro flapped again. "And he acts cute."

"It's really good," Tsuzuki said, nodding. He'd already had a slice before they'd arrived.

Duo laughed. "Cute, huh? You consider robots cute?"

Omi turned back to Tsuzuki. "So what are you having now?"

Haro flapped again. "Haro Cute! Cute!" Lockon laughed.

Tsuzuki grinned. "Apple pie."

"Alright, a slice of the Pumpkin cake for Omi." Looking to the others he waited for their orders.

Allenby came bouncing in at that point, also looking for sweets. "Hi, guys!" she said in general, not really caring who she was addressing at this point. She flopped on a stool at the counter.

Omi smiled happily. "I love fall flavors, don't you?"

Duo laughed at Haro and then looked over at the other two as they ordered. He opened his own mouth to order when Allenby came in and announced her presence. He chuckled. "I'll take the double chocolate."

"I love all flavors," Tsuzuki said. "I've never met a sweet I didn't like."

"I'll take the apple pie as well," Lockon said.

Omi laughed at that. "Wow, the cafe is really lively today," he added, looking at the newcomer.

"So, when'd you get back?" Allenby asked Omi. Word had spread a bit by now that Omi didn't remember them. She smiled. "I'm Allenby, by the way... one of the mech pilots here."

"Lockon Stratos," Lockon introduced himself.

Jon chuckled, noteing the orders, two apple pies, the double chocolate cake.. Letting the others have time to think he went t get the orders so far.

"A couple of weeks ago," Omi said, smiling embarrassed. "It's nice to meet you all...again."

Tsuzuki looked at him curiously. "Again?"

"Oh, we didn't meet before?" Omi asked, a little surprised. "That's kind of a relief." His eyes widened, and he quickly amended. "Not that I don't like the ones I did know before!" he said hastily to Duo, "It's just a little awkward, you know?"

"We haven't met before either," Lockon remarked, setting Haro down on the floor. "I just arrived here."

"Omi was here a while back, but disappeared," Duo explained. "When he was found again, he didn't remember being here previously." Duo wasn't really surprised. He'd been through a lot.

"Amnesia is a real pain," Omi agreed, "But it could be worse, everyone could hate me and I'd have no idea why."

Haro flapped and started to bounce around the cafe so he could properly see who else was there.

Tsuzuki nodded. "That would be aweful."

Allenby nodded. "That would be." She looked over the menu and then smiled. "Oooo... pumpkin cake. I'd like to try that," she said when Jon got back.

Jon came out of the kitchen with the first of the orders, nodding when Allenby asked for the pumpkin cake as well. "I'll be back."

Omi took a large bite out of his and grinned. "It's amazing!" he called after the wolf-man.

"Thanks, Jon," Lockon called to the werewolf.

Haro bounced over to the table where Omi and Tsuzuki were sitting. He looked up at them from a distance then flapped. "Haro! Haro!"

Tsuzuki's face split into a grin. "Well hello there."

"Hey there little guy," Omi answered, his instinctive love of cute things kicking in. He reach out his hand as if to pet the bouncing robot.

Haro looked up at him and flapped.

"So... another Gundam, huh?" he asked Lockon, digging in to the chocolate cake.

Omi's eyes widened. "I guess you don't want to be touched, huh?"

Lockon nodded as he took a bite of his pie. "Yep, another. Gundam Dynames." He looked over at Omi. "No he does. He flaps a lot."

"Thank you Omi." Jon said in reply to the yelled compliment when he came back with Allenby's dessert, setting it down for her.

"He's cute!" Allenby said. She watched. "If he helps fix it, he must be handy to have around. Wish I had one of them for my Gundam." She smiled brightly at Jon. "Thanks!"

Lockon nodded. "He is. My Gundam is designed as a sniper. He pilots while I aiming the gun."

"Does petting actually do anything for him?" Omi asked curiously.

"Reminds me of 003," Tsuzuki said, bending down to look at Haru.

Lockon shook his head. "No, not really. But I get the impression he likes when people pay attention to him."

"He looks like an attention hog." Duo chuckled.

Omi chuckled a little, and reached down to pet Haro. "Cute things can get away with that."

Haro flapped happily. "Haro! Haro cute! Cute!"

Allenby giggled. "He knows he's cute, I guess."

Then he paused, looking up at the cafe owner. "Wait, you know me already, too?" He had seen the were-wolf at the sweets contest and gotten over that shock already, but there hadn't been time for introductions.

Tsuzuki laughed, sitting back up and digging into his pie with a happy hum.

Lockon nodded. "That he does. He likes to reinforce that whenever people say he is cute."

Jon nodded when Omi asked him if he knew him. "Yes, we knew eachother earlier."

"Ah," Omi shook his head. "So your name is Jon...?"

"Yes it is." The werewolf nodding again.

Allenby reached her hand out towards Haro.

"Maybe we should do introductions all around, for those who don't know everyone?" Tsuzuki suggested.

"That's probably not a bad idea," Duo said.

Haro spotted Allenby reach out her hand and rolled over to her rather than bouncing. "Haro! Haro!"

Omi laughed. "Well, it looks like Haro started."

Lockon chuckled. "I'm Lockon Stratos."

She laughed, picking it up. "I'm Allenby Beardsley... I'm the Gundam Fighter from Neo-Sweden and Nobel Gundam is mine. It's the only one in the hangar that looks like a girl."

Omi tilted his head, a little confused. "Are there ones who are girls but don't look like it?"

"As far as I know, Gundams don't have a gender..." Duo said awkwardly.

Haro flapped at being picked up, but not as a means to get put down. He didn't mind being picked up.

Lockon chuckled. "I don't think so."

Jon chuckled. "It is a slightly scarry thought."

Allenby shrugged a bit with a smile, holding Haro on her lap.

"Well, guess I'll go next... Duo Maxwell... and the black Gundam with the bat wings is mine. Deathscythe Hell," he said, following Allenby's lead.

"Mine's the green and white one with the giant sniper rifle," Lockon remarked.

"I'm Tsuzuki Asato from Japan and more recently Meifu, and I don't have a Gundam," Tsuzuki said cheerfully even as he stole a glance at the other purple-eyed man.

"So what do you do then?" Duo asked, suddenly wondering why Tsuzuki kept staring at him.

"I'm a shinigami for the Summons Department of the Ministry of the Underworld."

Duo stared at him for a second. "Shinigami, huh?" he asked.

Lockon blinked. "Interesting."

"You're from a very different Japan than me," Omi added, eyes wide.

Tsuzuki nodded to Duo. "Have been for the past seventy years."

"And you're a lot older than you look." Omi's eyes widened further.

Haro flapped again, not for any particular reason.

Tsuzuki flushed a little. "I'm not the oldest shinigami."

"You wouldn't happen to know a Hinamori Momo, would you?" Duo asked.

"No..." The shinigami shook his head.

Lockon paused a moment then ventured a question. "Would you be able to tell is someone is dead?"

Jon listened to the conversation quietly, not interrupting.

Duo nodded. "Well, you don't dress like her, so I'd guess not..." He thought about Yachiru, too, but she had known Momo, so Tsuzuki probably didn't know her, either.

"Unless he's being shielded," Tsuzuki said, turning to look at him.

"Well, this might be a question best answered later, but could you tell if I am?"

Chewing his lip, Tsuzuki nodded slowly.

Lockon nodded, getting the drift of answer. Oddly enough he didn't seem to bothered being told that.

Duo frowned a bit. He wondered for just a moment if this island was becoming some sort of odd afterlife... but not everyone had been in a situation where they should have died before getting there. The American decided it was best not to think about it too hard.

Omi shifted around, a little uncomfortable at where this conversation had got it. "Um...I'm Tsukiyono Omi, and I don't have a Gundam either, but I work in a flower store."

Lockon took another bite of his pie then looked over at Omi. "That's still probably interesting."

Tsuzuki smiled brightly, glad for the topic change. "What sorts of flowers do you have?"

Duo smirked a bit. He know Omi's real occupation, but wasn't sure who else did.

"Oh, lots, though I have no idea where some of them come from." Omi frowned. "The tropical flowers I get, but the camelias and things like that? No idea."

Noticing Duo's smirk, he figured the braided man knew about his night-job, so he sent him a subtle look to make sure he wouldn't say anything.

Allenby chuckled. "There's a lotta things here that I'm not sure how they'd be here."

"Like polar bears," Omi added with an eyeroll.

Duo just shrugged. Since he wasn't sure, he wasn't going to spill. He understood the concept of keeping things underwraps. He wouldn't have been a very good Gundam pilot otherwise.

Allenby nodded in agreement with Omi. "Yeah... I don't understand that one, either."

Tsuzuki shook his head. "I think I saw some of those earlier when I was scouting."

Haro was clearly thinking about something then piped up. "Camelia. Native to eastern and southern Asia."

Omi looked at the little robot in amazement. "Wow, your robot knows more about this stuff than I do."

"I always thought camelias came from Europe."

Lockon chuckled. "That's because it doesn't take him as long to learn it."

Tsuzuki smiled sadly at the mention of the flower.

Omi noticed. "Something about camelias?" he asked gently.

"Just a case I worked on a while ago," he said, brushing it off. "It didn't end well."

Omi nodded. "Sometimes they don't," he said sympathetically.

"Mm..." Duo nodded in agreement.

"In my line of work, many of them don't." Tsuzuki put on a smile, taking a bite of his pie. "But I'm on vacation while I'm here, so I try not to think about it."

"That's good," Lockon remarked.

Omi smiled, liking the idea of a vacation, too.

Jon smiled. "Yes, this place is something of a vacation for me as well. I'm Jon Talbain by the way, a werewolf, moster to some."

"Na, you're not a monster," Tsuzuki said.

"Chef!" Haro piped up. "Chef!"

"Anyone who makes cakes like this definitely qualifies as human in my book," Omi added.

Duo laughed.

He chuckled. "Thank you very much. I'd rather be a cook than likely the most dangerious thing on the island."

"I think it's been a vacation for most of us," Allenby said.

"No, the most dangerous thing is probably Gundams with a mind of their own," Lockon remarked.

"That happened a few months ago."

"What are these Gundam things anyway?" Tsuzuki asked.

Duo nodded. "It was a little odd..."

Lockon blinked at Jon then Duo. "Odd..."

"Gundam?" Allenby said. She smiled. "They're large mechs built for fighting. There's several in the hangar."

Duo nodded at Lockon. "To say the least," he said. "Especially because one of them is very dangerous."

"How big?" Tsuzuki wanted a base to compare them to his shiki.

Lockon nodded. "Do I want to know which one was dangerous?" he asked, raising an eyebrow slightly.

"One was something of a pervert.. one kept trying to kill another one.."

Duo actually turned a bit red at the mention of the pervert. "Yeah... sorry 'bout that, Allenby," he said quickly.

She laughed. "It's okay. I'm sure Nobel coulda stood up for herself if it had come to that."

Omi eyes were boggling at this dialogue.

Duo just nodded and then looked back at Lockon. "Ironically, the really dangerous one is the one with the angel wings."

Tsuzuki gave him an odd look.

Omi rubbed his forehead. "It sounds like a plot from a bad anime."

"I believe the term would be 'One track programming'"

Duo nodded. "It was built to destroy other weapons," he explained. "It saw the other Gundams as just that... weapons.

Lockon chuckled. "Gundams are about 16 to 17 meters at least as far as I know," Lockon said directing the comment to Tsuzuki.

Tsuzuki nodded. "Bigger than Byakko, smaller than Sohryuu. Okay."

"That's about the height of most mobile suits where I'm from, too," Duo said.

Allenby nodded in agreement."

Lockon nodded even though he didn't get the reference.

"Then you have Samus and her power suit, that is only six and a half feet tall or so" Jon chimed in, figureing his girl friends mecha was worth mentioning.

Lockon blinked. "That's rather small."

"Oh, I've seen that!" Allenby said. "She keeps it in that ship in the hangar, right?"

"Hangar's startin' ta get kinda tight in there," Duo said in mild amusement.

"Thats hers, yes." Jon nodded and glanced at Lockon. "From what I've seen I beleive she has enough power to take on some of the larger mecha."

"How many of these 'mech' things are in there?" Tsuzuki asked.

"It'll get even tighter if the other members of my team show up," Lockon remarked.

"Hm... well... now that Lockon's is here... we've got seven gundams, three mobile suits, two zoids, two ES's, the ship..." Allenby shrugged. "A lot."

"A small army," Omi said thoughtfully. "Does anyone have any idea how the hanger appeared in the first place?"

"It just did, like everything elce here I would imagine." Jon said.

"It was here when we all first arrived," Duo said. "There had been one in the desert, too... some of us had been in another dimension like this one before." He frowned a bit. "That hangar, though, didn't show up until there were mechs to put in it."

"So things basically show up as needed?" Tsuzuki said, taking a bite of his pie.

"It certainly seems that way," Allenby said.

jon, lockon neil, tsuzuki, omi, duo, allenby

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