RP Log - Meeting Another Gundam pilot

Nov 24, 2008 21:21

Who: Lockon and Wufei
When: when Lockon is let out of the first aid station
Where: hangar
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Summary: two Gundam pilots talk

Wufei was stretched out over Nataku's hand, going over plans he'd drawn up for changes in the navigation system.

Lockon walked into the hangar, still a bit sore, but having approval to leave the first aid station this time. Haro was bouncing along after him, flapping. To someone who didn't know Haro, they'd likely think he was trying to fly. Lockon walked over Dynames, looking up at the Gundam, not realizing someone else was already there.

"Are we working on Dynames?" Haro asked, now bouncing next to him. "Are we working on Dynames?"

"Maybe," Lockon said, trying to decide if anything could be done.

Hearing the unfamiliar voice, Wufei peered over the edge cautiously. He blinked at the flapping ball. "What...?"

Lockon heard the other voice and looked up. So there was someone else here. "Hello there," he called, waving to Wufei.

Haro stopped bouncing and turned to look as well. "Haro! Haro!"

He stood up, now fully in view. Hostiles generally didn't greet you. "Hello."

"So I take it that's yours," Lockon remarked, picking up Haro. Haro flapped, still looking up at Wufei. He knew there were other Gundams here and whether it was a Gundam or not, he was impressed.

"She is," Wufei said. To be polite, he rolled up his plans and lowered himself down to the ground. "I take it you have one in here?"

Haro flapped. "Dynames! Dynames!"

Lockon nodded, putting his hand on the Gundam. "This one here."

He looked up at the mech. "Impressive."

"Yours a Gundam as well?"

"Your world uses the term as well?" Wufei asked, nodding.

Lockon nodded. "We do. Gundam Dynames."

"Nataku." The fondness for his gundam was clear in his voice.

Lockon nodded. "Forgive me for not introducing myself. Lockon Stratos. And this is Haro." Haro flapped in greeting.

Wufei bowed politely. "Wufei Chang of L5. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Nice to meet you as well," Lockon said setting Haro down. "So what was the purpose of the Gundams in your world?" It sounded strange to be refering to other worlds. He had never considered other worlds.


"Well, that's one thing they have in common," Lockon said with a sigh.

"Are you fairly new here as well?" Wufei asked.

Lockon nodded. "Only recently. Just left the first aid station."

Wufei smirked. "It seems to be a common first stop recently. I went through it as well."

Lockon nodded. "Though I can't help thinking I'm supposed to be dead." It was still nagging at him. He was alive...but the circumstances before this seem to indicate that he should be dead.

"There are some here that are," he said, face darkening somewhat.

"There are people here who are dead?" Lockon asked to make sure he understood correctly. Haro looked up at him.

"Several, I've heard," he said. "I've only met one so far, a man from my world. I witnessed his death, so I am sure of it."

Lockon frowned, his own features darkening for a moment. So that meant he really could be dead. "That's interesting information."

"If you arrived injured, I would doubt that you are dead," Wufei said. "It doesn't make sense to me, but you would have to ask others for a more solid answer."

"I probably will," Lockon remarked. "I'll have to see if someone else can answer that for me."

"Treize or Pluto may know."

"Okay, I'll check with them."

Wufei nodded.

Haro flapped. "Haro! Haro!"

Lockon chuckled at the obvious attempt at a distraction.

Wufei smiled slightly. "What is he?"

"He's a Haro," Lockon said. "Haro are robots. This one helps work on my Gundam and helps control my Gundam when I am aiming Dynames's gun."

"Do most gundams in your world have them?"

Lockon shook his head. "Mine was the only one to use a Haro for piloting. That was because Dynames is designed as a sniper. I have to have time to aim and I can't really do that in open battle. So Haro temporarily takes over control."

Do you aim manually?" he asked, curious about this different gundam.

Lockon nodded. "At least I do. Exia attacks directly with blades. Kyrios also uses a firearm weapon, but he doesn't aim it as long as I do and the missles are put on set courses. Dynames's missles are the same. Virtue...Virtue's design to not have to aim. It just takes out anything in the path of the beam."

Wufei nodded. "They are your allies?"

Lockon nodded. "The other Gundams I fight...I guess fought actually...along side."

He gestured to the other four gundams that belonged to his comrades. "My old comrades' gundams. As far as I was aware, they'd all been destroyed some time ago. Somehow, we and them have all ended up here."

"Hmm..." Lockon said. "But as far as I am aware, none of the other Gundams were destroyed...I didn't even know mine had."

"We destroyed ours after the end of the war."

"The war was...is still going on as far as I know. I either arrived here right before I died in battle or after I died in battle."

"Ours went on for far too long as it was," Wufei said.

"Ours was only a couple of months of actual fighting...but I don't know what happened with it." He shrugged.

"If you are alive, you may be sent home at some point," he said. "It's up to whatever brings us to the island. I know two people who went back to our world and then returned here."

Lockon nodded. Of course the next thought he had that he didn't mention was what if he was dead in his own world. This was kind of like a half-way point between life and wherever the grand scheme of things chose to send him if that were the case.

"Have you met any of the other pilots?"

"I believe the names were... Jamie Hermos and Trowa Barton."

He nodded. "Barton is from my world."

"Ah. That's good then."

"It is."

"So what is there in this place besides the beach, the hangar, and the first aid station?" he asked.

"There's a rather extensive library, a hot springs, a cafe, our huts," Wufei listed off. "Several stores and I'm sure other things I've yet to visit myself. There is no curency or barter system here, so there's no worry about having money."

"That's handy since I don't have an money," Lockon remarked. "I'll have to go check out some of the other stores."

"With so many different worlds meet, a currency would not work well here," he said. "And many people arrive with nothing other than their own clothes."

Lockon nodded. "That sounds familiar."

"Oddly enough, there were quite a few things in Nataku that I'd stowed at one point or another during the war when I went through her storage space after arriving here. My sword included."

Lockon chuckled. "I'll have to check then and see if any of my firearms came with me."

"It's possible."

Lockon nodded.

"Will you be maintaining your gundam while you're here?"

Lockon nodded. "I'll at least try to," he remarked. "Don't want it falling into disrepair in case I need it."

Wufei nodded in approval. "It would shame Nataku if she were to be neglected."

Lockon nodded. "It would be a shame to let them just collect dust."

"I've actually been working on modifying her navigations to better cope the surroundings," he said, motioning to the plans in his hands.

"Sounds good," Lockon said. "I haven't looked around much so I might have to do that as well. However, I don't think the sand will pose much of a problem."

"Nataku's better designed for fighting in space than on land," Wufei said.

"So is Dynames, but that's mostly air and space."

"What is your world like?"

"The world is split into three major alliances," he said. "The three of them are focused around the towers that go to space. There's still a lot of conflict...alot of it being focused around us towards the end."

"Towers?" he asked curiously.

Lockon nodded. "In our world, we've stopped using fossil fuels so everything runs off of solar energy. The towers are evenly spaced across Earth to support the ring of...essentially large solar panels."

"An interesting concept," he said. "Though very different from our colonies."

"Ah. We have stations on top of the towers, but that's the furthest settlement we have."

"We have several colony clusters in orbit," Wufei said. "Several of the other pilots and I were born there."

"Interesting. Wonder if we'll ever get to that point."

"The first of the colonies went up two hundred years ago," he said. "My home colony was one of the first ones completed."

"Very interesting."

"Unfortunately, the governing of the colonies was the cause of the war."

"I see. That's a shame."

Wufei nodded.

"I can assume it was taken care of now?"

"The war officially ended about four years ago," he said. "The Preventers try to keep down activity that could start another."

"Sounds like a plan," he said. "Certainly don't want more wars."

"Never again."

Lockon nodded.

"It cost us far too much."

"I would imagine. That's what usually happens."

Wufei nodded solemly.

"Well, I don't want to keep you from your plans anymore," Lockon said.

"It was nice meeting you," he said, stepping back towards Nataku.

"Nice meeting you as well," Lockon said walking back over to Dynames. Haro flapped happily.

Sending down the zipline, he returned to his work.

wufei, lockon neil

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