I am leaving this as anonymous because I feel that if you knew who I was you wouldn't take me advice... You truely have to know, understand, and love yourself before you can ask others to do the same. My advise to you is find out who you are or who you want to be, and don't be afraid of it. If there is anything NOW that you don't like about yourself... change it!!! Use this as a fresh start. Take a week and discover it, because when you do, life as you know it now, will be 1000 time more worth liveing!!!
liz...everything's gonna be okay. and i have to tell you 'perfect' does not exist, yet it is in your reach. in order for perfect to exist, you have to first accept flaws. no one or any one thing is perfect, it only becomes perfect when you see what isnt perfect about it and learn to love that as well. take a couple days or a weekend and go away or something and discover all the good things about you and your life. i can assure you, no matter how bad life sucks, there are still more good things than the bad. i can see good in everyone and i see a lot in you, and i'm sad that you can't see it. theres good in everything. xo amberly
O_O....wow...i wish everyone could see it. Nick told me i was cursed once...cursed because i couldnt see my own beauty or something like that...i guess i can see what you both mean...where do you live again?? O_O cuz i could really use friends like you. o and by the way, i commented on your My Space...
I live in Hazard...its about 3-4 hrs away unfortunately... :( but we could still hang out..and I'd be more than happy to be your friend cus I don't have a lot of good gal friends either., And yeah you need to see the beauty in you cus trust me, its in everyone. Some more so on the inside, some more so on the out, but yours is both so what niggggaaa r u blinddd!?!?
haha! i must be blind! ^_^ but you made me see the light. thanks Amberly! lol. yea i dont have many girl friends either. now that its summer, and i know you got wheels, i believe you should come up here for a few days of good ol' fun. :) haha.
Comments 8
take a couple days or a weekend and go away or something and discover all the good things about you and your life. i can assure you, no matter how bad life sucks, there are still more good things than the bad. i can see good in everyone and i see a lot in you, and i'm sad that you can't see it. theres good in everything.
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