♪ Application for That'll Be The Day ♫

Jul 26, 2011 03:53


You the User
AIM/MSN/Yahoo: Optional but it would be a good thing to have AIM
E-Mail Address: Will not be made public
Main Journal:
RP Experience:
How did you hear about this community?:

Character Name:
Character Nickname(s):
1950s or Present-day? (These are suggested on the Available Characters page but are subject to change if you feel strongly about placement).
Character Journal: Can have one already made or can wait till character is accepted.
Sexual Orientation:

In Depth
Please be as detailed as possible in this section. More the details the better.
Physical Appearance:
Played By: This means the actor in the icons you will be using (please note that if you're character is from the past, their icon(s) will be in black and white).
Personality: Please try and keep it as close to the show personality as possible. Some changes can be made, as given the time and place they were raised. Add in their views and what possibly needs to be changed.
Biography: We would like to know about your character’s past.

Etc: Anything else you want to add

Writing Proficiency
First Person Journal Entry:
Third Person Role Playing Entry:

Copy and paste into a comment to apply!

You the User
AIM/MSN/Yahoo: Optional but it would be a good thing to have AIM
E-Mail Address: Will not be made public
Main Journal:
RP Experience:
How did you hear about this community?:

Character Name:
Character Nickname(s):
1950s or Present-day? (These are suggested on the Available Characters page but are subject to change if you feel strongly about placement).
Character Journal: Can have one already made or can wait till character is accepted.
Sexual Orientation:

In Depth
Please be as detailed as possible in this section. More the details the better.
Physical Appearance:
Played By: This means the actor in the icons you will be using (please note that if you're character is from the past, their icon(s) will be in black and white).
Personality: Please try and keep it as close to the show personality as possible. Some changes can be made, as given the time and place they were raised. Add in their views and what possibly needs to be changed.
Biography: We would like to know about your character’s past.

Etc: Anything else you want to add

Writing Proficiency
First Person Journal Entry:
Third Person Role Playing Entry:

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