*puts thinking cap on*

Oct 09, 2008 13:30

I've been thinking lately (yeah, I know... alert the media), that I dabble in many fandoms, I love a lot of tv shows, and they all couldn't possibly be more different from one another if you tried. I go from sci-fi to teen!soaps, from fantasy to RealLife. Doctor Who, Gossip Girl, X Files, Buffy tVS, Queer As Folk, The West Wing, Dead Like Me, ( Read more... )

rtd, tv shows, me

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Comments 6

aschicca October 9 2008, 12:03:01 UTC
Wow, that's just so true. I loved the Allow the bastards to be lovely, allow the heroes to be weak, and then they'll come alive especially. It's actually what I like about all my favourite characters in all my favourite shows too.

*bows to RTD* Thanks for sharing hon!


tazza_di_jo October 9 2008, 13:44:41 UTC
Me too. It's so true. It's what I love. It's why I love Brian, and the Doctor, and Spike. And all the others.

Like Katie wrote below, I though this would be a much more fannish book, but it's turning out to be surprisingly deep and emotional and... personal. I love it.


kasha_g_sahhn October 9 2008, 13:08:25 UTC
Damn him, he's written an enlightening book. I thought it would be more fan!boy but, it has turned out to be a lot more serious then that, a lot more revealing. I love that he berates and second guesses himself, that he allows us to see his doubts. It makes me feel better about my own multitude of faults.


tazza_di_jo October 9 2008, 13:46:23 UTC
I love him. He's a genius. An Evil Genius, mind, but still a genius. I'm loving this book like crazy, and all I want to do is THANK HIM, for having the courage of revealing so much of himself.


knittedshadow October 9 2008, 13:29:45 UTC
aw that quote is kind of lovely, and Allow the bastards to be lovely, allow the heroes to be weak rings especially true. That's what makes people invest in characters; their hidden strengths and their obvious flaws.


tazza_di_jo October 9 2008, 13:47:16 UTC
It is, isn't it? I had to share it.


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