*puts thinking cap on*

Oct 09, 2008 13:30

I've been thinking lately (yeah, I know... alert the media), that I dabble in many fandoms, I love a lot of tv shows, and they all couldn't possibly be more different from one another if you tried. I go from sci-fi to teen!soaps, from fantasy to RealLife. Doctor Who, Gossip Girl, X Files, Buffy tVS, Queer As Folk, The West Wing, Dead Like Me, Supernatural, Sdoacg, Heroes (not so much lately, but whatev), Lost, and many many more. What is it that all these shows have in common, that attracts me, that reels me in, that makes the characters come alive in my imagination?

RTD just summed it up, pg 29 of The Writer's Tale:

"The key with characters is to be honest. If a character's actions are believable, then that character will work. [...] Allow the bastards to be lovely, allow the heroes to be weak, and then they'll come alive".

rtd, tv shows, me

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