Oct 17, 2008 03:44

Wow. She calls Ben, to talk, for the first time after last episode's epic FAIL, and it's to tell him she's done being a call girl to get Alex back? "We're cool, right?" Suuuuure, Hannah. Epic fail SQUARED! Poor Ben.

Huh, Hannah, that's not gonna be enough.
"I've never felt so humiliated, disgusted and appalled in my life. And I've never felt so cheated, manipulated and... and deceived. And if I'm honest, I've never... hated someone. As much as I hated you that day." *squishes*

Oh, no, Ben is so going to sleep with that girl.

Who leaves their mobile at home nowadays? No batteries, no credit, sure, but at home?

Knew it. Poor Ben. Did he really break up with Vanessa or is that the short version of his problems with Hannah?

God, I love these two. Hannah so doesn't deserve Alex, but I can't help but root for them.
"You ruined my exit". Hee!

Hannah's poor attemps at convincing Alex make me smile so much! "I think I'm dying and you know I'm tired. You know me so well! We're meant to be together!" Pfft. And mmmmm, rumpled!Callum. Yum.

She unplugged the phone! His face! She's sooo immature... it shouldn't be so endearing. Alex is so doomed.

Ouch, his heartbroken "would we still be together?" "...yeah".
See her tonight? Oh shit. Oh shit wasn't there in the promo a scene where Ben came to her apartment drunk and it was dark outside? Shit, they're gonna meet and it's going to come out.

Doomed. Even the background music says so.

Pfft, the job! But doesn't she have a college degree (or was that just another lie for her family?)? Couldn't she look for something... better?

And here we have Ben drunk. This episode is stressing me out so much I NEED to stop watching and write here or my head is gonna explode.

I love Alex more and more. "That you're doing this for yourself and not just for me". Nailed it right on the head.
ALEX WHAT ARE YOU DOING? At least you can't get it up. Gee, wonder why.

Oh shit, and here's Ben.
So he did break up with Vanessa. For Hannah. And then she called him and... poor Ben.

Well, thought it'd be worse. Callum's chest. Chest of Callum. Nom nom nom.

Wow, the promo. There she goes, breaking her promise already. Although I'm kinda hoping there's something more behind it. The lady blackmailing her? No?

I guess I'm just too vanilla to accept this profession as normal. I love the story, I think it's beautifully written and the characters are so wonderfully complicated and real, but though I know it's never going to happen (precisely because this is REAL), part of me still hopes for Hannah to lock away Belle for good. Not out of love for Alex (or Ben), but for herself as a woman. Because I can't help but still see prostitution as... degrading. Even when it's dressed up all nice in flashy expensive clothes and shoes, even when it's clear that it's her choice. In fact, it's worse, exactly because she has a choice. I'm not judging, far from it, but for me sex is one of the most intimate acts you can share with a person, and I guess I just can't understand how one can be so casual about it. No, it's not even the casuality, because I don't have a problem with people shagging around, it's the getting-something-for-it that bothers me. Using your body that way, like nothing else has enough value. I'm equally bothered by women using sex to get ahead in their jobs. I don't know if that's some feminist bullshit, but I don't care how much they tell us that it's just because she's lazy and she loves sex, frankly that "find what you're good at and stick with it" speech makes me feel a little sick, and I can't help but think of what could have happened in her childhood or later to make her have such a low self-esteem to think that she's no good at anything else. But maybe that's just me being all old-fashioned or something, and maybe I'm being patronizing and should just shut up. I don't know if I'm even explaining myself right, it's 3.30 in the bloody morning and I stayed up to watch this bloody thing and now I can't sleep. I'm not even rereading this or I'll delete it.

Sorry. Rant over. IS IT NEXT THURSDAY YET??

tv shows, sdoacg

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