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Comments 7

sherarara October 3 2008, 13:09:10 UTC
That episode broke me! I had to pause the show and come back to it when I saw Alex walk by on the way up to Belle's flat. Augh! The tension!


tazza_di_jo October 3 2008, 15:20:47 UTC
When I saw him walking up with the flowers. (the flowers!) I burst out "Fuck fuck fuckity fuck fuck!" In English. I'm Italian. My brother even came into my room to see what was the matter with me (and I had to pause and hide the player). We kind of knew it was coming, but STILL! So well done. I want more. NOW.

I need Callum Blue - Billie icons.


arabian October 3 2008, 13:46:32 UTC
So good. This show is so damn good! I'm even more grateful to Doctor Who now because I never would have watched this without having watching Who because I tuned in just for Billie. To have missed out on this would have been wrong, wrong, wrong because it's just amazing. GAH! I can't say enough good things about it. I just can not.

Is it next week yet!?!??!?!


tazza_di_jo October 3 2008, 15:14:47 UTC
It so is! And it makes me angry that so many people diss it without having ever watched it...

I tuned in just for Billie
Me too!

I can't wait... I can't watch the preview on the website and I haven't been able to find a download link or anything on youtube... what happens?? I've had a look at the behind-the-scenes photos, and there's one with Alex that I don't think happened yet... some kind of confrontation, I think. AAGH.


aschicca October 3 2008, 15:24:32 UTC
Not watching it (not a Billie Piper fan... *runs and hides*) so I can't comment on the post but I have to say... this has to be the show with the weirdest abbreviation EVER! Sdoacg? LMAO!



tazza_di_jo October 3 2008, 15:36:42 UTC
Even if you didn't like Billie in Doctor Who (perfectly understandable), you should definitely give this a try. She's great in it, and it's a great show. Subtle, cheeky, REAL, full of real people with real reactions and a GREAT cast. It's not that much to watch - 8 episodes in series 1, 5 atm in series 2, all 20 min long. Give it a try! C'mon, trust me. You trusted me on Recovery and Takin' Over The Asylum, didn't you?


aschicca October 3 2008, 16:10:12 UTC
Yeah, I know you usually are right and I've never regretted seeing something you suggested but... those where all things with at least someone I liked (read DT here *g*). Here we're talking about a series with someone that annoys me on her good days...and we won't mention the bad ones... sorry.... it's not even her role in DW since I liked Rose. It's her... she's not a favourite of mine. To put it mildly and kindly :)

Sorry. But I'm happy you found a show you love!!


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