
Mar 23, 2011 09:49

 Just so every one knows, ('cause I totally meant to post this yesterday, but ran out of time and energy) I'm now home from the hospital.  YAY \o/\o/\o/\o/  I'm on some hefty antibiotics and bed rest for the remainder of the week.  I don't have a lot of energy, but duh, I have pneumonia.  LOL ( Read more... )

real life, personal

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Comments 29

pottsfanatic March 23 2011, 15:00:58 UTC
Happy to hear you're out of hospital and had a chance to go to the wake. Most of the wakes I've been to for both family and friends have been great celebrations. I hope you and your family were able to celebrate your Papa's life and how much joy he brought to your family. Feel better soon.


tay_21 March 23 2011, 15:47:45 UTC
Thanks. I'm happy to be out of hospital also. :-)

Yeah, it totally is a celebration.

I always like that icon. He looks so unguarded.


pottsfanatic March 23 2011, 17:25:04 UTC
It's one of my favourites too. I seem to always go back to it don't I?


prehistoriccat March 23 2011, 18:02:38 UTC
I hope all went well with the funeral, from what you've said previously it sounds like you are giving him a great send-off, one he'd really appreciate.

As for fic, I might have "yummy roots" to post later, basic fic finshed just needs some padding, and as I've been thinking about it today Danny Quinn has popped up demanding to be given an alternate series 4 story too so the ginger one may make an appearance ;) It should hopefully be quite light compared to the angsty stuff that's around.

Big hugs as always xx

PS which mood theme pic have you got? Are you using Curly's animated Primeval one like me? (mmmm Connor in bed....)


tay_21 March 24 2011, 20:15:12 UTC
Yes, all went well. It was moving and kinda awesome.

*Hugs back* Thanks so much.

Yes, It's Curly's. I used some of her alternates, though I don't remember which, so I could get as much Connor as possible. :-) (I know, it's hot isn't it. LOL)


deinonychus_1 March 23 2011, 18:26:08 UTC
*hugs* Hope the funeral goes (or went) okay (I can never get my head round the time difference).


tay_21 March 24 2011, 20:15:43 UTC
It did. Thank you. *hugs back*


auntypam March 23 2011, 23:50:30 UTC
So glad to hear you're home:) I understand about the american flag, and Military funerals give me shivers. Take care of yourself*hugs*


tay_21 March 24 2011, 20:16:19 UTC
Thank you so much. They really are incredibly moving as far as funerals go.


casy_dee March 24 2011, 00:46:13 UTC
I'm so glad you got to go to the wake, I was afraid you'd have to miss it. Please take care of yourself and get well soon. *hugs*


tay_21 March 24 2011, 20:18:25 UTC
Thanks. The whole thing was very moving. *hugs back*


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