Apr 22, 2011 00:48

Time again for the triumphant re-return of the HMD ( Read more... )

how's my driving, modly post

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Comments 66

THE MODS taxonmods April 22 2011, 05:49:34 UTC
Mod-crit is here again, in lite and alien form! For reference, your mods are:

Gidget (taxshakey)
Keri (taxspice)
Rumi (taxfurby)
Sarah (taxshark)

And all four of us share duties between taxcollectors, theextras, and fathertaxmas.


CARLEE yourlivewire April 22 2011, 05:59:14 UTC
max guevara; dark angel. (aregulargirl)
elena gilbert; the vampire diaries. (adeadringer)
angela dodson; constantine. (deniedthesight)

i know i've pretty much dropped the ball on activity as far as angela, but if you've got crit regarding any of them, i'd really like to hear it. ♥ thanks for your time in advance!


CARLEE likealexander April 22 2011, 06:04:10 UTC
I've enjoyed talking with Angela, and will enjoy it MORE when I'm less tagfail. I don't know Max's or Elena's canons, and it's been so long since I've seen Angela's, that I can't offer anything useful at all. Except that the little bit I've had the chance to RP with you has been excellent, and I really hope for more in future.


egregiouslypink April 22 2011, 07:06:42 UTC
Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar bb what do I even say.

I really, really love your characters, dude. Elena is ripped straight from the show, as is Max. I know Angela is the character who tends to be the last on your roster, but when she's around I adore her. (That zombie thread with her and Faith was A+.)

I think my only critique is sometimes... ffffff, how to put this. It looks (from an outsider's perspective) you focus a lot on ships? And lol since I play one half of one of a kind of ship you know I don't mean it like OMG YOU SUCK AND ONLY ARE IN IT FOR BONIN' SO CUT IT OUT but I'd like to see more emphasis on the less romantic aspects, in some cases? Like for example with Elena, this thing with Stef and her and Kat could be a rockin' chance to explore her outside of the 'Elena as girlfriend' role.

ANYWAY you know ilu, man. You're epic, keep it up.


Kim likealexander April 22 2011, 06:00:22 UTC

I'm feeling really unsure about the voices for Loki and Mattie especially, so ANY suggestions/concrit would be awesome.

(eta: There's an anon-enabled crit thread on each character journal, for the anon-inclined as well.)


egregiouslypink April 22 2011, 06:42:34 UTC

Nooooooooo okay. Bear with me, my brain's still all CLEAN ALL THE THINGS!!!

I'll take 'em one by one.

Loki: I know you worry about his voice sometimes, but holy god dude. I adore your Loki, I think you strike the absolute perfect balance between his trolly fuckheadedness and the very serious issues (and years) he's packing. His threads are by far some of my very favorite to stalk, even if they have no bearing at all on any of my characters. He's a true delight, no lie.

Mattie: REALLY NOW, WHY THE DOUBT. I am just... floored at how well you play her. True Grit's got the ~hillbilly Shakespeare~ thing going down, as the Coens put it; you have managed to capture that... stilted lyricism just wonderfully. Her tags are so amazing to read, and I can pretty much see the faces she's making, even without the help of icons. I like how you manage to blend the futuristic elements of Taxon itself with Mattie's very, very old fashioned sensibilities and never lose who she is as a character. (And on a self-centered side ( ... )


likealexander April 22 2011, 06:47:47 UTC
/cries and flounces (which I originally typed as "flunches" so idek)

Um, what can I possibly say to all of that except ADSKFLJDSKLFAJ THANK YOU. You know I'm still feeling things out with all of them and I just....fffff, idk, Mattie's voice especially is hard work for me, and I guess when they don't feel like they're coming naturally then I worry. (And I have been unsure whether Loki is actually balanced or kind of all over the place, so that makes me feel a lot better.)


egregiouslypink April 22 2011, 06:55:25 UTC
...that reminds me I have leftovers and I want to NOM THEM FOREVER.

I think Mattie is def one of those characters who takes work, but for what it's worth it looks effortless on your part, at least from this end. And ffffffffffff lol Loki should be somewhat all over the place, ADD freak he is. :P


gidget; gogogidget April 22 2011, 06:11:36 UTC
River Tam (biverbam) | Firefly/Serenity

My activity has been really horrible lately, and I know there are things I need to focus on more so I'm trying to figure out how to do that now while hoping rl stuff calms down enough that I can concentrate. Basically if there's anything you've noticed in play that seems off for any reason, please please tell me so I can make sure to fix it.


egregiouslypink April 22 2011, 06:45:19 UTC
Every time HMD comes around I wish I had something new to say so I don't retread the same old shit I say every time, but damn dude. WHAT DO I SAY. Your River is the River, for me. You've allowed her to grow and change in Taxon, while still keeping her so recognizably River when I read her tags I remember why I loved the show so much.

Tl;dr? Keep on keepin' on, you're flawless.


gogogidget April 22 2011, 14:23:39 UTC
I AM VERY GLAD TO KNOW YOU STILL THINK ALL THESE THINGS! Not flawless, 'cause I know there's plenty I could improve on if I put my mind to it, but knowing you still thing so highly of what I've done so far means a lot to me. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


inapostbag April 22 2011, 21:10:11 UTC
I haven't been able to play as much as I want with River (which is mainly my own tagfail and the evils of RL), and that's sad because I adore your River. I think you do a wonderful job of getting inside her head and understanding how she would see the world and respond to it, and then putting that into language that just sounds so River. I really enjoy reading her and I like that you've been playing her for a good while and are still consistent with the way you write.


rumi; sunkist April 22 2011, 06:28:22 UTC
Concrit on my characters and myself (both as a player and as a mod - although, please hit up the top comment for general mod crit) is very much welcomed. ❤cametolife ⇛ liz parker ⇛ roswell
nofunever ⇛ stefan salvatore ⇛ tvd
tiberiuskirk ⇛ james t. kirk ⇛ star trek xi
undoing ⇛ angel ⇛ the buffyverse


Re: rumi; egregiouslypink April 22 2011, 06:53:05 UTC


...Sob your only newbie is Liz and I haven't seen enough of her to make a comment. HERE HAVE STUFF ON YOUR OLDBIES.

Steeeeeeeeeeef I just. When I say I couldn't play off another Stefan now? It's no bullshit, because we've built so much backstory and headcanon another Stef would feel wrong. I love love love love love LOVE him. And I especially love your delicate handling of the Stefan and Kat drama right now; in another rper's hands it could be an utter trainwreck, and with you I find myself nodding along like YES, THIS IS PERFECT. You put so much time and thought into Stefan's thoughts and motivations, it's lovely ( ... )


sunkist April 22 2011, 23:00:36 UTC
Yes, I need to get Liz out there more. That's one of my main goals for this upcoming month, since I'm still working on establishing more solid CR with her.

kdjflaskjdflkajsf that makes me so happy to hear, you have no idea. While I've felt confident in Stefan's actions, I've also been rather paranoid that the justification for his actions in my head weren't coming across clear in the narrative. I've been trying to meta as often as possible in regards to his direction and the reasons behind why he's picked that path, so those outside the drama who can't see the outline for it have more insight. tl;dr: I'm glad it seems to be coming off that way.

;______; ♥


Re: rumi; eggplantgout April 23 2011, 22:54:30 UTC
I am such a failboat, you know my characters' canons way better than I know yours BUT I HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY.

I have not had any threads with your Kirk but hot damn is it good to see one who talks about other things than just getting into everyone's pants. There's a lot more to anyone than just one exaggerated aspect and you are clearly aware of the whole picture. I don't really know buffyverse at all but I want to mention that it is a lot of fun tagging Angel and I'm glad that you are down with shenanigans! PS I don't know Roswell either but so far I enjoy Liz, so thank you for introducing me to a character I wouldn't have otherwise known. I shall troll her like the wind.


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