meme: to glitch or not to glitch, that is the question.

Feb 23, 2011 19:59

the "what should i glitch?" meme
glitch n. \'glich\ → a usually minor malfuntion; a minor problem that causes a temporary setback; a false or spurious electronic signal.
Taxon's got all the definitions covered, right? While the game itself, and the setting at large, may experience glitches from time to time, from talking food to spurts of truthfulness to even zombies, characters themselves can glitch on their own. Want to make your adult character think they're back in high school or take it a few steps further and tinyifiy them? Go for it! There's no need to wait for an event when you can simply request to glitch on your own. It can be anything from a step back to an earlier point in canon, to a character that your character's actor plays in a different movie/show/etc. (Such as Glitch being glitched-- no pun intended, we promise-- into Floop, for example.) You can even genderbend your character or make them a slightly, or extremely, AU'ed version of themselves. The possibilities are endless!

But, what if you don't have any ideas? THAT'S WHAT THIS MEME IS FOR. Simply comment with your characters and others will reply to you with glitch suggestions. Rinse, lather, repeat. If you have any questions about glitches, whether it be length and what's allowed and not, please hit up the top comment to this post. Otherwise, suggest away and don't forget to request a glitch if one happens to strike your fancy!

meme, modly post

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